TeamCity On-Premises 2024.07 Help

Upgrade Notes

Changes from 2024.07.2 to 2024.07.3

Changes from 2024.07.1 to 2024.07.2

Bundled Tools Updates

  • The Perforce Helix Core client (p4) was updated to version 2022.2-2637361 in Agent and Server Docker images.

Known Issues

  • The SSH Agent build feature fails to load SSH keys on Windows agents. See this YouTrack ticket for more information: TW-89529.

Changes from 2024.07 to 2024.07.1

Bundled Tools Updates

  • The bundled Git was updated to version 2.46 in both Server and Agent Docker images.

Changes from 2024.03 to 2024.07

Bundled Tools Updates

  • The bundled Git was updated to version 2.45.2 in both Server and Agent Docker images.

  • TeamCity distribution no longer bundles the HSQLDB library. Instead, it is now downloaded on demand (in case you already use the HyperSQL database or select this option for a new TeamCity server on its first launch). If your TeamCity instance is offline or fails to download the required library due to proxy server settings, download the hsqldb1-1.0.0.jar directly from and place it to <TeamCity Data Directory>/lib/jdbc.

Known Issues

  • Build agents that originate from 2024.07-nanoserver-1809 and 2024.07-windowsservercore-1809 Docker images become incompatible with some of TeamCity runners after these agents restart. To work around this issue, remove the C:/BuildAgent/plugins directory from the image to enforce plugins update. TW-88962

  • Maven steps may fail with the "Error injecting: org.apache.maven.DefaultMaven" message. We expect to ship a fix for this issue with the TeamCity 2024.07.1 bug-fix update. As a workaround, install the patched Maven plugin or execute your build commands from the CLI runner instead.

  • Version 2024.07 is not recognized by the Kotlin DSL, leading to the "settings version 2024.07 is not supported" error when importing versioned settings from DSL.

Changes from 2024.03.2 to 2024.03.3

No potential breaking changes.

Changes from 2024.03.1 to 2024.03.2

  • The bundled Git was updated to version 2.45.1 in both Server and Agent Docker images.

Known Issues

  • If you utilize the Amazon Elastic Container Service Support plugin, please update it to the latest "SNAPSHOT-20240513140730" version. Older versions may malfunction with the 2024.03.2 version of the TeamCity server.

  • AWS-hosted agents of the "Instance" type may fail to authorize to TeamCity server. As a workaround, you can resolve this issue by adding internal properties as suggested in the following ticket: TW-88068.

  • TeamCity server fails to authorize Azure cloud agents from attached Virtual Machines. Note that this issue does not affect Azure images hosted in managed images. If migrating Azure cloud agents from VMs to images does not suit your requirements, please track the TW-88070 to get timely notifications on Azure Resource Manager Cloud Support plugin updates that we expect to implement in the nearest future.

Changes from 2024.03 to 2024.03.1

No potential breaking changes.

Changes from 2023.11 to 2024.03

  • The Commit Status Publisher build feature configured for Perforce Helix Swarm no longer posts intermediate build statuses (queued, started, canceled) to the Swarm review's Comments tab. Instead, the feature announces only the final build status (successful or failed). You can additionally uncheck the Code Review Comments option in the build feature's settings dialog to disable these remaining status notifications as well (in this case, the Commit Status Publisher will only update the review's Tests tab).

  • Starting with version 2023.03, versions of dotCover Command Line Tools that are no longer supported by the JetBrains dotCover team are explicitly marked as "deprecated".

    Deprecated dotNet Cli versions

    Although these versions will remain functional, we encourage you to migrate to non-deprecated versions instead. Note that you should also install .NET Framework 4.7.2+ or .NET Core 3.1+ on agent machines for the non-deprecated versions to operate.

  • When installing custom agent tools, editing the teamcity-plugin.xml file to set executable bits is no longer required. Instead, make sure that the archived files already contain all required file permissions. In this case, files remain executable when the tool archive is unpacked on the agent machine.

  • If your existing configurations continue using the TeamCity.Node plugin, download the latest version here. Older plugin versions fail to load with agents reporting the "Failed to initialize spring context" error.

Maven Tooling Updates

Version 2024.03 introduces a number of changes related to bundled Maven tools. These changes are dictated by certain Maven versions containing known CVEs, and carry on the initiative that aims to reduce the size of TeamCity installers by unbundling certain non-crucial components and tools.

These changes and their potential effects on your existing projects include the following:

  • All Maven versions that are not in use by Maven steps and triggers are removed. Maven versions required by existing configurations will be downloaded and installed when your TeamCity server first starts. If the server cannot establish connection with, you will need to manually install the missing tools. If no existing configurations are using Maven, only the latest version 3.9.6 will be installed.

  • If there are no existing configurations that utilize the "Default" version of Maven, version 3.9.6 becomes the new "Default". Otherwise, the "Default" option will keep pointing to the same Maven tool as before (for example, 3.6.3).

  • If an existing build configuration utilizes manually installed Maven 3.9.6 and stores its settings in VCS, editing this configuration generates a patch that changes the value of the mavenVersion parameter from custom to bundled_3_9_6.

Bundled Tools Updates

  • Maven 3.9.6 was added as one of the standard versions of the tool available in TeamCity. See also the Maven Tooling Updates section for the information about notable changes related to Maven in version 2024.03.

  • The bundled Kotlin compiler (used in TeamCity DSL) and Dokka (the documentation engine for Kotlin) was updated to version 1.9.22.

  • The internal HSQLDB database was updated to version 2.7.2. Note that this database should not be used for actual production purposes.

  • The bundled dotCover tool has been updated to version 2023.3.3.

  • The Jersey library used by TeamCity REST API was updated to version 2.41. This change does not affect regular REST API users. However, since version 2.41 exhibits significant changes compared to the previous 1.19 (for example, the modified dependency injection logic), 3rd-party TeamCity plugins that rely on REST API (for example, a highly popular tcWebHooks) may become incompatible with the updated TeamCity server.

  • The bundled Tomcat was updated to version 9.0.87.

  • Agent Docker Images for Linux now ship with updated Docker-related tools.

    • Docker Engine (Docker CE and Docker CE CLI) were updated to version 24.0.9. This change also leads to the Docker Compose update to version v2.25.0.

    • containerd was updated to version 1.6.28.

Known Issues

  • Agents running from the Windows 2024.03-nanoserver-2022 Docker image become incompatible with certain runners after they restart. This issue occurs only after a restart, after their initial launch agents operate as expected. View this YouTrack ticket to track this issue: TW-87124.

  • Builds that pull TFS repositories fail with the java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError message if the checkout mode is "Always checkout files on agent". To fix this issue, download an updated VCS support: TFVC plugin compatible with TeamCity 2024.03 from this YouTrack issue: TW-82824.

  • If you face the "Invalid or corrupt jarfile /data/build/teamcity/buildAgent/plugins/environment-fetcher..." error reported by the bundled Node.js or legacy TeamCity.Node plugins, download the updated Process Environment Fetcher plugin from this YouTrack issue: TW-87170.

  • Build agents can unregister due to inactivity after the server restarts. See this issue for more information: TW-87156.

Changes from 2023.11.4 to 2023.11.5

The bundled Git was updated to version 2.45.1 in both Server and Agent Docker images.

Changes from 2023.11.3 to 2023.11.4

  • The bundled Git was updated to version 2.43.2 in both Server and Agent Docker images for Linux and ARM. Windows images keep using version 2.43.0 as this is the latest currently available version of Git-For-Windows.

Known Issues

  • Installing this bugfix or a stand-alone security patch causes older versions of multiple unbundled plugins to fail with the "403: Access Denied" responses. These issues have been fixed in newer versions of corresponding plugins or TeamCity server.

Changes from 2023.11.2 to 2023.11.3

No potential breaking changes.

See this article for the complete list of fixed issues: TeamCity 2023.11.3 Release Notes.

Known Issues

  • TeamCity performance is decreased if the server cannot reach the domain. See this YouTrack ticket for more information: This issue is addressed in the 2023.11.4 bug-fix date.

  • Generating coverage reports using JaCoCo may fail with the ClassNotFoundError. To resolve this issue, upgrade to TeamCity 2023.11.4. Depending on whether your current JaCoCo coverage tool was installed pre- or post- 2023.11.x server update, you may also need to reinstall this tool and restart your build agents. See this YouTrack ticket for more information: TW-86574.

Changes from 2023.11.1 to 2023.11.2

No potential breaking changes.

See this article for the complete list of fixed issues: TeamCity 2023.11.2 Release Notes.

Known Issues

  • Generating coverage reports using JaCoCo may fail with the ClassNotFoundError. To resolve this issue, upgrade to TeamCity 2023.11.4. Depending on whether your current JaCoCo coverage tool was installed pre- or post- 2023.11.x server update, you may also need to reinstall this tool and restart your build agents. See this YouTrack ticket for more information: TW-86574.

Changes from 2023.11 to 2023.11.1

  • Previously, reporting test metadata with the ##teamcity[testMetadata testName='...' name='...' type='number' value='...'] service messages resulted in TeamCity showing a graph with milliseconds as the Y-axis units. This behavior was unexpected for users who passed non-DateTime values. In version 2023.11.1, the type='number' parameter formats the Y-axis of the graph as plain numbers. To continue viewing values as milliseconds, change the type to the new ms value. Other available values introduced in this version are bytes and percent.

Bundled Tools Updates

  • The bundled Tomcat was updated to version 9.0.83.

Known Issues

  • Generating coverage reports using JaCoCo may fail with the ClassNotFoundError. To resolve this issue, upgrade to TeamCity 2023.11.4. Depending on whether your current JaCoCo coverage tool was installed pre- or post- 2023.11.x server update, you may also need to reinstall this tool and restart your build agents. See this YouTrack ticket for more information: TW-86574.

Changes from 2023.05 to 2023.11

Bundled Tools Updates

  • .NET Core 3.1 is no longer bundled with the TeamCity Agent Docker images.

  • The version of .NET SDK bundled with the TeamCity Agent Docker images has been updated from 5.0 to 6.0 (the current Microsoft LTS version).

  • Starting with this release, the .NET SDK version bundled with the TeamCity Agent Docker images is aligned with the Microsoft LTS version current at the time of the TeamCity release.

  • The bundled Tomcat was updated to version 9.0.80.

  • The bundled Git was updated to version 2.43 in both Server and Agent Docker images.

  • Following the initial end-of-life announcement by Microsoft, TeamCity server and agent Docker images will no longer use Windows 10 version 2004. Starting with the 2023.11 release, we will publish images based on Windows Server 2022 images instead. Older Docker images that were already published (for example, jetbrains/teamcity-minimal-agent:2023.05.4-nanoserver-2004) will be neither upgraded nor removed.

  • The bundled dotCover tool has been updated to version 2023.2.2.

  • To reduce the size of TeamCity distributions, the largest TeamCity build tool, IntelliJ IDEA, no longer ships with TeamCity installers. Instead, TeamCity will download and install this tool on the first server startup. To check the download/install progress (or to manually install the required version of IntelliJ IDEA on server instances that failed to do so automatically), navigate to the Administration | Tools page and scroll to the IntelliJ Inspections and Duplicates Engine section.

  • The bundled Kotlin compiler (used in TeamCity DSL) and Dokka (the documentation engine for Kotlin) was updated to version 1.8.22.

  • The bundled ReSharper CLT was updated to version 2023.1.1. This version does not include the dupFinder Command-Line Tool, which deprecates the TeamCity Duplicates Finder (ReSharper) runner (see the initial deprecation announcement). To continue using this runner, install JetBrains ReSharper Command Line Tools 2021.2.3 or older and specify a path to this tool in the runner's advanced settings (the R# CLT Home Directory field).

S3 Plugin Updates

Due to the S3 Plugin overhaul, the following settings are no longer available:

  • The Use pre-signed URLs feature is available by default and cannot be disabled.

  • The Access Key ID, Secret Access Key, IAM Role and Default provider chain options are no longer available for native AWS S3 storages. Instead, use settings of an AWS Connection these storages utilize to edit corresponding options. When you view or edit an existing S3 bucket that employed any of these settings, TeamCity shows the Convert to AWS Connection link that allows you to transfer them to a new AWS Connection. We recommend that you do so to keep all connection-related options outside storage settings.

  • The AWS Region is now automatically retrieved from the selected storage.

  • The Open IAM Console link is hidden.

  • Existing storages with custom endpoints and enabled Default Credential Provider Chain option are now explicitly converted to the "Custom S3" type.

EC2 Plugin Updates

The Amazon EC2 plugin was significantly reworked in version 2023.11. As a part of this overhaul, it is no longer possible to push TeamCity agents to EC2 instances spawned from AWS Cloud Image. As an alternative, use EC2 images that already include TeamCity agents.

In version 2023.11.2, we expect to rollback this change for cloud profiles configured before the 2023.11 update. This will allow you to continue using the agent push functionality for the existing cloud agents. However, we encourage you to update your setup and bake TeamCity agents into your AMIs instead of installing them via the agent push. The latter option will be completely disabled in one of the future releases.

2023.11.4 Update: Agent pushes are temporarily re-enabled for all cloud profiles, both those configured prior to version 2023.11 and new ones.

TeamCity Plugin for IntelliJ Platform Updates

  • From TeamCity 2023.11 onwards, when two-factor authentication (2FA) is enabled on the TeamCity server, it is no longer possible to log in to TeamCity from the IntelliJ Platform using username/password credentials. You can log in with username/access token credentials instead.

HTTP / SSO Authentication Modules Updates

The following updates have been made to the Azure DevOps OAuth 2.0, Bitbucket Cloud, GitHub App, GitHub Enterprise,, GitLab CE/EE, and authentication modules:

  • The Add Module dialog has a new Allow any <IdentityProvider> user to log in checkbox. If you want to configure a module that does not restrict users to a particular domain, organization, workspace, or group, you must check this box instead of leaving the Restrict authentication field empty.

  • If an existing authentication module in version 2023.05.04 is configured with an empty Restrict authentication field, after migrating to version 2023.11, TeamCity displays the warning notification All users should be allowed to login, or at least one <IdentityProvider> organization must be specified. on the Administration | Authentication page.

Known Issues

  • At TeamCity, we are fully dedicated to bolstering the comprehensive security of our platform, and we consistently enhance our product to realize this commitment.

    In version 2023.11, we have fixed certain issues related to the artifacts' domain isolation feature. As a side effect of these changes, some users can experience infinite redirect loops (ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS) when attempting to access build artifacts. To fix this issue, make sure your proxy server provides valid X-Forwarded-Host headers (see the Configuring Proxy Server article for the configuration examples).

    You can also roll back these changes by adding the teamcity.internal.domainIsolation.serveArtifactsOnlyFromArtifactsUrl=false internal property. Be advised that the internal property disables the aforementioned security update, thus lowers the TeamCity server security.

  • If your TeamCity username includes encoded special symbols (for example, emoji), you may be unable to log in to TeamCity via the IntelliJ Platform Plugin. See the following ticket for more information: TW-85284.

  • (fixed in the 2023.11.1 bugfix update) TeamCity may be unable to run new builds for Subversion repositories accessed over the secure SSH protocol (SVN+SSH). See this issue for more information: TW-85310.

  • (fixed in the 2023.11.1 bugfix update) LDAP synchronization currently fetches first 1000 users. As a workaround, set the internal property to a larger value. See this YouTrack ticket for the resolution progress: TW-85444.

  • (fixed in the 2023.11.1 bugfix update) Commit Status Publisher cannot publish build statuses to Bitbucket Cloud if the parent TeamCity build configuration has an ID longer than 40 characters. See this issue for more information: TW-85393.

Changes from 2023.05.4 to 2023.05.6

Tooling updates in Server and Agent Docker imaages:

  • Git and Git for Windows were updated to version 2.45.1.

  • Perforce was updated to version 2022.2-2531894.

Known Issues

  • Requests sent by the GitHub Commit Hook plugin fail with the "403: Access Denied" error. Update your plugin to version 2022.04-109057 to resolve this issue. See this YouTrack ticket for more information: TW-86680.

  • The Administration page is not accessible from TeamCity UI if the plain-text LDAP connection URL (ldap://...) is used. To resolve this issue, switch to a secure LDAPS connection (recommended) or add an internal property as suggested in the following ticket: TW-88069.

Changes from 2023.05.3 to 2023.05.4

No potential breaking changes.

See this article for the complete list of fixed issues: TeamCity 2023.05.4 Release Notes.

Changes from 2023.05.2 to 2023.05.3

No potential breaking changes.

See this article for the complete list of fixed issues: TeamCity 2023.05.3 Release Notes.

Bundled Tools Updates

  • The bundled Git was updated to version 2.42 in both Server and Agent Docker images.

Changes from 2023.05.1 to 2023.05.2

See this article for the complete list of fixed issues: TeamCity 2023.05.2 Release Notes.

Upcoming DupFinder Runner Deprecation

Starting with the next TeamCity version, the Duplicates Finder (ReSharper) runner will be unable to operate since it relies on a tool that is no longer shipped with ReSharper Command Line Tools. See the corresponding server health report for more information.

Known Issues

  • Builds that pull TFS repositories fail with the java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError message if the checkout mode is "Always checkout files on agent". See this YouTrack issue for more information: TW-82824.

Changes from 2023.05 to 2023.05.1

Publishing Artifacts of Batch Builds in Parent Configuration Builds

With this bugfix update, automatically created batch builds aggregate their artifacts under the Artifacts tab of parent configuration builds. See this article for more information: Publish Artifacts Produced By Batch Builds.

Bundled Tools Updates

  • The bundled Git was updated to version 2.41 in both Server and Agent Docker images.

Miscellaneous Changes

  • The "Open an interactive session to the agent" permission was renamed to "Invoke interactive agent terminals". The new name highlights the recent behavior change: this permission now specifies whether users can open agent terminal tabs introduced in version 2023.05 and is no longer related to deprecated SSM terminals.

  • You can now decorate artifact publishing rules with the #teamcity:symbolicLinks=... attribute to choose whether symlinks present in published directories should be included as is, or TeamCity should include files and folders referenced by these symlinks in the published archive. See this article for more information: Publishing Symlinks.

Changes from 2022.10 to 2023.05

Planned deprecation of Java 8 in TeamCity Server

TeamCity 2023.05 supports Java versions 8, 11 and 17, but Java 8 support will be discontinued in one the next TeamCity versions. If you use a non-bundled version of Java 8, we highly recommend that you migrate your server to Java 11 or 17.

Bundled Tools Updates

  • The bundled Kotlin compiler (used in TeamCity DSL) and Dokka (the documentation engine for Kotlin) were updated to version 1.7.10.

  • The bundled Tomcat was updated to version 9.0.75.

  • Amazon Corretto Java bundled with TeamCity Windows installer and TeamCity Docker images was updated to version


The Web Application Description Language (WADL) generator is now removed. See the initial announcement for more information.

Multinode Setup Updates

  • The "Processing user requests to modify data" responsibility was renamed to "Handling UI actions and load balancing user requests".

  • The <TeamCity Data Directory>/config/nodes-config.xml file listed only "MAIN_NODE" responsibility for main nodes. In version 2023.05, this configuration file lists all responsibilities enabled on a main node.

Podman Support

Due to the implementation of Podman support, the following changes were made:

  • The "Docker Wrapper" extension was renamed to Container Wrapper.

  • The "Docker Info" tab on the Build Results Page was renamed to "Container Info".

  • Adding the Container Wrapper build feature to a build configuration no longer applies the docker.server.version exists agent requirement. Instead, TeamCity now defines the docker.server.osType exists condition. This property is synchronized with podman.osType so that agents with Podman installed instead of Docker are compatible with this new requirement.

TeamCity Metrics Updates

Starting with version 2023.05, TeamCity metrics accessible via the <TeamCity_server_URL>/app/metrics endpoint comply with the OpenMetrics specification. Due to this enhancement, the following changes were implemented:

  • "summary" metrics changed their suffixes from _total to _sum. For example, TeamCity now reports build_queue_optimization_time_milliseconds_sum instead of build_queue_optimization_time_milliseconds_total.

  • metrics that previously had the _number suffix no longer have it. For example, the agents_connected_authorized_number metric is now called agents_connected_authorized.

To preserve previously collected metrics and use them along with updated data, do one of the following in your metric monitoring solution (such as Grafana):

  • (recommended) Use the or operator in graph settings to merge metrics with new and old names. For instance:

    sum(increase(vcs_changes_checking_milliseconds_sum{type="COLLECT_CHANGES"}[1m])) or sum(increase(vcs_changes_checking_milliseconds_total{type="COLLECT_CHANGES"}[1m]))
  • Use the Prometheus relabeling configuration to rename metrics back to their old names before they are written to a Prometheus database.

In addition to these changes, TeamCity no longer reports the "experimental" tag for metrics. Note that some metrics are still considered experimental and accessible via the <TeamCity_server_URL>/app/metrics?experimental=true endpoint.

Miscellaneous Updates

  • Users with the "Project Developer" role can now download and view the .teamcity/settings/buildSettings.xml hidden artifact. Previously, this action required the "Edit project" permission that is enabled for "Project Administrator" and higher roles.

  • Agent pages no longer display the Open SSM Terminal action link. This functionality was deprecated in favor of more generic Open Terminal button. See Debug Agents Remotely for more details.

  • Configurations with agent-side checkout mode do not support postfixes in checkout directory paths (for instance, +:src/main => src/main/postfixDirectory). If you specified a postfix in checkout rules, previous TeamCity versions silently swallowed this error and ran builds that ignored your postfixes. Starting with version 2023.05, TeamCity shows the corresponding error message and does not allow new builds to start. See this section for more information: Agent-side checkout rules limitations.

Known Issues

  • TeamCity shows the "Docker rate limit warning" for build agents that use rootful Podman (that is, containers run as root on agent machines) to pull containers, even if the Podman client successfully authorizes before pulling an image. For agents using Docker, this warning is showed only if agents pull images without authentication, which may cause reaching the download rate limit.

  • If you have multiple projects with GitHub App connections to the same GitHub App, a webhook for only the first connection detected by TeamCity is functional. Projects with other connections keep polling their corresponding repositories for changes.

  • Uploading artifacts to S3 buckets may fail for larger files. We expect to fix this issue in the next bugfix update (2023.05.1). In the meantime, download and install a custom build of the S3 Plugin from this YouTrack issue: TW-81866.

  • Settings of EC2-based cloud profiles may not show the checkbox that allows you to utilize locally stored IAM Roles, leaving authorization by Access ID/Secret Key as the only option. We expect to fix this issue in the next 2023.05.1 bugfix update.

  • If a directory published as a build artifacts contains symbolic links, files and folderes referenced by these symlinks are no longer included in the produced artifact archive. This issue will be resolved in the 2023.05.1 bugfix update, see this article for more information: Publishing Symlinks.

  • Some TeamCity pages are missing their html and body tags. See this ticket for more information: TW-82749.

  • Agents spawned from AWS machine images that utilize the first version of Amazon Metadata (IMDSv1) fail to retrieve property values from metadata and pass automatic authorization. See this ticket for more information: TW-82176.

Changes from 2022.10.4 to 2022.10.6

Tooling updates in Server and Agent Docker imaages:

  • Git and Git for Windows were updated to version 2.45.1.

  • Perforce was updated to version 2022.2-2531894.

Known Issues

  • Requests sent by the GitHub Commit Hook plugin fail with the "403: Access Denied" error. Update your plugin to version 2022.04-109057 to resolve this issue. See this YouTrack ticket for more information: TW-86680.

  • The Administration page is not accessible from TeamCity UI if the plain-text LDAP connection URL (ldap://...) is used. To resolve this issue, switch to a secure LDAPS connection (recommended) or add an internal property as suggested in the following ticket: TW-88069.

Changes from 2022.10.3 to 2022.10.4

No potential breaking changes.

Changes from 2022.10.2 to 2022.10.3

Bundled Tools Updates

  • The bundled Git was updated to version 2.40 in both Server and Agent Docker images.

  • The bundled Tomcat was updated to version 9.0.71.

  • The Perforce Helix Core client (p4) was updated to version 2022.2-2407422 in Agent and Server Docker images.

Known Issues

Using the "Default Credentials Provider" as a principal AWS connection may cause the "Default Credentials Provider Chain: The security token included in the request is expired" error when the session expires. This issue is already fixed in the latest AWS Core plugin that will be bundled with TeamCity in the upcoming 2022.10.4 bugfix version. To manually install this plugin version, download the corresponding attachment from the TW-80253 ticket.

Changes from 2022.10.1 to 2022.10.2

Bundled Tools Updates

  • The bundled Git was updated to version 2.39.1 in both Server and Agent Docker images.

  • The Perforce Helix Core client (p4) was updated to version 2022.2-2369846 in Agent Docker images.

  • The bundled Apache Tomcat was updated to version 8.5.84.

Upcoming REST API Updates

The Web Application Description Language (WADL) generator will be removed in version 2023.05 since we now utilize Swagger to generate documentation REST API and client code.

If you rely on this generator tool, contact us to share your business requirements.

Changes from 2022.10 to 2022.10.1

AWS Connection

Default Provider Chain credentials type is disabled by default

The Default Provider Chain credentials type in AWS connections is now disabled by default to prevent associated security risks. To enable this option, set the internal property (The default value is false.) No server restart is required after the property is set.

Custom STS endpoint is disabled by default

Only the global or regional AWS STS endpoints can be used as STS Endpoints in the AWS connection configuration. To use a custom endpoint for Amazon alternatives like MinIO, contact the TeamCity support team.

Changes from 2022.04 to 2022.10

Planned deprecation of Java 8 in TeamCity Server 2023.04

TeamCity 2022.10 Server supports Java versions 8 and 11, but Java 8 support will be discontinued in the next version, TeamCity 2023.04, to be released in April 2023. If you use a non-bundled version of Java 8, we highly recommend that you migrate your server to Java 11 before TeamCity 2023.04.

Note that TeamCity is not compatible with Java 17, which makes Java 11 the only version planned for support in TeamCity Server 2023.04.

Bundled tools updates

  • The bundled Amazon Corretto Java has been updated to version

  • The bundled Tomcat has been updated to version 8.5.82.

  • The bundled Kotlin compiler in the Kotlin Script runner has been updated to version 1.7.10.

  • Maven 3.8.6 has been added as one of the bundled versions of the tool.

  • The embedded Maven library has been updated to version 3.8.6.

  • JDBC drivers for external databases suggested on the fresh TeamCity installation have been updated to the following versions:

    • MySQL to 8.0.30

    • PSQL to 42.5.0

    • MSSQL to 9.4.1

Other updates

Permission to connect to an agent's EC2 instance via AWS SSM

TeamCity system administrators are now granted the new role, Open an interactive session to the agent, which lets them use an interactive browser-based shell on an EC2 agent from the TeamCity UI without providing Amazon credentials. It is possible to connect to agents if they are configured as described here.

Free disk space for artifacts is calculated automatically

The Free disk space build feature keeps track of the size of artifacts and automatically calculates the disk space required for resolving artifact dependencies. You do not have to take into account the size of the artifacts downloaded during the build when specifying the required disk space.

Backward compatibility for Bitbucket Server pull request branches

TeamCity provides backward compatibility with Bitbucket Server pull request branches that are not officially supported by Atlassian. The Pull Requests build feature has the Use pull request branches option that enables detection of such branches (pull-requests/*) instead of source branches. After the upgrade, this option will be enabled for existing build configurations using such branches. We do not recommend using this option.

Performance Monitor

The Performance Monitor build feature is now enabled by default for build configurations created from a URL.

Known issues

Security risks of AWS connection

If your TeamCity server is hosted on an AWS instance that has an associated IAM role granting access to sensitive resources, using an Amazon Web Services (AWS) connection with the Default Provider Chain credentials may present a security risk. In this case TeamCity project administrators who configured this type of connection can access all AWS resources permitted by the role.

To work around this security issue, we strongly recommend that TeamCity server administrators disable the use of the Default Provider Chain credentials type in AWS connections by setting the internal (The default value is true.) No server restart is required after the property is set.

We will disable this type of credentials by default in the next bugfix update.

Kotlin DSL plugin may fail to resolve dependencies

The Kotlin DSL plugin may fail to resolve DSL dependencies after upgrading to 2022.10, if a project's Kotlin DSL settings use third-party libraries.

If you face this problem, upgrade to the bug-fix version 2022.10.1 that ships with an updated version of the DSL plugin.

Changes from 2022.04.5 to 2022.04.7

Tooling updates in Server and Agent Docker imaages:

  • Git and Git for Windows were updated to version 2.45.1.

  • Perforce was updated to version 2022.2-2531894.

Known Issues

  • Requests sent by the GitHub Commit Hook plugin fail with the "403: Access Denied" error. Update your plugin to version 2022.04-109057 to resolve this issue. See this YouTrack ticket for more information: TW-86680.

  • The Administration page is not accessible from TeamCity UI if the plain-text LDAP connection URL (ldap://...) is used. To resolve this issue, switch to a secure LDAPS connection (recommended) or add an internal property as suggested in the following ticket: TW-88069.

Changes from 2022.04.4 to 2022.04.5

No potential breaking changes.

Changes from 2022.04.3 to 2022.04.4

  • The ReservedCodeCacheSize=640m attribute is set by default for new server installations. If the attribute was specified in an earlier TeamCity version, you'll have to update it manually after upgrading. See the TW-76238 issue.

  • SVNKit has been updated to 1.10.8.

Changes from 2022.04.2 to 2022.04.3

  • SVNKit was updated to 1.10.7, which resulted in a problem with svn+ssh roots. It did not close connections and generated many threads. The problem was resolved in version 2022.04.4. To fix the issue in TeamCity 2022.04.3, download a plugin from the TW-77134 issue.

Changes from 2022.04.1 to 2022.04.2

No potential breaking changes.

Changes from 2022.04 to 2022.04.1

No potential breaking changes.

Known issues

  • There is a new performance problem in the Git plugin which slows down checking for changes operation for some of the Git repositories. For the issue to reproduce, a VCS root should have "Enable to use tags in the branch specification" option enabled and +:refs/tags/* should be specified in the VCS root branch specification. The repository should also have many thousands of tags. Please see TW-76397 for a workaround.

Changes from 2021.2 to 2022.04

  • To comply with the common identifier format of .NET tests, TeamCity now uses a different format of names for .NET assemblies (omitting a file extension). On updating to 2022.04, this format will be applied within all the tests launched via the test or vstest command of the .NET runner. As a result of this change, the investigations, mutes, and history of these tests may be reset.

  • TeamCity stops supporting the Microsoft Edge Legacy web browsers.

  • Triggering builds via REST API will be disabled when the queue limit is reached on the server.

  • TeamCity reporting of Ant's tasks will be disabled if Ant is started by a Java version below 1.8.

  • Windows docker images based on 2004 will not be published for 2022.04 version.

  • Replaced log4j v1.2 with log4j v2.17 (see TW-47084).

External plugins updates

Some popular external plugins are not compatible with TeamCity 2022.04 and have to be updated before the upgrade.

Download newer versions of these plugins from JetBrains Marketplace:

Bundled tools updates

  • Versions 2017.1 and 2017.2 of TeamCity REST API have been unbundled. If you have been using any of these versions in your scripts, consider switching to the latest protocol version as described here. If switching is not an option and this is a breaking change for your setup, please contact us via any convenient feedback channel.

  • Updates in TeamCity Agent Docker images:

    • The bundled .NET Core SDK has been updated to 6.0.100.

    • The two bundled versions of .NET Core Runtime are 3.1.21 and 5.0.12.

    • Bundled Git has been updated to version 2.36.0

    • The bundled Java was updated to version

  • Bundled IntelliJ IDEA has been updated to version 2021.2.3. Note that this version requires Java 11.x. Previously added IntelliJ Inspections/Duplicates steps with the bundled version will become incompatible with the agents running Java below version 11.

  • The bundled Kotlin compiler used in TeamCity DSL has been updated to version 1.6.21

  • The SBT launcher, used in the Simple Build Tool (Scala) plugin, has been updated to version 1.5.5.

  • Freemarker, used by TeamCity notification templates, has been updated to version 2.3.31.

  • The Qodana plugin has been bundled with TeamCity. If you previously installed the Qodana plugin and used DSL, you'll need to update your DSL settings. We're providing a special version of the plugin that contains both old and new Kotlin DSL settings. All deprecated settings are marked and alternatives are provided. After the migration, you can delete this plugin and use the version bundled with TeamCity.

  • The CVS plugin has been unbundled from TeamCity. If you want to continue using it on your server, please download it from JetBrains Marketplace and install it as described here.

  • The Eclipse plugin has been unbundled from TeamCity. Contact our support if you need the plugin.

Changes from 2021.2.2 to 2021.2.3

  • To avoid false positive reports from some security scanners, TeamCity now uses an instance of the Log4j 1.2 library without vulnerable classes. To achieve this, we've created our own fork of Log4j 1.2 on GitHub, removed vulnerable packages unused by TeamCity (net, chainsaw, jdbc, and jmx), and built the library.

Known Issues

  • After upgrading to 2021.2.3, builds might fail to check out sources from git repositories on Azure DevOps (both Server and Services) via SSH. See the related issue for details.

    If you face this problem, please apply a workaround from the issue.

  • Builds might fail to publish artifacts or a build number via commands of an MSBuild script. This problem can be worked around by changing the build log verbosity level to normal: to do this, set the msbuild.logger.params configuration parameter to verbosity=normal. Alternatively, you can download the fixed .NET plugin here and install it manually on your server.

Changes from 2021.2.1 to 2021.2.2

  • Changed format for .NET assembly names

    To comply with the common identifier format of .NET tests, TeamCity now uses a different format of names for .NET assemblies (omitting a file extension). On updating to 2021.2.2, this format will be applied within all the tests launched via the test or vstest command of the .NET runner, but the investigations and history of these tests might be reset. The details on the changes to the common identifier format in .NET can be found in the Microsoft Documentation.

Bundled tools updates

  • Updates in TeamCity Agent Docker images:

    • The bundled version of .NET Core SDK has been updated to 6.0.100.

    • Bundled two versions of .NET Core Runtime: 3.1.21 and 5.0.12.

Changes from 2021.2 to 2021.2.1

  • To comply with the common identifier format of .NET tests, TeamCity now uses a different format of names for .NET assemblies (omitting a file extension). After updating to 2021.2.1, this format will be applied within all the tests launched via the test or vstest command of the .NET runner, but the investigations and history of these tests might be reset.

  • If parametrized .NET tests are launched with the test command of the .NET runner, TeamCity will show them as a single test with multiple runs, while previously it counted them separately and displayed the parameters' values per test in the Tests tab.

    To revert to the previous behavior, please download the fixed version of our .NET plugin and install it as described here.

Bundled tools updates

  • The Perforce Helix Core client (p4) is updated to version 2021.2/2201121.

Changes from 2021.1 to 2021.2

No data converters in 2021.2

TeamCity 2021.2 does not introduce any new data formats compared to version 2021.1 and does not contain data converters. This simplifies and thus speeds up the upgrade/downgrade between these versions.

2021.2 Known Issues

  • Can't use remote run from ReSharper and Eclipse with enabled 2FA

    Users who have configured two-factor authentication for their TeamCity accounts, temporarily cannot run and debug TeamCity builds remotely from ReSharper and Eclipse. If using the remote run from these tools is crucial to your pipelines, make sure 2FA is set to Optional on your servers (default option), so users can disable it for their own accounts anytime.

  • .NET builds may fail due to enabled deterministic source paths

    Builds with .NET steps may fail with the " SourceRoot items must include at least one top-level (not nested) item when DeterministicSourcePaths is true " error. This error is caused by the conflict between the expected paths' format (deterministic) and the approach used in your project (likely, absolute paths to sources).

    As a workaround, consider adding the /p:ContinuousIntegrationBuild=false command-line argument to disable deterministic source paths, or download and install the fixed .NET runner as described here.

  • .NET builds fail if .NET version is \< 6.0 and a path to a build agent contains whitespaces

    If you run a build with a .NET step on a build agent that has whitespaces in its OS path and the used .NET version is earlier than 6.0, the build will fail with the " Only one project can be specified " error.

    As a workaround, consider switching to .NET 6.0, or download and install the fixed .NET runner as described here.

  • Invalid property errors when passing .NET parameters containing special characters

    If running .NET commands via the .NET runner results in the " Property is not valid " error, you may need to adjust the system parameters being passed to it. Since version 2021.2, the .NET runner no longer escapes special characters in parameters. This new approach allows passing lists of parameters, but might cause errors if your existing parameters contain such special characters.

    To resolve this issue, please revise and adjust the parameters being passed — make sure to escape all the occurring special characters in them.

  • Microsoft Azure agents fail to automatically start/stop

    Build agents running in the Microsoft Azure cloud may fail to automatically start/stop and, after a timeout, freeze in the "Scheduled to Stop" state.

    To work around this issue in the Azure plugin, please set the teamcity.kotlinCoroutinesPool.configurator.enabled=false internal property. This issue will be automatically resolved on upgrading to the next bugfix update.

  • Builds using Ruby Environment Configurator have no compatible agents

    Enabling the Ruby Environment Configurator feature in a build configuration will add the env.AAAA agent requirement to it. Thus, the build agents that don't have this environment variable will be marked as incompatible, and TeamCity won't be able to run this build on them.

    To work around this issue, please update the Ruby plugin to the fixed version as described here. This issue will be automatically resolved on upgrading to the next bugfix update.

  • DSA/DSS SSH keys can't be used in TeamCity 2021.1.4 and 2021.2

    After upgrading to any of these versions, the SSH keys of the DSA/DSS format are rejected with the " ssh-dss cannot be used as public key type for identity " error.

    To continue using them in TeamCity, please follow this workaround.

  • UnknownHostException when fetching files from Git LFS 3.0.0

    Users might get the error when fetching files to build agents from Git LFS 3.0.0. This version switched to the pure SSH protocol. According to this protocol, it adds before the host name. The JSch library used by TeamCity for SSH connections doesn't support them and treats these symbols as a part of the host name.

    To work around this issue, set the teamcity.git.use.native.ssh=true build configuration parameter. Alternatively, you can temporarily downgrade Git LFS to a version earlier than 3.0.0. This issue will be fixed in TeamCity 2021.2.1.

  • C# Script builds may fail if .NET profiling is enabled

    Running a build with C# Script steps on .NET with enabled profiling may result in the " Failed to create CoreCLR, HRESULT: 0x80004005 " error. This issue can occur only if .NET is launched inside a Docker container or in Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL).

    To work around it, add an environment variable COMPlus_EnableDiagnostics=0 to your build configuration.

  • TeamCity fails to initialize a cloud client when creating an Amazon EC2 spot fleet profile

    When creating a cloud profile for an Amazon EC2 spot fleet, users might get the " Failed to initialize cloud client 'amazon'. An exception occurred while parsing config. " error. This error only occurs if the " Specify instance attributes that match your compute requirements " option is enabled in the current fleet's instance type requirements.

    To work around this issue, please remove the InstanceRequirements block from the fleet's JSON configuration file before uploading it to TeamCity. This issue will be fixed in TeamCity 2022.1.

  • Builds might fail to publish artifacts to Amazon S3 if AWS KMS is used

    After updating to 2021.2, builds might start failing on an attempt to publish artifacts to an Amazon S3 bucket encrypted with an AWS KMS key. This issue is caused by the recently added integrity check for build artifacts. To temporarily disable it in a project and workaround the issue, set the property on a project level.

    This problem will be fixed in TeamCity 2021.2.3.

Canceled bidirectional agent-server communication protocol

The support for the bidirectional agent-server communication protocol has been stopped. Since version 2021.2, agents will connect to the server exclusively via the unidirectional protocol.

To upgrade TeamCity from versions earlier than 9.1, where the unidirectional support was first introduced, to 2021.2, use one of the following methods:

  • Upgrade the server to version 2021.1, wait until all the agents upgrade as well, and then upgrade the server to 2021.2.

  • Upgrade the server to version 2021.2, uninstall the old agents manually, and then install the new agents.

Perforce automatic labels become default

If you use VCS labeling for a Perforce root, note that TeamCity now creates automatic labels by default. If you want to continue using static labels, you can revert to the previous behavior by adding the teamcity.perforce.useStaticLabels=true internal property.

Fixed inconsistency in build chains clean-up

Previously, builds in an artifact dependency configuration were never cleaned up if its dependent configuration had a snapshot dependency on another build configuration which was set to be preserved. For example, if C artifact-depends on B and snapshot-depends on A and A is set to be preserved, B was not cleaned up even if the " Keep artifact dependencies " option was enabled in C. Now, builds in the artifact dependency configuration (C) will be cleaned up properly, in full accordance with the clean-up rules.

This fix restores the intended behavior, but we recommend that you review your clean-up settings to ensure no builds will be cleaned up unexpectedly after the upgrade.

Planned deprecation of Java 8 in TeamCity Server 2022.04

TeamCity 2021.2 Server supports Java versions 8 and 11, but Java 8 support will be discontinued in TeamCity 2022.04, in April 2022. If you use a non-bundled version of Java 8, we highly recommend that you migrate your server to Java 11 until the 2022.04 release.

Note that TeamCity is not compatible with Java 17, which makes Java 11 the only version planned for support in TeamCity Server 2022.04.

Bundled tools updates

  • Bundled Amazon Corretto Java has been updated to version in the TeamCity server and agent Docker images for Windows and Linux.

  • Bundled Tomcat has been updated to version 8.5.72.

  • Bundled JaCoCo has been updated to version 0.8.7.

  • Bundled Ant has been updated to version 1.10.11.

  • The Bundled Kotlin compiler, used in TeamCity DSL, has been updated to version 1.5.31.

  • The bundled dotCover tool has been updated to version 2021.2.2.

  • The following notifications plugins are no longer actively used and thus unbundled from TeamCity:

    • Jabber/XMPP

    • RSS feed support

      To proceed using their functionality in TeamCity 2021.2, you need to download the required plugin via the link above and install it as described here.

Changes from 2021.1.3 to 2021.1.4

  • Updates in TeamCity Agent Docker images for Linux:

    • Git is updated to version 2.25.1.

    • The Perforce Helix Core client (p4) is updated to version 2021.1/2179737.

Changes from 2021.1.2 to 2021.1.3

No potential breaking changes.

Changes from 2021.1.1 to 2021.1.2

  • If you run a personal build that is a part of a build chain, all its dependency builds will now be run as personal builds as well.

    However, if you enable the reuse of suitable builds in the dependency settings, TeamCity will try to optimize the chain whenever possible. If running a personal dependency build does not bring any value or contradicts the checkout rules, TeamCity will use a finished non-personal build instead.

Changes from 2021.1 to 2021.1.1

No potential breaking changes.

Known Issues

  • Builds that use Git submodules might fail with the " Failed to perform checkout on agent " error. To prevent it, you need to set a branch for each used submodule in .gitmodules.

    This problem will be fixed in version 2021.1.2, but you can already download and install our Git plugin with the fix here.

Other Updates

  • If you have added the teamcity.nuget.feed.async.request.enabled internal property to work around this issue in 2021.1, remember to remove it on upgrading to 2021.1.1.

  • VCS roots of archived subprojects are now hidden by default on the Project Settings | VCS Roots page. You can display them by enabling the including archived filter option.

Changes from 2020.2.x to 2021.1

No potential breaking changes.

Known Issues

  • When trying to load a NuGet package which name contains the . (dot) character, users get the "Could not find acceptable representation" exception in the build log. This is caused by the issue in the new performance optimization algorithm: it truncates the filename to the part preceding the first dot. To work around this issue, please download the fixed NuGet Support plugin here and upload it in Administration | Plugins. Alternatively, you can temporarily disable the new optimization mode by setting the teamcity.nuget.feed.async.request.enabled internal property to false — note that this property has to be removed after upgrading to TeamCity 2021.1.1.

Git Use Mirrors is deprecated in favor of Checkout Policy

Git VCS roots now receive the new Checkout Policy option that replaces the Use Mirrors checkbox and provides more flexibility. On upgrading, the roots' settings will keep their selected states. However, Git roots' settings in Kotlin DSL specifications need to be updated.

The useMirrors parameter in the Kotlin DSL of Git VCS roots is deprecated and replaced by the checkoutPolicy parameter that supports the following values: AUTO (default), USE_MIRRORS, NO_MIRRORS, SHALLOW_CLONE.

Deprecated non-portable Kotlin DSL

Non-portable Kotlin DSL format is deprecated. It is no longer possible to create new projects in this format. For compatibility, projects that are already stored in this format will continue working.

Changed default port for Windows installers

The default port in the TeamCity installer for Windows has been changed to 8111. Now, both tar.gz and exe installers use the same port.

OR as default operator for Lucene search

TeamCity Lucene-based search now uses the OR operator by default instead of AND. This corresponds to the default Lucene syntax and helps optimize the search behavior and reduce its index size.

SVG build status icon by default

The build status icon, available via the default http://<TeamCity Server host>:<port>/app/rest/builds/<buildLocator>/statusIcon REST API endpoint, is now provided in the SVG format instead of PNG. The statusIcon.svg endpoint is still supported for compatibility with existing scripts.
To get a PNG icon, use the statusIcon.png endpoint.

Unbundled old versions of REST API

The following old versions of REST API have been unbundled: 6.0, 7.0, 8.1, 9.0, 9.1. If this change causes any problems for your setup, please contact us via any feedback channel.

Bundled Tools Updates

  • Bundled Amazon Corretto Java has been updated to version in the TeamCity server Docker images and Windows installers.

  • Bundled Ant has been updated to version 1.10.10. Note that this version requires Java 8 or later.

  • Bundled dotCover and ReSharper CLT have been updated to version 2021.1.2.

  • Bundled JaCoCo has been updated to version 0.8.6.

  • The Bundled Kotlin compiler, used in TeamCity DSL, has been updated to version 1.4.32.

  • Bundled Kotlin, used in the Kotlin Script build runner, has been updated to version 1.5.0.

  • JGit version, used in the Git plugin, has been updated to

  • SVNKit, used in Subversion VCS roots, has been updated to version 1.10.3.

Other Updates

  • The My Settings & Tools page has been renamed to Your Profile.

Changes from 2020.2.3 to 2020.2.4

Verifying NuGet used in NuGet dependency trigger

To ensure that the integration with NuGet is secure, TeamCity now checks if a trusted NuGet installer is used when starting builds on Windows with a NuGet dependency trigger. If your triggers use a NuGet version installed via Administration | Tools, this verification will go smoothly, with no user actions required. Otherwise, you might get the " Problem with NuGet Dependency Trigger " error. The recommended solution is to switch all affected triggers to any NuGet version that has been regularly installed via the TeamCity UI. Such versions automatically appear in the NuGet.exe drop-down menu in the trigger's settings. Alternatively, if you need to use a custom NuGet executable and absolutely trust it, you can add it to the whitelist by specifying the following internal property:


SSH runners: change in authentication with default key

In this version, we've changed the behavior of SSH authentication with the default private key in the SSH Exec and SSH Upload build runners. Previously, when authenticating via SSH during a build, a build agent would use the username configured in the agent's SSH config or, if it's missing, the name of the OS user who runs this agent. The value of the optional Username field in the build step's settings would always be ignored. Now, if this value is specified, the agent will use it for SSH authentication instead of the one in the SSH config.
If you have previously configured an SSH username directly inside build steps and the Default private key authentication method is selected in these steps, make sure that this username is still relevant and allows for successful authentication.

Changes from 2020.2.2 to 2020.2.3

Bundled Tools Updates

Changes from 2020.2.1 to 2020.2.2

IntelliJ Platform Compatibility

IntelliJ IDEA version 2019.2 and earlier, as well as other IntelliJ-based products released prior to IntelliJ platform version 193, is no longer supported by the IntelliJ Platform plugin. See the version compatibility table for details.

Bundled Tools Updates

  • Kotlin, used in TeamCity DSL, has been updated to version 1.4.21.

Other Updates

  • The teamcity.tests.recentlyFailedTests.file system property contains the full path to a file with the recently failed tests and can be used to reorder risk tests in custom build runners. Previously, it was always generated by default. Now, it is only provided if the used build runner is set to reorder test runs or if the teamcity.internal.tests.provide.recentlyFailedTests parameter is set to true.

Changes from 2020.2 to 2020.2.1

No potential breaking changes.

Known Issues

  • Windows Docker images of the TeamCity server don't allow restarting the server from the UI. See how to stop and start the server via the command line.

Breaking change for Linux Docker images of TeamCity Server: non-root user by default

Following the security practices we've applied to our Agent Docker images, the TeamCity Server Docker images for Linux now run under a non-root user by default.

When trying to run a Linux image under a default user, you will get the " Permission denied " error. To prevent it, you need to change the ownership over the host data directories: run chown -R 1000:1000 applied to the required volumes. For large directories, this operation may take a long time and slow down the disk performance.
Alternatively, you can start the container under the root user by passing the -u 0 parameter to the docker run command. This is a quick workaround which allows saving time on changing the directories' ownership. However, we suggest that you stick to the chown approach in the long term.

No auto prefix for dotnet run command line parameters

Since this version, the .NET build runner does not apply -- before the dotnet run parameters. Previously, the runner added this prefix automatically which made it impossible to pass the custom options to the run command. To fix this, we've disabled the previous behavior.
Unfortunately, the affected .NET build steps cannot be converted automatically on upgrading. If any of your steps pass arguments to the running .NET application, please make sure to alter these steps and prepend the respective parameters with --.

Bundled Tools Updates

  • Bundled Tomcat has been updated to version 8.5.61.

Changes from 2020.1.x to 2020.2

  • For TeamCity servers using a PostgreSQL database, the JDBC driver must be upgraded to 42.x version. Otherwise, a critical performance degradation may occur.

Known Issues

  • If upgrade fails with an error in OptimizeAndCleanupIdsGroupsTableConverter, please apply the workaround described in this issue.

  • TeamCity agent Docker images with the latest tag do not bundle Docker.

    To be able to run Docker in a TeamCity 2020.2 agent, download the teamcity-agent image with the {TEAMCITY_VERSION}-linux-sudo tag instead. More information is available in our Docker Hub documentation.

New Header by Default

The new header is enabled in both the classic and Sakura UIs. Some plugins developed for the previous header might not work in the new one. With our new API, you can make your custom plugins compatible with the new header or write new ones using modern web technologies.

If you have troubles displaying valuable information or actions in this header and updating plugins is not a convenient option, you can set the teamcity.ui.useClassicHeader=true internal property — this will switch your TeamCity header to the previous view. Please note that this is not a recommended solution as we might disable the obsolete header in the future versions.

Reindexing build search

Lucene version in TeamCity search has been updated to 8.5.1. On upgrading, TeamCity will reindex all builds on the server which might take some time and load the CPU. During reindexing, some builds might not be present in the search results.

Bundled Python runner

The external Python build runner is no longer supported. All existing build steps will continue to work normally, but we recommend switching existing Python steps to the new bundled runner.

Gradle updates

  • Previously, the Build file field of the Gradle runner was set to build.gradle by default. We have removed this default value as some users rely on custom names of build files and prefer to let Gradle decide what file to choose.

    If build.gradle was selected as a build file in your Gradle steps, this setting will remain. In projects whose settings are stored in VCS, TeamCity will prompt to commit the respective change so the build.gradle property is explicitly specified in the versioned project settings.

  • The Gradle runner now displays test names based on the displayName properties assigned to the respective test methods. If your Gradle tests are annotated with a custom displayName property (for example, a JUnit 5 test with the @DisplayName annotation), their names will change in TeamCity on upgrading. This might break test and investigation history in respective builds. To prevent this, consider switching the behavior back with the teamcity.internal.gradle.testNameFormat=name internal property.

New responsibility for secondary nodes

Since version 2019.2, a secondary node allows user actions if at least one responsibility is assigned to it. In 2020.2, we have added a new responsibility — "Processing user requests to modify data" (version 2023.05 update — this responsibility was renamed to "Handling UI actions and load balancing user requests"). Nodes with this responsibility can process all currently supported user actions and allow changing project settings. Without it, a node will provide a read-only interface.
On upgrading, this responsibility will be automatically enabled on all your secondary nodes that have at least one other responsibility. This will ensure no current functionality of these nodes is affected. To allow user actions on new secondary nodes, you have to manually enable the new responsibility in Administration | Server Configuration.

Bundled tools updates

  • .NET in TeamCity server and agent Docker images (both Windows and Linux) have been updated to version 3.1.403.

  • Java in TeamCity Docker images has been updated:

    • On Windows server images: to Amazon Corretto x64 v.

    • On Linux server images: to Amazon Corretto x64 v.

    • On Windows and Linux agent images: to Amazon Corretto x64 v.

  • Java bundled in the TeamCity server and agent Windows installers has been updated to version

  • Bundled Tomcat has been updated to version 8.5.57.

  • The SAC Windows image in the TeamCity server Docker containers has been updated to version 2004. Windows LTS version is 1809, as in TeamCity 2020.1.

  • The Linux image in TeamCity server Docker containers has been updated to version 20.04 (LTS).

  • Bundled dotCover and ReSharper CLT have been upgraded to version 2020.2.4.

  • The deprecated Visual Studio 2003 build runner is disabled in TeamCity. We recommend using the .NET runner instead.

    If you were actively using the VS 2003 runner and cannot easily migrate to the .NET runner, please let us know about it via any of our feedback channels.

  • JDBC drivers for external databases, suggested on the fresh TeamCity installation, have been updated to the following versions:

    • MySQL - 8.0.22

    • MSSQL - 8.4.1

    • PostgreSQL - 42.2.18

Other updates

  • When detecting GitHub issues, TeamCity now filters out pull requests that have no issues assigned to them. If you need to display such independent pull requests in the issue log, you can disable this filter by setting the teamcity.issues.github.filter.pull.requests=false internal property.

  • Email Notifier now uses the same versions of the TLS protocol as supported by the current TeamCity server's JVM.

Changes from 2020.1.4 to 2020.1.5

No potential breaking changes.

Changes from 2020.1.3 to 2020.1.4

Bundled Tools Updates

  • Bundled Amazon Corretto Java has been updated to version 11.0.8 in the TeamCity server installers and Docker images.

  • Mercurial, dropped in version 2020.1.2, is again supported in the Windows Server Core agent Docker images.

Changes from 2020.1.2 to 2020.1.3

  • The .NET build runner now supports earlier versions of Visual Studio and MSBuild. The currently supported versions are: Visual Studio 2010 or later, MSBuild 4 / 12 or later.

Known Issues

  • If you try to re-run a build that has an artifact dependency but not snapshot dependency on another build, the Re-run build dialog will not load.

    This issue will be fixed in TeamCity 2020.1.4. To work around it in version 2020.1.3, follow this instruction.

Changes from 2020.1.1 to 2020.1.2

  • Mercurial support has been dropped for our Windows Server Core agent Docker images. If you need to use Mercurial on Windows Server Core agents, consider pulling the previous version of the agent Docker image — 2020.1.1.

Changes from 2020.1 to 2020.1.1

  • The .NET runner introduces the custom command option. Note that if you downgrade TeamCity to the previous version after configuring the custom .NET command, the respective build steps will be ignored during the build.

  • The Linux version used in the TeamCity server and agent Docker images has been updated to 4.19.76-linuxkit.

Known Issues

  • In the TeamCity classic UI, the Projects link in the header is missing the expand button.

    To work around this issue, please follow the instruction described here.

Changes from 2019.2.x to 2020.1

No potential breaking changes.

Known Issues

Jira Cloud Integration build feature requires specific VCS URL

The Jira Cloud API, used by the new Jira Cloud integration build feature, requires sending a server URL in a specific format. Because of that, the build feature does not support VCSs like Perforce, TFS, and SVN out of the box.

To address this issue, we have updated the responsible plugin, and you can find it attached to the related issue in our tracker. Please download the fixed plugin and install it as described here.
The bundled Jira Cloud plugin will be automatically updated with this fix in our next release.

The feature might also fail to resolve some Git paths that do not correspond to the format expected by the Jira Cloud API. In this case, you can either change the URL manually (for example, from git@<vcs_address>:<workspace_ID>/<repo_name>.git to ssh://git@<vcs_address>/<workspace_ID>/<repo_name>.git) or download the fixed plugin as described above.

Jira Cloud Integration feature does not support legacy Jira Cloud domain

Currently, the new Jira Cloud integration build feature supports only domains. We have added the support of the legacy domain in the fixed version of the responsible plugin. If your Jira Cloud server resides on the domain, you can download the plugin, attached to the related issue, and install it as described here.
The bundled Jira Cloud plugin will be automatically updated with this fix in our next release.

Bad Redirect URI error when authenticating in Slack

To be able to sign in to Slack from TeamCity, you need to specify all the possible URIs of the TeamCity server as Redirect URLs in the Slack app's settings.
If you use nginx to set up TeamCity behind a proxy server, you might still get the bad_redirect_uri error when trying to establish a connection with Slack. This error is caused by the mismatch between the nginx and Tomcat configuration.

To work around this issue, download the fixed plugin, attached to the related issue, and install it as described here. Alternatively, you can try updating the Tomcat settings.
The bundled Slack plugin will be automatically updated with this fix in our next release.

Problems with built-in authentication in upgraded 2020.1 EAP1 installations

If you had installed the 2020.1 EAP1 build in terms of our Early Access Program, you might experience problems with signing in to TeamCity via the built-in authentication. This issue might occur after upgrading from any 2020.1 EAP version (EAP1 or any later version to which it was upgraded) to the release 2020.1 build.

To work around this problem, please send the following query to the TeamCity database:

UPDATE users SET algorithm = 'BCRYPT' WHERE password like '$2a$07$%' and algorithm = 'MD5';

Changes in Java support on server and agents

  • Java 11 has been bundled with the TeamCity server Windows installer and server Docker images instead of Java 8.

  • TeamCity agents stop supporting Java versions earlier than 8. If any of your agents run on earlier versions of Java, make sure to upgrade their JRE so you can continue running builds on these agents.

New format of env.JDK_ environment variables

To better align with the current and future Java versions we've introduced a new format of env.JDK_ environment variables.
Starting with 2020.1, the format is as follows: env.JDK_<major>_<minor>[_x64]. For example: env.JDK_1_6, env.JDK_1_7, env.JDK_1_8, env.JDK_11_0_x64.
This way, if you are using rather old Java 1.4, the proper variable is env.JDK_1_4, while env.JDK_14_0 will be used for Java 14.0.

For backward compatibility, previous environment variables, such as env.JDK_16 or env.JDK_18, will be generated too, but these variables will no longer be shown in the TeamCity autocompletion pop-up menus.
If you are using these environment variables in your build scripts, we encourage you to migrate to the new format.

See the related issue.

Need for plugin recompilation

Plugins which implement some build runners might need to be recompiled/upgraded.

The corresponding error might look like java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: jetbrains.buildServer.controllers.admin.projects.BuildRunnerBean.getPropertiesBean when a new build step for the corresponding custom build runner is created or updated.

See the related issues about the Checkmarx plugin and the SonarQube Runner plugin.

Agent Docker images run under non-root user

To comply with recommended security practices, the TeamCity agent Docker images now run under a non-root user.

This change might affect the following use cases:

  • To create/update a custom image based on the standard TeamCity agent image, you might need to switch to the root user first (see the related issue for details).

  • If you mount a host directory to a container, you might get the " Permission denied " error. To prevent this issue, try any of the following workarounds:

    • Set the UID of the directories' owner to 1000 with the chown command.

    • Send the --user argument with the docker run command to set the same UID for the Docker user as that of the host machine. For example, use docker run -it --user $(id -u) ....

    • Note that TeamCity automatically creates volumes for writable directories, and there is usually no need to map them explicitly. Consider omitting any explicit references to prevent the permission issues.

Deprecated Windows Tray Notifier

TeamCity Windows Tray Notifier has been deprecated in favor of the new Browser Notifier extension.

Windows Tray Notifier will continue working with the new version of TeamCity, but we recommend you trying the new extension instead. Note that since version 2020.1, the My Settings & Tools | Notification Rules | Windows Tray Notifier tab in TeamCity has been renamed to Browser Notifier.

Bundled Kubernetes Support plugin does not contain Helm runner

The Kubernetes Support plugin is now bundled with TeamCity. On upgrade, it will replace the external plugin if it is installed on your TeamCity server. Note that the bundled plugin does not contain the Helm build runner. To continue using this runner in your build configuration, please install the new external plugin.

Limitation of CORS support for writing operations

TeamCity improves the security of REST API integration mechanisms by introducing CSRF tokens. This change will not affect the behavior of custom integration scripts unless they rely on Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) in writing operations and the internal property is enabled in TeamCity (it is disabled by default).

Previously, CSRF protection was presented in TeamCity with the verification of Origin/Referer headers of HTTP requests. To improve TeamCity CSRF protection, this method has been disabled in favor of a more secure one — CSRF tokens. Since this release, TeamCity stops supporting the CORS mechanism for POST/PUT/DELETE REST API requests. Cross-origin GET requests' headers are processed as before and still require CORS configuration.

If necessary, you can enforce verification of Origin/Referer headers for writing CORS operations by setting the teamcity.csrf.paranoid=false internal property. Note that this is a transitory and less secure solution: we strongly recommend refactoring your existing requests so they comply with the new security policy and provide a token within a CSRF header or parameter. A CSRF token can be obtained via the GET https://your-server/authenticationTest.html?csrf request and provided via the X-TC-CSRF-Token HTTP header to the write CORS requests.

Bundled Tools Updates

  • Bundled IntelliJ IDEA has been updated to version 2020.1.1.

  • Bundled Ant has been updated to version 1.9.14.

  • Bundled Tomcat has been updated to version 8.5.54.

  • Bundled Maven has been updated to version 3.6.3.

  • Kotlin, used in TeamCity DSL, has been updated to version 1.3.70.

  • JDBC drivers for external databases, suggested on the fresh TeamCity installation, have been updated to the following versions:

    • MySQL - 8.0.20

    • MSSQL - 8.2.2

    • PostgreSQL - 42.2.12

REST API changes

Filtering test occurrences by a branch (.../app/rest/testOccurrences?locator=branch(XXX) request) has been changed. It used to support only branch names with case-sensitive matching. Now, the XXX value supports branch locators (the same as when filtering builds): it is case-insensitive by default and matches the <default> branch display name.

Other changes

  • Now, a user cannot assign a role to another user, if this role has more permissions than the role of the current user.

    If you experience troubles with certain roles being unavailable to users after upgrading to 2020.1, make sure these roles don't comprise any permissions that exceed the rights of the respective project administrators.

  • TeamCity has dropped support for Internet Explorer. Please use Microsoft Edge instead.

  • Since this version, the new .NET runner, introduced in TeamCity 2019.2.3, is not compatible with the obsolete external .NET CLI Support plugin (used in versions 2017.1 and earlier). If you have previously installed this plugin, please uninstall it from your server to be able to use the new .NET runner.

Changes from 2019.2.3 to 2019.2.4

No potential breaking changes.

Changes from 2019.2.2 to 2019.2.3

Reworked .NET build runner

The .NET CLI (dotnet) build runner has been refactored and renamed to .NET thus emphasizing that now it supports all .NET-related operations previously implemented in TeamCity as multiple build steps.

All existing .NET CLI (dotnet) steps will continue working as usual under the new .NET name, with no additional tuning required.

We stop providing active support for the MSBuild, Visual Studio (sln), Visual Studio 2003, and Visual Studio Tests runners. These steps are left for compatibility of existing build configurations with new versions of TeamCity. We recommend switching all your affected build steps to the .NET runner to receive new features and support in our following versions.

See the .NET description for more information about the new .NET step and migration notes.

If you face any problems with migration to the .NET runner or encounter other related issues, do not hesitate to contact us via any convenient feedback channel.

Known Issues

Handshake failure on establishing SSL connection

Some users might get the " Received fatal alert: handshake_failure " error when the TeamCity server attempts to establish an SSL connection. The problem is caused by the broken sunec.dll in JRE bundled with TeamCity 2019.2.3.

To check if this problem has affected your installation, open the <TeamCity_installation_directory>/jre/bin/sunec.dll file. If there is a JSON code in this file, your server is affected. To work around the problem, please follow the steps described in the related issue.

NuGet feed credentials for external repositories do not work with .NET runner

The .NET build runner currently does not support using NuGet feed credentials for authentication in external repositories.

To work around this issue in TeamCity 2019.2.3, download the patched .NET Packages Support plugin and install it as any other additional plugin. The bundled .NET Packages Support plugin will be automatically updated with the fix in our next release.

AWS region us-east-1 cannot be set in S3 artifact storage settings

If the us-east-1 region is selected in S3 artifact storage settings, it will be automatically reset to another available region on saving the settings. This is caused by the incorrect bucket location returned for us-east-1 from AWS.

To work around this issue in TeamCity 2019.2.3, download the patched TeamCity S3 Storage plugin and install it as any other additional plugin. The bundled S3 Storage plugin will be automatically updated with the fix in our next release.

Bundled Java for Windows installers is updated

The bundled version of Java in Windows installers of TeamCity Server and Agent as well as in the Docker images is updated to Amazon Corretto

Changes from 2019.2.1 to 2019.2.2

Caching Git submodules

To improve performance on agent checkout, TeamCity caches regular Git repositories on agents. Since this version, it also caches Git submodules.
If your custom scripts or settings depend on the main alternates source for submodules, and it causes Git to operate with errors, consider one of the following workarounds:

  • Disable the new mirroring mechanism by setting the build parameter teamcity.internal.git.agent.submodules.useMirrors to false.

  • Modify your custom settings to point at the parent git directory instead of the exact source directory.

Bundled Tools Updates

  • TeamCity Visual Studio Add-in Web installer has been updated to ReSharper version 2019.3.2.

Changes from 2019.2 to 2019.2.1

No potential breaking changes.

Changes from 2019.1.x to 2019.2

No potential breaking changes.

Known Issues

Potential issues with restoring NuGet packages in .NET projects

TeamCity might fail to restore NuGet packages if a build comprises at least one .NET CLI (dotnet) step and an MSBuild or Visual Studio (sln) build step (or both).

This issue is caused by the difference in paths to cache directories between these build runners.
The MSBuild and Visual Studio (sln) runners use the default path to the NuGet global cache while the .NET CLI (dotnet) runner redefines this path (for example, when run inside a Docker container).

The recommended workaround is to use the NuGet Installer build runner instead of the .NET CLI (dotnet) runner for restoring packages.

Switch to 64-bit Bundled Java in Windows installer and Docker images

The bundled version of Java in Windows installers of TeamCity Server and Agent as well as in the Docker images is now 64-bit Amazon Corretto 8 (previous TeamCity versions bundled 32-bit Java, and TeamCity 2019.1 bundled AdoptOpenJDK).

If you were using the default bundled Java on Windows, make sure the following conditions are satisfied:

  • The TeamCity server and agents operate on the 64-bit Windows OS. If you need to use a 32-bit OS, you need to install and use 32-bit Java to run TeamCity;

  • If the TeamCity server has manually configured memory settings (the TEAMCITY_SERVER_MEM_OPTS environment variable is defined), the value of the -Xmx parameter should be increased (recommended to twice the previous value). Before increasing the value, make sure the machine has enough physical memory for that.

  • If you use Microsoft SQL Server as the TeamCity database with the integrated MS SQL authentication, the 64-bit sqljdbc_auth.dll native library has to be present in the due location.

  • If there was any custom logic executing native tools on the server, check that it still works with the new process bitness.

Discontinued Running Builds Node

The Running Builds Node is discontinued. In a multinode setup, you can instead configure a secondary node with the " Processing data produced by running builds " responsibility.

Automatic management of git fetch memory

TeamCity now can automatically manage the amount of memory used by the git fetch process.
If you have previously used the teamcity.git.fetch.process.max.memory internal property to set the memory amount available for fetching in each VCS root, you can now disable it to delegate the detection of memory consumption to the TeamCity server. To control the limit of available memory, use the teamcity.git.fetch.process.max.memory.limit property.

Bundled Tools Updates

  • Bundled IntelliJ IDEA has been updated to version 2019.3.

  • Kotlin, used in TeamCity DSL, has been upgraded to version 1.3.60.

  • The Docker client in the TeamCity Linux agent image has been upgraded to version 19.03.3 to prevent the problems with unexpected Docker stop (see the related Docker issue).

  • Docker Compose has been updated to version 1.24.1.

  • Bundled dotCover and ReSharper CLT have been upgraded to version 2019.2.3.

Unbundled VCS Support plugins for ClearCase and SourceGear Vault

The VCS Support plugins for ClearCase and SourceGear Vault have been unbundled. To be able to use any of these VCS types in TeamCity, download and install the required plugin as described here.

Changes from 2019.1.4 to 2019.1.5

Changes from 2019.1.3 to 2019.1.4

  • The bundled Java was updated to OpenJDK 8u222 (except for the Docker Windows TeamCity images).

Known Issues

Unavailable Default Credential Provider Chain option for Amazon ECR

This issue has been fixed in TeamCity 2019.1.5.

Due to recent changes in our Docker Support plugin, the " Default credential provider chain " option becomes unavailable in the Amazon ECR connection settings.

If this option was previously enabled in some ECR connection and you make any changes to this connection, the state of this option will be automatically set to false. When any build will try to use this connection, it will fail to start with the " Access key cannot be null " error.

To work around this problem without upgrading to 2019.1.5, download the fixed Docker Support plugin from the related issue and upload it on the Server Administration | Plugins List page.

Missing packages in NuGet feed

This issue has been fixed in TeamCity 2019.1.5.

In certain cases, when a build is supposed to create and publish several NuGet packages to a NuGet feed, and the package indexing is enabled, some packages might not be published to the feed. This problem is caused by recent changes in NuGet Packages Indexer.

To work around this problem without upgrading to 2019.1.5, download the fixed NuGet Support plugin from the related issue and upload it on the Server Administration | Plugins List page.

Changes from 2019.1.2 to 2019.1.3

Known issues

  • When using versioned settings, build history can be lost on importing settings from VCS. Details.

Bundled Tools Updates

  • The bundled ReSharper Command Line Tools (Inspections and Duplicates Finder) have been upgraded to version 2019.2.1.

Changes from 2019.1.1 to 2019.1.2

  • The Running Builds Node is deprecated and will be discontinued in TeamCity 2019.2. In a multinode setup, you can instead configure a secondary node with the "Processing data produced by running builds" responsibility.

Known issues

  • When using versioned settings, build history can be lost on importing settings from VCS. Details.

  • If you use the .NET Core ("dotnet") steps on Windows agents, you can get the ".NET SDK was not found" error if you have .NET Core runtime (not SDK) installed on the agent in the location like C:\Program Files (x86)\dotnet. As a workaround, set the env.DOTNET_HOME parameter to the location of .NET Core SDK.

    See the related issue for details.

Changes from 2019.1 to 2019.1.1

Bundled Tools Updates

  • The bundled IntelliJ IDEA has been updated to 2019.1.3.

  • The bundled ReSharper tools (Inspections and Duplicates Finder) have been upgraded to 2019.1.0-eap08d version.

Changes from 2018.2.x to 2019.1

Mandatory tags for Amazon instances

Tags are now mandatory for all Amazon instances run by TeamCity, which helps identify them. If you use integration with Amazon EC2, make sure to add the ec2:CreateTags resource-level permission in Amazon.

Changed behavior of reversed dependencies properties

Starting with 2019.1, the behavior of reverse.dep parameters has been changed, and this change can affect your existing builds. In versions prior to 2019.1, when a build chain is triggered, TeamCity only took into account the reverse.dep parameters specified in the top-most build of the chain, i.e. in the build which depends on all other builds. If some intermediate builds of the chain had reverse.dep parameters, they were ignored.
After this fix this is no longer the case. Now, when a build chain is triggered, all reverse.dep parameters specified in all nodes of the build chain will be processed.

Lazy agent tool loading

Agent tools (located under the <agent_installation>/tools directory on agents) are now transferred to an agent not on the agent upgrade, but right before the first build that uses the respective tool. You might need to update the build configuration settings so TeamCity knows which tools are required by the builds.
Before starting a build on an agent, TeamCity checks for the references to teamcity.tool.<tool_ID> configuration parameters to collect the set of tools used by the build. If some tool is referenced via this parameter, TeamCity will make sure this tool is present on the agent before the build logic starts executing.
If some of your builds use tools on agent assuming their locations under the <agent installation>/tools directory, such references should be changed to a TeamCity-provided parameter reference. Paths like <agent_installation>/tools/<tool_ID> used in TeamCity settings should be changed to the %teamcity.tool.<tool_ID>% parameter reference. For example, ../tools/maven3.4.5/bin/mvn should be replaced with %teamcity.tool.maven3.4.5%/bin/mvn.

Changed .NET build requirements in ReSharper tools

The requirements for the .NET Framework version used by ReSharper tools have changed. Now, if you use ReSharper tools (dotCover and ReSharper Inspections) of version 2018.2 or newer (including the version bundled with TeamCity 2019.1) in your build configuration, the requirements to build agents will change to .NET Framework 4.6.1 or newer. Make sure to update .NET Framework on agents.

Token-based authentication enabled by default

On upgrading to 2019.1, the Token-Based Authentication module will be enabled by default, so you can generate access tokens and start using them right away.

New CSP header value

Now TeamCity web UI uses more restrictive value for the Content-Security-Policy HTTP header. This provides extra security at the expense of prohibiting usage of the web resources not hosted on the TeamCity server.
If you rely on external resources (for example, in the build report tabs content or by using not yet updated plugins), you can specify new header value in the teamcity.web.header.Content-Security-Policy.protectedValue=<full_header_value> internal property (and teamcity.web.header.Content-Security-Policy.adminUI.protectedValue property for the web pages in Administration area). Plugins can use ContentSecurityPolicyConfig open API interface to add to the value configured.

Change in dotCover artifacts

The dotCover.dcvr hidden artifact is no longer published by default. It is now created in the build temporary folder and removed when the build finishes.
If you use dotCover and rely on this artifact, specify the path to the\..\agentTmp\dotNetCoverageResults\dotCover.dcvr file explicitly in the Artifact paths.

Bundled Tools Updates

  • The latest JaCoCo version (0.8.4) has been added to TeamCity.

  • The bundled .NET tools (dotCover and ReSharper CLT) have been upgraded to the latest released version, 2019.1.1.

  • JDBC drivers for external databases suggested on the fresh TeamCity installation have been updated to the following versions:

    • MySQL - 8.0.16

    • MSSQL - 7.2.2

    • PostgreSQL - 42.2.5

Note on beta versions of PowerShell

If you have been using beta versions of PowerShell, make sure to remove all beta versions earlier than v6.0.0-beta.9 before installing any new released PowerShell version. Due to updates in the PowerShell detector, if the old beta version is installed, TeamCity will use it instead of the new released one.

Note on using Docker and Windows Server with process isolation

If you use Docker images and Windows Server 2019 with process isolation, build agents may fail to start (read more in Known Issues). To work around the issue, grant the "Full control" access to the "Authenticated Users" group.

Changes from 2018.2.3 to 2018.2.4

There is a regression in TeamCity 2018.2.4 related to the data displayed on the unauthorized agents' page: the data on agent authorization, enabling/disabling comments, and the latest activity time has been removed from the page. This data is displayed on the agent details page.

When the performance is improved, we will return the data to the unauthorized agents' page.

Changes from 2018.2.2 to 2018.2.3

TeamCity now ships Windows Docker images for 1803/1809 platforms.

Known issues

Running builds are not shown on the build configuration page if there are no finished builds. To work around the issue, stop the TeamCity server, replace the TEAMCITY_DIRECTORY/webapps/ROOT/js/ring/bundle.js with the bundle.js file attached to this issue and start the server.

Changes from 2018.2.1 to 2018.2.2

  • The bundled Tomcat has been updated to version 8.5.3

  • The TeamCity agent Docker image supports .NET Core 2.2

Changes from 2018.2 to 2018.2.1

No potential breaking changes.

Changes from 2018.1.x to 2018.2

Known issues

  • If upgrade fails with an error in MoveCustomDataStorageToDatabaseConverter or MoveRepositoryStateToCustomDataStorageConverter, apply the workaround from the issue.

  • If you're using Subversion externals from the same repository, you may face an issue with incorrect revision detection. A workaround for the problem is described in this issue.

  • If you see OutOfMemoryError during TeamCity startup with org.jetbrains.dokka in stack trace, set the internal property teamcity.kotlinConfigsDsl.docsGenerationXmx=768m (as described in this issue)

Bundled Tools Updates

  • The bundled .NET Tools (dotCover and ReSharper CLT) have been upgraded to the latest released version, 2018.1.4

  • TeamCity 2018.2 comes bundled with IntelliJ IDEA 2018.3.1. The IntelliJ IDEA Project Runner uses JPS 2018.3.1

  • OpenJDK is bundled in the Windows .exe TeamCity distribution instead of Oracle Java.

NuGet feed

The parameters that were previously used to reference the global NuGet feed are removed. After upgrading, all of them will be converted to the parameters referencing the default NuGet feed in Root project.

If you're still using deprecated NuGet feed references in project parameters please update them as following:

Global feed name

Project feed name







Changes from 2018.1.4 to 2018.1.5

No potential breaking changes.

Changes from 2018.1.3 to 2018.1.4

Known issues

  • Builds which are running while the server upgrades to 2018.1.4 can get their build log and status truncated, not duly reporting build failure. The build log gets warning with "__tc_longResponseMarker" text (details). It is recommended to wait till there are not running builds when upgrading to this version.


Support for Microsoft Internet Explorer 10 is discontinued in TeamCity 2018.1.4.

Changes from 2018.1.2 to 2018.1.3

Bundled Tools Updates

The latest JaCoCo version (0.8.2) has been added to TeamCity.

Known issues

If you use JaCoCo coverage and you decide to downgrade from TeamCity 2018.1.3\+ to TeamCity versions 2018.1 \- 2018.1.2, you may experience issues requiring manual fixes to make the affected configurations work again.

Changes from 2018.1.1 to 2018.1.2

Known issues

If you are using tcWebHooks third\-party TeamCity plugin, update it to the latest version before upgrading (details).

We increased accuracy for recognizing similar TeamCity exit code build problems. The existing investigations and mutes for these build problems will be reset.

Bundled Tools Updates

The bundled Tomcat has been updated to version 8.5.32.

Changes from 2018.1 to 2018.1.1

Known issues

If you're upgrading from 2018.1 to 2018.1.1 and you want to see the NuGet packages missing due to issues TW-55703 and TW-55833, do the following:

  • Clean-up .teamcity/nuget/packages.json files in the build artifacts. Consider using this PowerShell script:

> cd "%\TeamCityDataDir%\system\artifacts\" > Get-ChildItem -Recurse | Where-Object { $_.FullName -match '\.teamcity\\nuget\\packages\.json' } | Remove-Item
  • On the Administration | Diagnostics | Caches page, reset the "buildsMetadata" cache and wait while re\-indexing is finished. To temporary increase indexing speed, see the following tip.

Docker Images

Since 2018.1.1 TeamCity has multiplatform Docker images marked by the latest and version number tags published in Docker Hub, for example, jetbrains/teamcity-server or jetbrains/teamcity-server:2018.1.1. This allows using the same Docker image reference for Linux and Windows docker containers: see TW-55061 for details.

Changes from 2017.2.x to 2018.1

Known issues

While publishing NuGet packages into the TeamCity NuGet feed in multiple build steps, only the packages published by the first build step will be visible. See TW-55703 for details. If you experience problems with download of NuGet packages published within archives see TW-55833.

Stricter rules for parameter names used in parameter references

Names of the Build Configuration parameters are now validated in more strict manner. While already existing parameters should continue to work, it is highly recommended to review the names and use Latin letters and no special symbols. Details

User self-registration

If you have Built\-in authentication enabled with the "Allow user registration from the login page" setting on, the setting will be disabled on upgrade. If you need the registration, make sure the server is not open to unauthorized users access (e.g. not accessible from Internet) and enable the setting via the health item displayed at the top of the administration pages or in the "Administration | Authentication" under the "Built\-in" module settings.

Bundled Tools Updates

  • The IntelliJ IDEA Project Runner uses JPS 2017.3.4 requiring Java 1.8 as the minimal version.

  • The bundled ReSharper CLT and dotCover have been updated to version 2018.1.2

NuGet feed

  • Configuration of the NuGet feed was moved from the server level to the project level: now each project can have its own feed. The "NuGet packages indexer" build feature can be added to build configurations whose artifacts should be indexed.

  • The following NuGet feed\-related build parameters are deprecated:

    • teamcity.nuget.feed.auth.server

    • teamcity.nuget.feed.server

    • system.teamcity.nuget.feed.auth.serverRootUrlBased.server

    You now need to explicitly specify the URL from the NuGet Feed page in the Project Settings.

  • The enabled default NuGet feed with all published packages accessed by URL /app/nuget/v1/FeedService.svc/ is now moved to the Root project feed /app/nuget/feed/_Root/default/v2/. It is recommended to switch to new URL in your projects.

  • .nupkg files are now indexed on the agent side instead of the server which could slightly increase the time of builds for projects with the NuGet Feed feature and the automatic package indexing enabled or for builds with NuGet Packages Indexer build feature.


REST API uses version 2018.1. The previous versions of the API are still available under /app/rest/2017.2, /app/rest/2017.1 (/app/rest/10.0), app/rest/9.1, /app/rest/9.0, /app/rest/8.1, /app/rest/7.0, /app/rest/6.0 URLs. It is recommended to stop using previous APIs URLs as we are going to remove them in the following releases.

Filtering builds by agent names

When agent name contains the parentheses symbols, instead of using agentName:<name>, use "agentName:(value:<value>)

Locators with "value:<text>"

Requests which used "value:<text>" locators (e.g. for matching properties) and no "matchType" dimension specification will start to use "equals" matching by default. Add "matchType:contains" to preserve the old behavior. Details

VSS plugin is unbundled

The Visual SourceSafe plugin is no longer bundled with TeamCity but is available as a separate download. Please contact our support, if you still use this VSS for your builds.


  • Commit Status Publisher supports Gerrit 2.6\+ versions. For support for older Gerrit versions, please turn to our support.

  • When upgrading from TeamCity versions before 9.1, if TeamCity 2018.1 starts and agents are upgraded, but then you decide to roll back the server to the previous TeamCity version, the agents will not be able to connect back to the old server and will need to be reinstalled manually.

  • Make sure that no HTTP requests from the agents to the server are blocked (e.g. requests to .../app/agents/... URLs)

  • Since 2018.1, TeamCity uses the full project name with "/" instead of "::" as the separator for Project \- Subproject wherever the full project name is present.

Changes from 2017.2.3 to 2017.2.4

The Inspections (.NET) and Duplicates Finder (.NET) build steps were renamed to Inspections (ReSharper) and Duplicates finder (ReSharper).

Changes from 2017.2.2 to 2017.2.3

Build revisions

In all the build configurations, the builds run before the upgrade will not be reused in the chains and will run anew (only the last build on the default branch is affected if branches are used). This may also result in a clean checkout in the first run build for VCSs like Perforce. The behavior is similar to that after VCS root editing.


When upgrading to 2017.2.x versions (please ignore when upgrading to 2018.1 and further versions): It is recommended to add " teamcity.artifacts.restrictRequestsWithArtifactReferer=true " internal property to enhance security of the server.

Changes from 2017.2.1 to 2017.2.2

Known issues

(Fixed 2017.2.3) If you use the Artifactory plugin and get the "Invalid RSA public key" browser message on opening build step settings, please apply the workaround.

Under Windows, when TeamCity server is started as a service, "logs\teamcity\-winservice.log" file is not created and server startup errors are nowhere to be seen. Details

IDE Plugins

It is highly recommended to update the IDE plugins for all users to the latest version and then add the teamcity.uploadPersonalPatch.requireAuthorization=true internal property to enhance security of the server.

Perforce VCS Root executable paths

Since TeamCity 2017.2.2, the field which specifies the path to p4 works only on the agent side, for agent\-side checkout.

For the server, the p4 binary should be present in the PATH of the TeamCity server (or can be specified via the teamcity.perforce.customP4Path internal property). The teamcity.perforce.p4PathOnServerWhitelist internal property can be used to specify a semi\-colon\-separated list of allowed p4 paths. The paths from this list can be set in VCS Root p4 path parameter for the server side (to restore old behavior).

Mercurial VCS Root properties

Since TeamCity 2017.2.2, a number of Mercurial VCS root properties change their behavior for security reasons.

  • the "HG command path" is used on the TeamCity server only if included into the whitelist

  • the "Clone repository to" property is hidden if the VCS root doesn't have it already and is ignored by default. To make TeamCity display the property in all VCS roots, add the teamcity.hg.showCustomClonePath=true internal property. The value of the VCS root property is respected only if it is included into the whitelist specified by the teamcity.hg.customClonePathWhitelist internal property, which is a semi\-colon\-separated list of directories where a clone is allowed. Use /path/to/dir/* to allow clones to the child directories of the /path/to/dir.

  • the "Mercurial config" is ignored on the server. If you need to enable some Mercurial plugins, please do that in the global . hgrc on the TeamCity server machine.

Changes from 2017.2 to 2017.2.1

Kotlin DSL changes

The versions in pom.xml were updated: kotlin.version is updated to 1.2.0, teamcity.dsl.version is updated to 2017.2.1. The dependency on kotlin-stdlib is replaced with the dependency on kotlin-stdlib-jdk8 in order to provide access to additional functionality available in jdk8 (e.g. named groups in regexps). The dependency on the deprecated kotlin-runtime and the redundant dependency on kotlin-compiler-embeddable were dropped.

Now TeamCity provides a parent maven project for Kotlin DSL which defines the teamcity.dsl.version and kotlin.version properties. With such a parent project, you will not have to update your pom.xml after eachTeamCity upgrade.

The easiest way to apply these changes is to run the 'Download settings in Kotlin format' action in project admin area and use the pom.xml from the zip produced by theTeamCity server.

Bundled Java used in Docker images

The bundled Java used in Docker images has been updated to 8u151.

Changes from 2017.1.x to 2017.2

Known issues

(Fixed 2017.2.1) TFS in Java working mode (when Team Explorer is not installed on the machine) report "TFS subsystem was destroyed" errors. See TW-52685 for details.

Upgrading using Windows installer can take significant time if your TeamCity installation directory contains lots of nested directories (e.g. TeamCity Data Directory is under it). The long stage can occur after "Extract: Uninstall.exe..." progress message. In you encounter this long step, please wait for the completion of the operation (the installer runs icacls.exe utility as a nested process). To prevent the issue it is recommendd to move the Data Directory out of TeamCity server installation home.

Perforce branch specification change

There is a breaking change which requires your action if you use Perforce streams with enabled feature branches and you're using a non\-default branch filter.

Starting from TeamCity 2017.2, Perforce VCS Roots use the same format for Perforce streams and TeamCity feature branches specification.

In the VCS Root branch specification for Perforce, +:stream_name must now be replaced with +://stream_depot/stream_name. Also, for better presentation of stream names in the UI, you may want to replace the default branch specifications like +:* with +://your_stream_depot/*.

This change was made in the scope of fixing TW-48038.

Server process restart

Now if the server process is stopped unexpectedly or killed, the process will automatically restart. The server should be stopped using the teamcity-server.bat/sh stop command which performs a graceful stop.

Bundled plugins

Docker integration plugin

The Docker integration plugin is bundled since TeamCity 2017.2.x. If you installed the plugin for the previous version manually, please remove it.

.NET CLI plugin

The .NET CLI (.NET Core) plugin is bundled since TeamCity 2017.2.x. If you installed the plugin for the previous version manually, please remove it.

During upgrade all existing .NET Core build steps will be converted into .NET CLI steps and existing .NET Core plugin will be disabled.

Note: The DotNetCore and DotNetCore_Path agent configuration parameters will be changed to DotNetCLI and DotNetCLI_Path; please consider updating your agent requirements which depend on these parameters.


REST API uses version 2017.2. The previous versions of the API are still available under /app/rest/2017.1 (/app/rest/10.0), app/rest/9.1, /app/rest/9.0, /app/rest/8.1, /app/rest/7.0, /app/rest/6.0 URLs.

buildType entity

has "templates" sub\-element now instead of "template" to support multiple templates.

build entity No longer expose boolean "running" attribute, textual "state" attribute with value "running" is used instead.

Windows Versions Support

Windows XP and Vista are no longer the supported versions of Windows for the TeamCity Server and Agent. While the server and agent will still most probably work on these old versions, we do not target the versions during our development. Let us know if the support for the versions is important for your TeamCity usage or you find any issues with the systems support.

J2EE Servlet 2.5 container is no longer supported

J2EE Servlet container version 2.5 is not supported since TeamCity 2017.2. TeamCity does not guarantee support for Tomcat 6.x and Jetty 7.x implementing Servlet 2.5. For .war distribution (not recommended, .tar.gz distribution is recommended), TeamCity supports Apache Tomcat 7\+, J2EE Servlet 3.0\+ and JSP 2.2\+.


  • The bundled Tomcat 8.5. restricted usage of special characters in the URL including curly bracket symbols (\{ \}). Details.

  • TeamCity integration with Intellij\-based IDEs no longer supports StarTeam and Visual Source Safe version controls.

Changes from 2017.1.4 to 2017.1.5

The bundled JetBrains dotCover has been updated to version 2017.2

The SSH Agent build feature started to report a build problem if it fails to start an SSH agent with the specified SSH key (in the scope of TW-42707). Previously errors were only logged, but not reported as build problems. As a result, builds with invalid SSH Agent settings would start to fail after the upgrade.

Changes from 2017.1.3 to 2017.1.4

Known issues

TFS Personal support lists all build configurations for TFVC VCS root. See TW-51497 for details.

Changes from 2017.1.2 to 2017.1.3

TW-50148 was fixed and the DSL API documentation was improved. If you need these changes for local development, please update the maven dependency version to 2017.1.3.

Now TeamCity server runs 'git gc' automatically to improve performance of git operations. This requires a git client to be installed on the server and be accessible the server via the PATH environment variable. If a native git client cannot be found, then the corresponding health report is shown. For TeamCity to find the git client, the client needs to be installed on the server machine and added to $PATH (the server restart is required afterwards). Instead of modifying PATH, the path to the git client can be specified via the teamcity.server.git.executable.path internal property.

Changes from 2017.1.1 to 2017.1.2

No potential breaking changes.

Changes from 2017.1 to 2017.1.1

The bundled IntelliJ IDEA has been updated to 2017.1.2

Changes from 10.0.x to 2017.1

Known issues

Editing cloud profile cancels all builds on profile agents. See TW-49616 for details.

TeamCity Versioning Changes

Since 2017, TeamCity adopts the common JetBrains versioning scheme that identifies versions by year following the pattern: <year>.<number of the feature release within the year>.<bugfix update number>. The current version is TeamCity 2017.1 formerly known as TeamCity 10.1.

Update settings in Kotlin DSL

In this version TeamCity settings format has been changed and if your settings are stored in Kotlin DSL, you might need to update Kotlin DSL scripts before continuing to use them. Check any related server health reports after the server upgrade.

CSRF Protection: Modifying GET requests and Proper Proxy configurations

TeamCity now implements CSRF protection to improve web UI security and this introduces several changes in behavior which might affect your installation. In particular:

  • If you use a reverse proxy before TeamCity, the proxy should not change the original "Host" request header (this typically requires configuring the proxy to set the Host header to the original request value). Also, it should not modify the "Origin" and "Referer" headers present in the original request. While this has been the recommended setup for a long time, now it becomes critical for the TeamCity web UI functioning;

  • if you use non\-bundled clients which perform HTTP GET requests to TeamCity, some of the GET requests (those which change the state of the server, like http://server/action.html?add2Queue=XXX) stop working in 2017.1, please change the requests to use POST instead of GET;

  • the non\-browser clients which reuse authentication by supplying the TCSESSIONID cookie with the request, need to be updated to supply the "Origin" HTTP header with the value the same as the host the request is being sent to. If the check fails, you get the HTTP 403 response with the details of the failed check. The details are also logged into teamcity\-auth.log.

Old IPR Runner

The old (TeamCity 6.0) IPR runner has been removed from the TeamCity. It was deprecated and has not been offered as an option since TeamCity 6.0, and now it is gone completely (the corresponding build configurations will not run anymore).

Log4j configuration

It is recommended to overwrite the server's conf\teamcity-server-log4j.xml file with the content of the conf\teamcity-server-log4j.xml.dist file which represents the default logging configuration which has changed in this release. If you do need a custom logging configuration, consider using logging presets instead of modifying conf\teamcity-server-log4j.xml.

The same overwriting from the sibling .dist file is recommended for the TeamCity agents.The conf\teamcity-*-log4j.xml.dist file is created after the first start of the upgraded TeamCity version.

Builds metadata storage (NuGet feed)

Builds metadata storage will be re\-created and builds will be reindexed right after the upgrade. As a result, immediately after the upgrade, the TeamCity internal NuGet feed will not contain all of the packages.During the builds reindexing, the following messages may appear in the teamcity-server.log:

INFO - .index.BuildIndexer (metadata) - Enqueued next 100 builds for indexing, builds left: 2000, last build id: 3813 INFO - .index.BuildIndexer (metadata) - Enqueued next 100 builds for indexing, builds left: 1900, last build id: 3713

"builds left:" indicates the number of builds left to process. Note that TeamCity starts reindexing from the most recent builds, so all fresh builds should appear in the TeamCity NuGet feed in a relatively short time.

To increase the metadata indexing speed you could use the following tip.


REST API has only minor changes, so the same API is exposed under the app/rest/10.0 and /app/rest/2017.1 URLs. API version has been updated to 2017.1 though to reflect the changes.The build's node "triggeredBy" now has more correct values of "type" attribute for the builds started after 2017.1 upgrade. In particular, the "buildType" value is not used anymore, the"finishBuild", "snapshot", etc. values are used instead.

Visual Studio Add-in fails to install from TeamCity UI

As a workaround, ReSharper web installer could be used. See TW-51680 for details.

Changes from 10.0.4 to 10.0.5

If you are using TFS with agent\-side checkout, note that due to the fix of TW-48555 TeamCity will have to re\-create TFS workspaces, which may result in a clean checkout on the agents after the upgrade.

Changes from 10.0.3 to 10.0.4

Precedence of dep.ID.NAME parameter references

When %dep.ID.NAME% parameter reference is used and there are several dependency paths to the same build configuration with id "ID" so that different builds are accessible via (direct or indirect) artifact dependencies, the result of the reference resolution could have used any of the builds without any guaranteed precedence.

Since 10.0.4 dep. parameter resolution works as follows:

  1. if there is a snapshot dependency, the build from the same chain wins.

  2. if there is no snapshot dependency and several builds are accessible via an artifact dependency, the build with a greater buildId wins. If there are several artifact dependencies from a single build configuration, only the first one is considered.


AWS SDK has been updated to 1.11.66 to support new instance types (r4.4xlarge, f1.16xlarge, t2.2xlarge, t2.xlarge, r4.2xlarge, r4.xlarge, r4.large, r4.16xlarge, r4.8xlarge, f1.2xlarge).

Changes from 10.0.2 to 10.0.3

Amazon EBS-Optimizied Instances

The behavior of EBS optimization, enabled by default since TeamCity 10.0, is changed similarly to what EC2 console offers:

  1. EBS optimization is turned on by default for c4.*, m4.*, and d2.* (non-configurable).

  2. EBS optimization is turned off by default for any other instance types.

  3. EBS optimization can be turned on for instances that support it (such as c3.xlarge) by checking the appropriate box when configuring the image of the Amazon cloud profile.

Bundled Tools Updates

The bundled dotCover has been updated to version 2016.2.2

Changes from 10.0.1 to 10.0.2

  • The known issue mentioned for 10.0.1 is fixed.

  • The bundled JetBrains dotCover has been updated to version 2016.2.

  • Jabber integration is now more restrictive with regard to SSL connection checking. If you are using for sending notifications, and face a problem regarding SSL certificate, you should either enable "Use legacy SSL" option or (better) change JVM version for running TeamCity to at least 1.8.0_101.

  • Precedence of %dep.ID.NAME% parameters resolution was changed unintentionally in case of several different builds used as dependency. See TW-47518 for details.

Changes from 10.0 to 10.0.1

All known issues mentioned for 10.0 are fixed.

Known Issues

(fixed in 10.0.2) TeamCity server temp folder can fill up if an agent tool is installed as a directory in \< TeamCity Data Directory \>\/plugins\/.tools. Details and workaround.

Changes from 9.1.x to 10.0

Known Issues

(These known issues are fixed in 10.0.1)

Failed to collect TFS changes - From version <x> is greater then current version <y>

If you use TFS version control and get "Error collecting changes for VCS repository ... Failed to collect TFS changes \- From version x is greater then current version y" error, either commit a new change so that it appears in the affected build configuration, ot install an updated plugin (related issue).

Project administrator may not be able to re-define parameters inherited from the parent project

See request TW-46372 for details and possible workaround.

Upgrade form TeamCity version before 8.1 fails with "Can't take exclusive lock when db lock is not held"

See request TW-46385 for details and possible workaround.

Subversion VCS roots with svn+ssh:// protocol can report "Host key (xxx) can not be verified."

See request TW-46385 for details and for the plugin with the fix

Changes in agent properties reporting .NET 4.x runtime

TeamCity agents before version 10 used to report DotNetFramework4.0_* properties whenever any of 4.x versions of .NET framework were installed on the agent. Since TeamCity 10, DotNetFramework4.0_* properties are reported only when 4.0 runtime (without updates) is installed. For 4.5.*, 4.6.* updates corresponding DotNetFramework4.N_* properties are reported. This change in behavior allows for more precise requirements definition.

If after the upgrade you get incompatible agents with Unmet requirement: Exists=>DotNetFramework4.0_x86(/x64) exists message, review the explicit requirements in your build configuration. If your build is compatible with any .NET 4.x runtime (it is a most common case) please use Exists=>DotNetFramework4.*_x86(/x64) requirement. If you would like to run on .NET 4.5\+ agents \- use Exists=>DotNetFramework4.(5|6).* requirement.

Some third\-party plugins are known to be affected. On the upgrade, make sure to upgrade xUnit plugin to version 1.1.2+

Ignored tests table optimization

During upgrade TeamCity will optimize data in the ignored_tests table (we do that in order to speedup the TeamCity built\-in backup / restore process). In some rare cases, when this table contains millions of rows, the process of table optimization may take significant time \- possibly a few hours. Among other data, the table contains the reasons why a particular test in a build was marked as ignored. If this information for old builds is not very important for you, you can start TeamCity server with the additional JVM option: -Dteamcity.truncateIgnoreReasonConverter.copyReasons=false

In this case TeamCity will not copy the ignore reasons into the new, optimized table, and this particular step of the upgrade process will run much faster.

Java 8

Starting from TeamCity 10, the TeamCity server requires Java 8 JRE/JDK (included in the Windows .exe distribution).

TeamCity agents currently require Java 1.6\+, but starting from the next TeamCity version, the minimum requirement for the Java on the agent will be Java 8 (included in agent's Windows .exe distribution). It is recommended that you now consider upgrading the agents Java.

Java memory options change

It is recommended to remove the " -XX:MaxPermSize=..." JVM option from TEAMCITY_SERVER_MEM_OPTS environment variable, if previously configured. (This is due to the fact that Java 8 does not use permanent generation (PermGen) anymore)

Agent requirements and artifact dependencies disabling

Agent requirements and artifact dependencies can be disabled now. TeamCity plugins and REST API\- based code using a version of API prior to TeamCity 10 is likely to ignore the disabled status of these settings.


TeamCity comes with cross\-platform TFS integration: to work with TFS, you no longer need to install a TeamCity server on a Windows machine.

Visual Studio Online Work Items plugin

Visual Studio Online Work Items plugin is obsolete since TeamCity 10.0 and can be safely removed. TeamCity 10.0 has a built\-in integration with Team Foundation Work Items which supports TFS 2010\+ and Visual Studio Team Services. After upgrade, TeamCity will detect the existing issue tracker connections of this plugin and convert them into TFS Work Items.

Default Checkout mode for newly created build configurations

The default setting for the VCS checkout mode on creating new build configurations has changed: now TeamCity will check out the sources on the agent before the build. If the agent\-side checkout is not possible, TeamCity will use the server\-side checkout. Explicit server\-side or agent\-side checkout is still in place. The new default applies only to newly created build configurations; all the existing ones will work as configured before.

Project-based Agent Management Permissions

New TeamCity installations now have different agent management permissions assignments: Project Administrator role does not include (global) Agent Manager role. Instead, Project administrator role has agent-project permissions which allow managing agents from the agent pools with only projects where user has Project Administrator role.

Existing installations are not affected by this change in order not to change the user permissions. However, it is recommended to review the Project Administrator role and consider excluding "Agent Manager" role and adding the following permissions:

  • Enable / disable agents associated with project

  • Start / Stop cloud agent for project

  • Change agent run configuration policy for project

  • Administer project agent machines (for example, reboot, view agent logs)

  • Remove project agent

  • Authorize project agent

UI Changes

Server Administration UI

The new Administration | Tools page allows setting up tools to be used by appropriate plugins. Tools are automatically distributed to all build agents and can be used in related runners.

New Create project / Create build configuration buttons

The new Create subproject and Create build configuration buttons have a drop\-down now allowing you to select whether you want to create a project from scratch (manually), from URL, or using the popular version control systems and Bitbucket.

NuGet-related UI

NuGet settings page is removed. NuGet.exe can be installed using the new Tools page; to set up TeamCity as a NuGet Server, go to the Administration | NuGet Feed page.

Tests-related UI

The Problematic Tests tab is no longer available and the View all tests failed within the last 120 hours link is removed from the the Current Problems tab.

TeamCity now detects Flaky tests displayed on the dedicated tab for a given project.

Visual Studio Add-in

The legacy version of the TeamCity Visual Studio Add\-in is no longer supported. Visual Studio 2005 and 2008 are not supported.

TeamCity Visual Studio Add\-in is shipped as a part of ReSharper Ultimate. After installation, the TeamCity Add\-in will be available under the RESHARPER menu in Visual studio.

Note that the installer will remove the pre\-bundle products versions: TeamCity and ReSharper versions prior to 9.0, dotCover prior to 3.0, dotTrace prior to 6.0.ReSharper Ultimate does not support the Visual Studio versions 2005 and 2008.

IntelliJ IDEA Compatibility

IntelliJ IDEA 12.1 and older, as well as other IntelliJ-based products released prior to year 2013, is no longer supported by IntelliJ Platform Plugin.

Snapshot dependencies builds rebuilding

After the server upgrade, the builds used as snapshot dependencies may be rebuilt once even if the snapshot dependency has the "Do not run new build if there is a suitable one" option set to ON. This is done to fix the issue.


Clean checkout will be enforced in builds with Stream-based and Client-based Perforce VCS Roots.


Starting from TeamCity 10, TeamCity does not accept by default connections to SVN servers accessed by https:// protocol with non-trusted server SSL certificate. To enable access with such certificates, you should either import the certificate to server JVM keychain, or enable VCS Root option " Accept non-trusted SSL certificate " (Enable non-trusted SSL certificate in 10.0) (issue).

Bundled Tools Updates

Ant runner: the bundled Ant distribution has been upgraded from 1.9.6 to 1.9.7

.NET dotCover coverage: the bundled dotCover is updated to 2016.1

ReSharper command line tools: the bundled R# CLT is updated to 2016.1

Java inspections and duplicates: the bundled IntelliJ IDEA is updated to 2016.2

GitHub Issue Tracker

If you were using the TeamCity-GitHub third-party plugin prior to TeamCity 10.0, you can safely remove it: the built-in TeamCity integration will detect the existing connection to GitHub issue tracker and pick up your settings automatically.

NuGet Support

Configuration parameters teamcity.tool.NuGet.CommandLine.%NUGET_VERSION%.nupkg are not reported anymore. The teamcity.tool.NuGet.CommandLine.%NUGET_VERSION% parameters should be referenced instead.

For example, instead of using %teamcity.tool.NuGet.CommandLine.DEFAULT.nupkg% parameter reference %teamcity.tool.NuGet.CommandLine.DEFAULT% should be used.

Build Statistics

Several statistic values (metrics) has been reworked and renamed:

  • BuildCheckoutTime into buildStageDuration:sourcesUpdate

  • BuildArtifactsPublishingTime into buildStageDuration:artifactsPublishing

  • ArtifactsResolvingTime into buildStageDuration:dependenciesResolving

Old keys are still supported in charts definitions.


REST API uses version 10.0. The previous versions of the API are still available under /app/rest/9.1, /app/rest/9.0, /app/rest/8.1, /app/rest/7.0, /app/rest/6.0 URLs.

Requests for a set of items with the locator addressing a single item which resulted in 404 responses previously will now return an empty set as a more consistent approach. For example, .../app/rest/builds?locator=id:<non-existent build id>. REST debug logging might have diagnostics message with more details as to the case.

Requests for set of items may return not all/incomplete results (with zero or more items included) and provide nextHref sub-element with the link to retrieve the next "page" of items. The search result is complete when no nextHref sub-element is provided.

Some requests for set of items (e.g. ... /app/rest/vcs-roots and .../app/rest/vcs-root-instances) will use paged results by default when queried without a locator (they used to list all the items). Add the " count:NNN" locator dimension to set page size.

Finding builds (.../app/rest/builds/... URL)
When performing builds scan to find those matched by the locator specified, by default for performance reasons TeamCity will return partial result limited by scanning only 5000 most recent builds. To process a larger portion of the history, check the nextHref attribute returned or set the lookupLimit locator dimension to a larger value.
Previously, until specifically requested the builds from non-default branch as well as canceled, personal and failed to start builds were not returned. Now these filtered out builds are returned by default for running and queued builds queries as well as when filtering by agent or user. Use defaultFIlter:true/false locator dimension to manage the default filtering explicitly.
Also, number:NNN locator now adheres to the same default logic: only "usual" finished builds from default branch are searched by number and several builds can be returned if found.

Finding VCS roots (.../app/rest/vcsRoots/... URL )(minor)
A VCS root locator with project and buildType specified used project as the context for finding buildType. This is no longer the case,the buildType locator should be full one to find the build configuration.

Build Configuration's Artifact Dependencies (entities returned by.../app/rest/buildTypes/... URL)
The artifact-dependencies sub\-element of the buildType element now uses textual generated ids instead of numeric ones which depended on the order previously. This also affects requests for artifact dependencies modification.
The agent-requirements sub\-element of the buildType element now uses generated ids instead of the parameter name as id. This also affects requests for agent requirements modification.

Editing agent requirements (.../app/rest/buildTypes/.../artifact-requirements/... URL)
Previously, on adding a new agent requirement for the same parameter, the existing one was overridden by the new one; now a new one is added. Previously, on adding a new agent requirement, the parameter name was derived from the id attribute of the agent-requirement node. Since TeamCity 10, the parameter name is derived from the " property-name " property.

Test and problem occurrences (.../app/rest/testOccurrences, .../app/rest/problemOccurrences URL)
The sorting of the returned results is changed for some of the queries compared to the previous versions. For example, the " ../app/rest/testOccurrences?locator=build:(xxx) " request now returns the tests in the order they were run in the build.
Previously, test occurrences were sorted by the new status and then by name. Problem occurrences were sorted by problem id.
Also, the build dimension in the test/problem\-related locators now supports multiple builds so for the requests which matched several builds via the " build " dimension, all the builds will be processed; previously only the first matching build was processed.

The property entity used to have its "own" Boolean attribute indicating whether the parameter is redefined in the build configuration as opposed to inherited from a template/project. Now the attribute is renamed to 'inherited' and its value is inverted.
The vcs-root and vcs-root-instance used to have status and lastChecked attributes. Now VCS root instance has status element (with current node which has status and and timestamp attributes) and VCS root does not have the data as it produced undefined results in case of several VCS root instances.
The test entity id became Sring instead of Long (due to inability to represent some Java Long value in JavaScript)

Build type and template
The settings node used to contain all the supported settings. Now only those defined in the build configuration or template are present. The same is true for .../app/rest/buldTypes/XXX/settings/* requests: only the values changed from defaults are present.

Compatible agents
When querying for compatible agents, only the agents which can actually run the builds are now returned. By default, unauthorized, disconnected and disabled agents are not listed. This behavior differs from that in previous versions which had a number of discrepancies. Affected requests and entities: .../app/rest/agents?locator=compatible:(...); ../app/rest/agents/.../compatibleBuildTypes and incompatibleBuildTypes; nested nodes Agent.compatibleBuildTypes, QueuedBuild.compatibleAgents, BuildType.compatibleAgents.

Changes from 9.1.6 to 9.1.7

No potential breaking changes.

Changes from 9.1.5 to 9.1.6

Known Issues

There is a known issue in the bundled dotCover run on Windows XP and Vista. You can use the hotfix or the workaroundprovided. The issue will be fixed in the next dotCover release.

There is a known issue with NuGet Credentials not working for the Authenticated Feed URL of the internal TeamCity NuCet server on the local agents. As a workaround, instead of using %teamcity.nuget.feed.auth.server%, please specify the external server URL in the build step and the build feature.


NuGet versions prior to 2.8.6 require .Net Framework 4.0\+ installed on the build agent, NuGet 2.8.6 and later requires .NET 4.5.


Since version 9.1.6, TeamCity does not support NUnit 3 beta versions (released before NUnit 3.0.0).

The "Run a process per assembly" option of the NUnit runner has been removed from NUnit 3 settings. Configure the desired behavior using the required command line options in the corresponding field.

Bundled Tools Updates

Bundled IntelliJ IDEA updated to version # 143.1945 (roughly equivalent to 15.0.3 with a few additional fixes).

Bundled version of Maven 3.2.x updated to 3.2.5.

Performance Monitor

Note on permissions: to monitor performance of a build agent run as a Windows service, make sure the user starting the agent is member of the Performance Monitor Users group.

Changes from 9.1.4 to 9.1.5

Known Issues

There is a known issue in the bundled dotCover run on Windows XP and Vista. You can use the hotfix or the workaround provided. The issue will be fixed in the next dotCover release.

Product icons

JetBrains product icons are updated in accordance with the new JetBrains branding.


Since TeamCity 9.1.5, git sparse-checkout is disabled by default. To enable it in a TeamCity project, add the teamcity.git.useSparseCheckout=true parameter to this project.

Gradle: Breaking change compared to 9.1.2

Gradle runner system.* properties, introduced in TeamCity 9.1.2, defined for the build as JVM's system properties of the Gradle process, will not work since 9.1.5. Now the TeamCity system properties can be accessed in Gradle scripts as Gradle properties (similarly to the ones defined in the gradle.propertiesfile) and are to be referenced as follows:

a) name allowed as a Groovy identifier (the property name does not contain dots): customUserProperty
b) name not allowed as a Groovy identifier (the property name contains dots, e.g. build.vcs.number.1): project.ext["build.vcs.number.1"]

Bundled Tools Updates

The bundled JetBrains IntelliJ IDEA (IDEA inspections and duplicates) has been updated to version 15.0.2

.NET tools updates

JetBrains ReSharper command line tools (.NET inspection and duplicates) have been updated to match ReSharper 10.0.2 releaseTeamCity Visual Studio Add-in Web installer updated to ReSharper 10.0.2 releaseBundled JetBrains dotCover updated to version 10.0.2

Changes from 9.1.3 to 9.1.4

Known Issues

Certain roles/permissions configurations can result in error loading roles and no ability for regular users to view projects. In such cases the " Circular reference is detected between roles " critical server error is displayed on the server administration pages for those logged in as server administrator. Please check the workaround for the issue.

Git agent\-side checkout may malfunction (details at TW-43202) when the teamcity.git.use.native.ssh=true parameter is specified in a build configuration or in the agent config. To fix that, install the #snapshot-34 build of the Git\-plugin.

Git agent\-side checkout works incorrectly with git client versions 1.7.0\-1.7.4: the checkout directory contains files only, all directories are missing (details at TW-43330). To work around the problem, add the teamcity.git.useSparseCheckout=false parameter in the Root TeamCity project.

TeamCity Windows binaries signatures

Since 9.1.4 the TeamCity Windows binaries are signed with SHA\-2 code\-signing certificate following the Microsoft SHA-2 policies. This means that on systems prior to Windows XP SP3, the executables will not pass code signing verification; newer Windows systems require the corresponding security update from Microsoft.

Bundled Tools Updates

Bundled Oracle JRE (in both Server and Agent.exe installers) has been updated to version 1.8.0_66 (32\-bit)

.NET tools updates

JetBrains ReSharper command line tools (.NET inspection and duplicates) have been updated to match ReSharper 10.0 release

TeamCity Visual Studio Add-in Web installer updated to ReSharper 10.0 release

Bundled JetBrains dotCover updated to version 10.0

Changes from 9.1.2 to 9.1.3

Known Issues

There is a known issue in the bundled dotCover 3.2 which could cause a build's failure with the following exception: "System.Security.VerificationException: System.Security.VerificationException: Operation could destabilize the runtime". The issue is fixed in dotCover 10.0 bundled with TeamCity 9.1.4 release.

Bundled JVM (Server Windows installer and Agent Windows installer) is updated which results in disabled SSL RC4 chiper suite for outgoing HTTPS connections. For example this makes connections to CloudForge SVN servers non\-functional with "SSLHandshakeException: Received fatal alert: handshake_failure" error. (details)

Changes from 9.1.1 to 9.1.2

Known issues

The Command line runner can fail to execute a custom script if it has a non\-default hashbang specified at the beginning of the script: TW-42498

When using Amazon EC2 cloud integration, an AMI\-image, containing build agent versions 9.1.2\-9.1.5 will appear twice with name EC2\-i\-abcdefgh and EC2\-i\-abcdefgh\-1 consuming 2 licenses. To fix the issue please use an AMI\-image with agent 9.1.6\+. Just updating server to 9.1.6 won't help, if AMI remains the same. (details)

Build status icons

Build status icons updated to a more "standard" look and are of a bit larger now.

Bundled Tools Updates

JetBrains ReSharper command line tools (.NET inspection and duplicates) have been updated to match ReSharper 9.2 release

TeamCity Visual Studio Add-in Web installer updated to ReSharper 9.2 release

Bundled JetBrains dotCover updated to version 3.2

Bundled Oracle JRE (in both Server and Agent .exe installers) updated to version 1.8.0_60 (32-bit)

Changes from 9.1 to 9.1.1

Bundled Jacoco coverage library updated to version 0.7.5

Perforce VCS Roots with disabled ticket authentication won't run 'p4 login' operation anymore if password authentication is disabled on the Perforce server.
I.e. if password authentication is disabled, "Use ticked\-based authentication" option must be enabled on the VCS Root. TW-42818

Changes from 9.0.x to 9.1

Bundled Ant

Bundled Ant distribution has been upgraded form 1.8.4 to 1.9.6. Note that Ant build steps using bundled Ant will use another version of Ant after the server upgrade. Ant 1.9.6 requires Java 1.5 at least, so builds using Ant and running under Java 1.4 will stop working.

MSTest runner converted into Visual Studio Tests runner

MSTest runner is merged with VSTest console runner (previously provided as a separate plugin) into the Visual Studio Tests runner. Note that after upgrade to TeamCity 9.1, MSTest build steps are automatically converted to the Visual Studio Tests runner steps, while VSTest steps remain unchanged.

MSTest installation agent properties

TeamCity agent automatically detects the installed MSTest and used to expose the locations in system.MSTest.N.N system properties.

Since TeamCity 9.1, the locations are exposed via teamcity.dotnet.mstest.N.N configuration parameters. Check TW-41845 for a workaround if you cannot easily change the properties usage.

Nested test reporting

Previously TeamCity supported a case when one test could have been reported from within another test using service messages. Now, after the fix of TW-40319, starting another test finishes the currently started test in the same "flow". To still report tests from within other tests, you will need to specify another flowId in the nested test service messages.


REST API uses version 9.1. Previous versions of API are still available under /app/rest/9.0, /app/rest/8.1, /app/rest/7.0, /app/rest/6.0 URLs.

Finding builds
Summary (tl;dr): Some build filtering rules has subtle changes. Most importantly, a queued build can now be returned instead of 404 when searching by build id and meaning of the "project" locator dimension has changed to be not recursive. Also, failed to start builds are now not included until "failedToStart:any" locator dimension is specified.

Affected requests: /app/builds/<locator>..., /app/builds?locator=<locator>, /app/buildTypes/<btLocator>/builds and others with build locator

locator: id:<number> or taskId:<number>

  • previously, if the matching build was a queued one, 404 (Not Found) was returned

  • now the queued build is returned

locator: project:<id>...

  • previously, all the builds belonging to build configurations of the project and all it's subprojects (recursively) were found

  • now only the builds belonging to build configurations of the project specified are found. For finding the builds recursively, use "affectedProject:<id>." dimension. This makes the usage consistent with build type locators.

locator: tag:<text>

  • previously, when "<text>" used ":" character, that used to treat the entire "<text>" as tag name

  • now the "<text>" is parsed as a nested locator. For searhing tags with ":" character, locator "tag:(name:(<tag>))" should be used

locator: <text>

  • previously, if <text> is not a number, response was 400 (Bad Request) with "LocatorProcessException: Invalid single value: '<text>'. Should be a number." message.

  • now search by build number across all builds on the server is performed (this is not recommended to be used on production servers). For not found builds 404 (Not found) response is returned

locator: id:<number>,xxx:yyyy

  • previously, build was found by id "<number>, other dimensions were ignored

  • now if the build found by id does not match other dimensions, response is 404 (Not Found)

locator: agent:<agentLocator>

  • previously <agentLocator> was used as is, without applying any defaults (unauthorized agents were included until specifically excluded)

  • now <agentLocator> has the same behavior as in /app/rest/agents request: unauthorized agents are excluded by default

Finding projects
Searching project by name used to return 404 error is several projects were matched. Now will return the first project found.

Build's artifacts
There are several bugs fixed in listing build artifacts via /app/rest/builds/<locator>/artifacts/* requests which can cause subtle changes in the results for the request. Check the new behavior if you relied on the response.The most important changes are:

  • the initial path specified via URL part is searched for without current locator value, it will not generate 404 responses until there is no such artifact on disk.

  • archives are not treated as directories (do not have children elements) by default. Specify "browseArchives:true" to treat archives as directories (in "recursive:true" mode only one level of archives is treated as directories)

Agents which are not known to the system (which were deleted) used to have id "\-1". Now "id", "pool" and some other entries are no longer included for such agents.

Xcode 7 Support

Experimental support for Xcode 7 has been added.

Issue trackers integration

Due to API changes, third party issue trackers integration plugins might not be compatible with TeamCity version 9.1. Old plugins will not work and will report "java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: jetbrains.buildServer.issueTracker.AbstractIssueProviderFactory.<init>(Ljetbrains/buildServer/issueTracker/IssueFetcher;Ljava/lang/String;)V" error in teamcity-server.log log (more details in the issue). If you observe such errors, please contact the plugin authors. If you are the author of affected plugin, please refer to the related notes in Open API Changes.

Changes from 9.0.4 to 9.0.5

No potential breaking changes.

Changes from 9.0.3 to 9.0.4

No potential breaking changes.

Changes from 9.0.2 to 9.0.3

No potential breaking changes.

Changes from 9.0.1 to 9.0.2

No potential breaking changes.

Changes from 9.0 to 9.0.1

Known Issues

If you have enabled versioned settings for projects which use meta\-runners in TeamCity 9.0, on upgrade and following commit into the settings VCS root, the meta runners will be deleted from the server. Workaround is to commit the meta\-runners definitions into the settings repository manually. Related issue: TW-39519.

Oracle 10.x JDBC driver is not supported anymore

Due to missing support for national character sets (nvarchar) in Oracle 10.x JDBC drivers, TeamCity 9.0.1 will ask to upgrade Oracle JDBC drivers to the latest version. The minimal supported version of Oracle JDBC driver is 11.1.

Changes from 8.1.x to 9.0

Known Issues

  • If you have custom artifact clean-up rules configured which mention ".teamcity" directory, build logs can be deleted by the clean-up procedure. Make sure you have build logs backup before upgrade and remove all the custom artifacts cleanup rules with ".teamcity". Related issue: TW-40042. This issue is fixed in 9.0.3 release.

  • If you use Microsoft SQL Server database with TeamCity, after the scheduled clean-up background run, TeamCity UI pages can lock until the server restart. See TW-39549 for details. This issue is fixed in 9.0.2 release.

  • If you use LDAP authentication on the server and there are lots of login attempts on the server (e.g. there is an active REST\-using script), OutOfMemory errors can occur and require server restart. Consider installing an LDAP plugin with a fix from the issue. This issue is fixed in 9.0.1 release.

  • If you have large Maven projects, you can see builds failing with OutOfMemoryError. This is caused by update of back\-end embedded Maven to 3.2.3 which has bigger memory footprint. Consider increasing Build Agent memory limits Related issue: TW-41052

UUID in XML settings files

Since TeamCity 9.0, disk\-stored XML settings definitions of projects, build configurations and VCS roots have unique non\-human\-readable id (uuid) stored. These ids are automatically generated and are assumed to globally unique. On settings files copying, you need to change/make unique not only id (file name) and name (across siblings) of the entity , but also remove it's uuid from the file. TeamCity will generate new uuid automatically.

Build logs storage

The location of the build logs in the internal format stored under TeamCity Data Directory has changed. The build log files in internal format are now stored under hidden build artifacts.Namely, the location has changed from system/messages/CHyy/xxyy.* to system/artifacts/<PROJECT EXTERNAL ID>/<BUILD CONFIGURATION NAME>/xxyy/.teamcity/logs/buildLog.*.

Old build logs are migrated to the new location on TeamCity server startup (TW-37362). To avoid this migration, teamcity.skip.logs.migration internal property should be set before server startup.

Builds re-indexing after upgrade

On the first server start after upgrade from a version prior to 9.0, the server will reindex all builds for the purpose of builds search functionality and NuGet feeds. During the indexing time, some builds will not be available in the search results and in NuGet feeds. The server can also behave in less performant manner way during the indexing. teamcity-server.log has corresponding logging. On indexing finishing, there are "BuildIndexer (search) \- Finished re\-indexing builds" and "BuildIndexer (metadata) \- Finished re\-indexing builds" lines in the log.

Integration with issue trackers

Since TeamCity 9.0, the issue trackers are configured on the project level instead of the global server\-wide configuration.On the server upgrade, all existing issue tracker integrations are moved to the Root project, which makes them still accessible to all the projects on the server.

WebSocket connections and proxy servers

Since 9.0, TeamCity tries to establish WebSocket connections between the browser and the server for the UI updates. If you have a proxy server (like nginx) in front of the TeamCity web UI, make sure that the proxy is configured properly to support WebSocket connections.

If the proxy is misconfigured or does not support the WebSocket protocol, a server health item will be shown for TeamCity system administrators. In this case TeamCity will use plain old polling for the UI updates as before.


REST API uses version 9.0. Previous versions of API are still available under /app/rest/8.1, /app/rest/7.0, /app/rest/6.0 URLs.

  • Change bean: the webLink attribute is renamed to webUrl to match other beans (TW-34398).

  • Sub\-elements representing empty collections in some of the beans are no longer included into responses (used to be included as an empty tag in XML).

  • the builds changes element does not include the "count" attribute by default (for performance reasons), count can still be included by providing fields parameter like: "fields=$long,changes(count,href)"

  • The /app/rest/agents request now returns all the authorized agents by default (used to include unauthorized connected agents as well)

  • queued builds now have the id attribute instead of the taskId attribute (they are the same for new builds since TeamCity 9.0)

Build tags\-related changes
The /app/rest/builds/<buildLocator>/tags build request now returns a different XML: <tags count="1"><tag name="TAG"/></tags> instead of <tags><tag>TAG</tag></tags>.
The same applies to the /app/rest/buildTypes/<buildTypeLocator>/<buildTypeLocator>/buildTags request.
The same change in the structure also applies to the build's entity nested "tags" element.

To create a tag, there is an old way to post a plain\-text tag name to the app/rest/builds/<buildLocator>/tags URL.
When sending POST or PUT XML or JSON requests to the URL, the new XML format is to be used (<tag name="TAG"/></tags> instead of <tag>TAG</tag>).

Handling tests with the same name within a build

In TeamCity 9.0, multiple tests with the same name within the same build are considered a single test with an invocation count. If any of these test runs fail, the whole test is considered failed in the build. The related issue is TW-24212.

This change results in drop of test number counters in builds which have multiple runs for the same test. If you have a build failure condition which relies on test number in the build, this change may affect you.

If you need the tests to be treated as separate ones, consider running them in the test suites with different names or otherwise changing the test/running logic to change the full test name displayed in TeamCity.

Database-related changes

The national character sets (nchar, nvarchar, nclob types) for text fields are now supported in MS SQL databases used by TeamCity. It is recommended to use the Microsoft native JDBC driver, as jTDS JDBC driver does not support the nchar and nvarchar characters. If you still use jTDS, please migrate.

Upon upgrade and entering the normal working status, TeamCity starts a background process to move the entries from the vcs_changes database table to vcs_change table. This process is transparent and you can continue working with the server as usual. It has negligible impact on the server performance and the only affected logic is the projects import feature (it is recommended to be used only with backups taken after the process is completed). The progress of the process can be seen on the Backup section in the server administration, along with "TeamCity is currently optimizing VCS\-related data in the database for better backup/restore performance" message.
The other important thing is that the data copying increases the size of the raw database storage.
If this is an issue for your case (e.g. it might be with Microsoft SQL Server database with set database size limit), it is recommended to ensure the database size limit is twice the current size before the upgrade. It is possible to perform database\-specific procedures to shrink the storage to match the actually stored data after the VCS changes migration process finishes.

VCS Root-related changes

The Git and Mercurial VCS roots no longer provide the ability to specify a custom clone path on the server for new VCS roots. If you need this ability, set the following internal properties to true for git and mercurial respectively: teamcity.git.showCustomClonePath, teamcity.hg.showCustomClonePath.

Visual Studio Addin

The TeamCity Add\-in installed as a part of ReSharper Ultimate will remove the pre\-bundle products versions: TeamCity and ReSharper versions prior to 9.0, dotCover prior to 3.0, dotTrace prior to 6.0.

Besides, it will not use the settings provided by the 8.1 version. The traditional add\-in downloaded from TeamCity server can still use settings from previous version.


TeamCity agent installation via the Java web start installation package is no longer available.

Changes from 8.1.1 to 8.1.4

No potential breaking changes.

Changes from 8.1 to 8.1.1

Command Line Runner

The change in behavior introduced in 8.1 (see below) has been fixed. Command line runners using "Executable with parameters" option which were created/changed with TeamCity 8.1 can expose a change in behavior with the upgrade. The recommended approach is to switch to "Custom script" option instead of "Executable with parameters" in command line runner.

Separate download for VSTest.Console runner

VSTest console runner is no longer bundled with TeamCity and is available as a separate plugin. For download details, see the plugin page

Changes from 8.0.6 to 8.1

Known issue with creating MS SQL database with integrated security

When installing TeamCity anew and creating an MS SQL database with integrated security using the database setup UI, you may receive an error. We are planning to resolve it in the next bugfix, meanwhile use the following workaround:

  1. After receiving the error, stop the TeamCity server.

  2. Start the TeamCity server.

  3. On the database configuration screen, fill out the required information. Do not use the Refresh button. Make sure the information specified is correct.

  4. Continue with the configuration steps.

If for some reason the workaround above does not resolve the problem, do the following:

  1. Start the TeamCity server, approve a new database creation, configure the MS SQL access with a login and password, without integrated security.

  2. Ensure that TeamCity works properly.

  3. Stop the TeamCity server.

  4. Modify the Setting up an External Database file: configure MS SQL connection string to use integrated security, and remove the login and password.

  5. Start the TeamCity server again.

Known issue with VSTest.Console runner

A new "VSTest.Console" runner which first appeared in TeamCity 8.1 is in experimental state and is not recommended for production use at this time. It will not be present in TeamCity 8.1.x by default (will be available as a separate download).

Known issue with PowerShell runner

PowerShell runner plugin is broken in 8.1. Fix is available, please follow instructions in issue comment.

Known issue with Command Line Runner

Command line runner using "Executable with parameters" option can process quotes (") and percentage signs (%\) in a bit different way then in previous TeamCity versions (see details in the issue). To switch back to the previous (8.0) behavior you may specify configuration parameter in a build configuration or in a project. The issue is fixed in 8.1.1.
The recommended approach is to switch to "Custom script" option instead of "Executable with parameters" in command line runner.

Memory Settings

If you have not switched to 64 bit JVM yet and use -Xmx1300 memory setting for the server and the server is running on Windows, consider decreasing the setting to -Xmx1200 as otherwise you might encounter "Native memory allocation (malloc) failed" JVM crash. See the recommended memory settings for details.

Actions menu

Some actions has moved under the "Actions" button available at the top\-right of the page, near Run button.
These include:"Label this build sources" on Changes tab of a build,
"Pause", "Copy", "Move", "Delete", "Associate with Template", "Extract Template", "Extract Meta\-Runner" on build configuration settings administration page,
"Copy", "Move", "Delete", "Archive", "Bulk edit IDs" on the Project Settings administration page.

Create Maven build configuration is not available by default

Action "Create Maven build configuration" is no longer available. Most of its functionality is covered by create project from URL and create VCS root from URL pages.

triggeredBy parameter from GroovyPlug plugin

The build.triggeredBy and build.triggeredBy.username configuration parameters provided by the plugin added by the plugin are now available without the plugin under and names respectively. Consider migrating to the latter set of parameters in your settings if you used the plugin's ones.

Shared Resources build feature

If the build takes lock on all values of a resource with custom values, these values are provided as lock values in build parameters. Corresponding issue: TW-29779

TeamCity Disk Space Watcher

The following internal properties define free disk space thresholds on the TeamCity server machine:

  • teamcity.diskSpaceWatcher.threshold set to 500 Mb by default displays a warning on all the pages of the TeamCity web UI.

  • teamcity.pauseBuildQueue.diskSpace.threshold set to 50 Mb by default pauses the build queue. The teamcity.diskSpaceWatcher.softThreshold property is removed.


The PowerShell plugin now uses the version that was specified in the UI as the -Version command line argument when executing scripts. Corresponding issue: TW-33472


The latest version of the API has not changed, it is still "8.0" while there are changes in the API detailed below. If you find this inconvenient for your REST API usages, please comment in the corresponding issue.

Entities returned in the response of REST API requests might now exclude attributes/elements with empty/default values. This is relevant for boolean fields with "false" value and empty collections. The recommended approach is to make sure the client code assumes "false" as a value for not present boolean attributes/elements.

"projectName" of buildType node now contains full project name (with the names of the parent projects) instead of the short name of the project.

In the lists of builds, "startDate" attribute is not longer included in the "build" node. It has become an element instead of attribute to match the full build data representation. If your REST API usage is affected, check a way to get that element in a request for the list of builds.

Requests /app/rest/buildTypes/XXX/parameters/YYY and /app/rest/projects/XXX/parameters/YYY now support "text/plain" and "application/xml" responses. To get plain text response (which was the only supported way before 8.1) you will need to supply "Accept: text/plain" header to the request.

Password properties of the VCS roots are now included into the responses, just without values.

CCTray\-format XML (app/rest/cctray/projects.xml) does not include paused build configurations now.

Response to the experimental request /app/rest/buildTypes/XXX/investigations has changed the format and got additional fields to cover tests and problem investigations. There is an internal property rest.beans.buildTypeInvestigationCompatibility to include removed sub\-items. Please let us know via support email if you need to use the internal property.

Changes from 8.0.5 to 8.0.6

No potential breaking changes.

Changes from 8.0.4 to 8.0.5

No potential breaking changes.

Changes from 8.0.3 to 8.0.4

First Clean-up

First Clean-up after server upgrade might take a bit more time then regularly if there are many builds on the server. Following clean-ups will then run a bit faster then in previous versions.

Changes from 8.0 to 8.0.3

No potential breaking changes.

Changes from 7.1.x to 8.0

Project and Build Configuration IDs

This version introduces user\-assignable IDs for projects and build configurations. This new ID is now used instead of internal id (projectN and btNNN) in at least:

  • URLs of the web pages and artifact downloads

  • in REST API

  • project IDs are also used in directory names on the server under <TeamCity Data Directory>\system\artifacts instead of project names used prior to TeamCity 8.0

If you used any of the above, please, verify if you are affected by the change.
Learn more about IDs at Identifier.

On upgrade, all the projects get automatically generated IDs based on their names.
Build configuration IDs are set to be equal to internal (btNNN) ids and can be later changed from the Administration UI via the Regenerate ID or Bulk edit IDs actions.

Please note that the names of the projects and build configurations are no longer unique server\-wide (are only unique within the direct parent project) and can contain any symbols which might be relevant if you used these in directory or file names.

Project settings format on disk

The format of the project settings storage on the disk under <TeamCity Data Directory>/config has been changed.
If you used any tools to read or update project-config.xml files, you will need to update the tools. It is recommended to use REST API or TeamCity open API (Java) to make changes so that the tools are not hugely affected by the format change.

Build Configuration templates

In version 8.0 build configuration templates support project hierarchy and TeamCity uses new rules:

  • The TeamCity administration UI limits the use of templates only to those from the current project and its parents. On copying a project or a build configuration, the templates which do not belong to the target project or one of its parents are automatically copied.

  • TeamCity no longer allows attaching a build configuration to a template if the template does not belong to the current project or one of its parents.

  • Before version 8.0 it was possible to extract templates from a build configuration of one project to an unrelated project or to associate a build configuration in one project with a template in another. After upgrade to TC 8.0, such templates will become inaccessible in the current project. To reuse build configuration templates from an unrelated project, it is recommended to manually move them into the common parent project (or the Root project if you want them to be globally available).

JVM-originated agent parameters (os.arch and others)

The agent no longer reports system properties which come from the agent JVM: system.os.arch,, system.os.version, system.user.home,, system.user.timezone, system.user.language,, system.user.variant, system.path.separator, system.file.encoding, system.file.separator ).All the aforementioned parameters are now reported as configuration parameters with the teamcity.agent.jvm. prefix instead.If you used any of the parameters, make sure you update them to the new values.

IntelliJ IDEA project runner

IntelliJ IDEA project runner now uses IntelliJ IDEA's external make tool to build projects. Since this tool requires Java 1.6 to work, IntelliJ IDEA project runner now requires Java 1.6 (at least) too.

Clean-up for build configurations with feature branches

Build configurations with feature branches now process clean\-up rules per\-branch which can result in more builds preserved during clean\-up than in previous versions. See details.

Team Foundation Server integration

TFS now prefers Team Explorer 2012 to Team Explorer 2010 (if both are installed) for TFS operations

Compatibility with YouTrack

If you use JetBrains YouTrack and use its TeamCity integration features, please note that only YouTrack version 4.2.4 and later are compatible with TeamCity 8.0.
If you need earlier YouTrack versions to work with TeamCity 8.0, please let us know.


External ids There are changes in the API related to the new external ids for project/build types/templates as well as other changes.
The old API compatible with TeamCity 7.1 is still provided under "/app/rest/7.0" URL.

If you used URLs with locators having "id" for projects, build configuration or templates (like .../app/rest/projects/id:XXX or .../app/rest/buildTypes/id:XXX), please, update the locators to one of the following:

  • (recommended) "id:EXTERNAL_ID" (you can get the external ID in web UI URLs or via a request to .../app/rest/projects/internalId:OLD\_ID/id

  • just "ANY_ID" to find the entity either by its internal, external id or name (use with caution: you can find more than you expect)

  • "internalId:INTERNAL_ID" to find the entity by the internal idYou can also use the "/app/rest/7.0/" URL prefix instead of "/app/rest/" to work with 7.0\-version of REST API which still uses internal IDs except for finish build trigger properties.

Also, it is possible to set the internal property rest.compatibility.allowExternalIdAsInternal=true to turn on the compatibility mode so that id:xxx locators will search also by the internal id. Note that this will be dropped in the future versions of TeamCity and is not recommended for use.

Other Changes
Requests for builds ".../builds/<locator>/..." and ".../builds?locator=<locator>" no longer return personal and canceled builds by default. To include those, make sure you add ",personal:any,canceled:any" to the locators.

The "relatedIssues" element of the build entity no longer contains a full list of related issues. It has only the "href" attribute whose value can be used to get the related issues via a separate request.
There is also an internal property "" which can be set to true to return the "relatedIssues" node back for compatibility. See TW-20025 for details. Also, the ".../builds/xxx/related\-issues" URL is renamed to ".../builds/xxx/relatedIssues".

The "source_buildTypeId" property is dropped from snapshot and artifact dependency nodes. Instead, the "source\-buildType" sub\-element is added with a reference to the build type.
Creating dependencies is still supported with the "source_buildTypeId" property, but is deprecated. There is an internal property "rest.compatibility.includeSourceBuildTypeInDependencyProperties" which can be set to true to include the "source_buildTypeId" property back.

In version 8.0 VCS roots support project hierarchy:

  • When creating a VCS root, the project element should always be provided now. The element supports the locator attribute to specify the project.

  • the shared attribute is dropped from the VCS root: after upgrade, such VCS roots are attached to the root project (with the "_Root" ID) and become globally available.

  • when copying projects and build configurations, the shareVCSRoots attribute is no longer present. To make the VCS root available to projects and build configurations, move it to the parent/root project and then proceed with the copying.

It is recommended to create projects hierarchy which corresponds to organizational/settings sharing structure and move the VCS roots to most nested umbrella projects. Users then can be granted "Create / delete VCS root" role in the project to be able to edit VCS roots. Please note that users can edit a VCS root only if it is used in the projects they have "Edit project" permission for.

The "template" attribute in a build configuration template node is renamed to "templateFlag".

PUT for /users/<locator>/roles and /userGroups/<locator>/roles now accepts list of roles as it should and replaces existing roles instead of accepting single riles and adding it.

Many of PUT and POST requests which used to return nothing now return the entities created.

Open API changes

See details

Shared Resources plugin

If you used the Shared Resources plugin with TeamCity 7.1.x, make sure to remove it as it is now bundled. See the upgrade instructions.

Queue Manager plugin

If you used the QueueManager plugin, make sure to remove it as it is now bundled. See the upgrade instructions

Bundled Maven

Maven bundled with TeamCity upgraded to version 3.0.5.

HTTPS connections from agents to server

If your agents connect to the TeamCity server by HTTPS protocol, and after upgrade agents fail to connect with error messages Received fatal alert: handshake_failure

then you should change Tomcat SSL connector configuration, i.e. add the following attribute to SSL connector and restart TeamCity server:sslEnabledProtocols="TLSv1,SSLv3,SSLv2Hello"

The issue only manifests when the server runs under Java 1.7.

See also:

Changes from 7.1.4 to 7.1.5 parameter semantics has changed, see

Changes from 7.1.3 to 7.1.4

No potential breaking changes.

Changes from 7.1.2 to 7.1.3

No potential breaking changes.

Please check up\-to\-date list of known regressions for the version in our issue tracker.

Changes from 7.1.1 to 7.1.2

Possible issues with hg server\-side checkout
There is a known issue with 7.1.2 release: TW-24405 which can reproduce when server\-side checkout, labeling or file content viewing are used for Mercurial repository.If you experience the error with message "abort: destination 'hg1' is not empty", please install the patch attached to the issue.

Other known issues
Please also check a list of known regressions for the version in our issue tracker.

Changes from 7.1 to 7.1.1

No potential breaking changes.

Changes from 7.0.x to 7.1

Windows service configuration
Since version 7.1, TeamCity uses its own service wrapping solution for the TeamCity server as opposed to that of default Tomcat one in previous versions.This changes the way TeamCity service is configured (Data Directory and server startup options including memory settings) and makes it unified between service and console startup.
Please refer to the updated section on configuring the server startup properties.

Agent windows service started to use OS\-provided environment variables. Once Agent server (and JVM) are x86 processes, agent will report x86 environment variables. The change may affect your CPU bitness checks. See MSDN Blog on how to check if machine supports x64 by reported environment variables

Default location for TeamCity Data Directory when installed with Windows installer
This is only relevant for fresh TeamCity installations with Windows installer. Existing settings are preserved if you upgrade an existing installation.
Windows installer now uses %ALLUSERSPROFILE%\JetBrains\TeamCity location as default one for TeamCity Data Directory. In TeamCity 7.0 and previous versions that used to be %USERPROFILE%\.BuildServer.

Windows domain login module
When TeamCity server runs under Windows and Windows domain user authentication is used, TeamCity now uses another library (Waffle) to talk to the Windows domain. Under Linux the behavior is unchanged: jCIFS library is used as it were.

Unless you specified specific settings for jCIFS library in ntlm\ file, your installation should not be affected.
If you experience any issues with login into TeamCity with your Windows username/password after upgrade, please provide details to us. In the mean time you can switch to using old jCIFS library. For this, add teamcity.ntlm.use.jcifs=true line into internal properties file.
Please note that jCIFS library approach can be depricated in future versions of TeamCity, so the property specification is not recommended if you can go without it.

Checkout directory change for Git and Mercurial
Build configurations that have either Git or Mercurial VCS roots and use default checkout directory will perform clean checkout upon upgrade. The clean checkout will be triggered by changed default checkout directory name. Further builds will reuse the checkout directory more aggressively (all builds using different branches but using the same VCS root will use the same directory). This affects agent\- and server\-side checkouts.

Perforce agent checkout workspace names change
Build configurations using Perforce agent\-side checkout will perform clean checkout once after server upgrade. This is related to changed names for automatically generated Perforce workspaces.

SVN revision format
For changes, detected in external repositories, SVN revision got format NNN_MMM:EXTUUID_CHANGEDATE, where NNN\- revision of the main repository, MMM\- revision of externals repository, EXTUUID\- UUID of externals repository, CHANGEDATE\- change timestamp. This change may affect plugins/REST api clients which use revision of the last build change somehow.

Default schema when Microsoft SQL Server is used as an external database
Starting with version 7.1 TeamCity works only with a single database schema unlike previous versions when it could work with tables in any schemas of the database server.

TeamCity\-related tables should now be located in the database schema which is set as default one for the database user used by TeamCity to connect to the database.

This change may require reconfiguration of the database to set default schema for the user used by TeamCity server to connect to the database.

Please check that all TeamCity\-related tables are located in the default user's schema before performing the upgrade.

If the default user's schema is not set right, TeamCity can report "TeamCity database is empty or doesn't exist. If you proceed, a new database will be created." message on the first start of newer TeamCity.

To change user's default schema, use the 'alter user' SQL command.

For the default schema description, see the "Default Schemas" section in the corresponding documentation.

Open API changes
See details

Changes from 7.0.1 to 7.0.4

No potential breaking changes.

Changes from 7.0 to 7.0.1

HTML report tabs URLs Change
If you use direct links for build\-level or project\-level report tabs, please update the links as they will change after upgrade. The change is necessary to make the feature more reliable.

Changes from 6.5.x to 7.0

(Known issue) Build can hang or produce memory error for NUnit and other .Net test runners
Affected are: .Net test runners (NUnit, MSTest, MSpec) as well as TeamCity NUnit console launcher.
Reproduces when path to test assemblies has several deep paths without wildcards ("*").

Visible outcome: build hangs or fails with OutOfMemoryException error after "Starting ...JetBrains.BuildServer.NUnitLauncher.exe" link in the build log.

The issue (TW-20482) is fixed and the fix will be included in the next release.
Patch with a fix is available.

Minimum Supported Project JDK for Ant Runner
Starting with this version Ant runner requires minimum of JDK 1.4 in runtime build part (was 1.3 previously). This means that you will not be able to use TeamCity Ant runner if your project uses JDK 1.3 for compilation or tests running.For projects that require JDK 1.3 you can use command\-line runner instead and configure "XML report processing" build feature to parse test reports.

Supported Java for Server and Agent
Starting with this version the following requirements

  • TeamCity server should be run with JRE 1.6 or above (was 1.5 previously). TeamCity .exe distribution is already bundled with appropriate Java. For .tar.gz or .war TeamCity distributions you might need to install and configure server manualy.

  • TeamCity agent should be run with JRE 1.6 or above (was 1.5 previously). Agent .exe distribution is already bundled with appropriate Java. If you used .zip agent distribution or installed the TeamCity agent with TeamCity version 5.0 or earlier, you might need manual steps. If you run TeamCity 6.5.x, please check "Agents" page of your existing TeamCity server: the page will have a yellow warning in case any of the connected agents are running JDK less than 1.6.

Project/Template parameters override
In TeamCity 7.0 project parameters have higher priority than parameters defined in template, i.e. if there is a parameter with some name and value in the project and there is parameter with the same name and different value in template of the same project, value from the project will be used. This was not so in TeamCity 6.5 and was changed to be more flexible when template belongs to anohter project.Build configuration parameters have the highest priority, as usual.

Support for Sybase is discontinued
From this version support for Sybase as external database is shifted back into "experimental" state.
The reason for this decision is that it does not seem like the database is actively used with TeamCity, and supporting it requires a significant effort from TeamCity team which otherwise can be directed to improving more important areas of the product.
While it should be still possible, we do not recommend using Sybase as an external database and we are not planning to provide support for the Sybase\-related issues.
Please consider using one of the other databases supported. If you use Sybase, please migrate to another database before upgrading TeamCity.

REST API Changes

  • Several objects got additional attributes and sub\-elements (e.g. BuildType, VcsRoot). Please check that your parsing code still works. /buildTypes/ path: BuildType object dropped runParameters field (as well as /<locator>/runParameters path is dropped) in favor of steps collection and /<locator>/steps/ path.

  • A bug fixed which resulted in non\-array JSON representation of single element arrays for some resources. Please check if your code is affected.

  • in build object, "dependency\-build" element is renamed to "snapshot\-dependencies", revisions/revision/vcs\-root is renamed to revisions/revision/vcs\-root\-intance (and it points to resolved VCS root instance now), revisions/revision/display\-version is renamed to "version".

  • in buildType object, "vcs\-root" element is renamed to "vcs\-root\-entries"

Old version of the REST API is available via /app/rest/6.0/... URL in TeamCity 7.0. Please update your REST\-using code as future versions of TeamCity might drop support for 6.0 protocol.

Minimum version of supported Tomcat
If you use TeamCity .war distribution, please note that Tomcat 5.5 is no longer supported. Please update Tomcat to version 6.0.27 or above (Tomcat 7 is recommended).


swabra.handle.exe.path and handle.exe.path configuration parameters are no longer supported for providing path to Sysinternals handle.exe on agents. See the plugin page for the details.

Open API Changes

Classes from jetbrains.buildServer.messages.serviceMessages package like jetbrains.buildServer.messages.serviceMessages.BuildStatus no longer depend on jetbrains.buildServer.messages.Status class. To make your code compatible with TeamCity 6.0 \- 7.0 you can use jetbrains.buildServer.messages.serviceMessages.ServiceMessage#asString methods, for example:

ServiceMessage.asString("buildStatus", new HashMap<String, String>() {{   put("text", "Errors found");   put("status", "FAILURE"); }});

See also Open API Changes

Changes from 6.5.4 to 6.5.6

No potential breaking changes.

Changes from 6.5.4 to 6.5.5

(Known issue infex in 6.5.6) .NET Duplicates finder may stop working, the patch is available, please see this comment:

Changes from 6.5.3 to 6.5.4

No potential breaking changes.

Changes from 6.5.2 to 6.5.3

No potential breaking changes.

Changes from 6.5.1 to 6.5.2

Maven runner
Working with MAVEN_OPTS has changed again. Hopefully for the last time within the 6.5.x iteration. (see
Now TeamCity acts as follows:

  1. If MAVEN_OPTS is set TeamCity takes JVM arguments from MAVEN_OPTS

  2. If "JVM command line parameters" are provided in the runner settings, they are taken instead of MAVEN_OPTS and MAVEN_OPTS is overwritten with this value to propagate it to nested Maven executions.

Those who after upgrading to 6.5 had problems of not using MAVEN_OPTS and who had to copy its value to the "JVM command line parameters" to make their builds work, now don't need to change anything in their configuration. Builds will work the same way they do in 6.5 or 6.5.1.

Changes from 6.5 to 6.5.1

(Fixed known issue) Long upgrade time and slow clean-up under Oracle

Changes from 6.0.x to 6.5

(Known issue) Long upgrade time and slow clean-up under Oracle
On first upgraded server start the database structures are converted and this can take a long time (hours on a large database) if you use Oracle external database (TW-17094). This is already fixed in 6.5.1.

Agent JVM upgrade
With this version of TeamCity we added semi\-automatic upgrade of JVM used by the agents. If there is a Java 1.6 installed on the agent, and the agent itself is still running under the Java 1.5, TeamCity will ask to switch agent to Java 1.6. All you need is to review that detected path to Java is correct and confirm this switch, the rest should be done automatically. The operation is per\-agent, you'll have to make it for each agent separately. Note that we recommend to switch to Java 1.6, as at some point TeamCity will not be compatible with Java 1.5. Make sure newly selected java process has same firewall rules (i.e. port 9090 is opened to accept connections from server)

IntelliJ IDEA Coverage data
Coverage data produced by IntelliJ IDEA coverage engine bundled with TeamCity 6.5 can only be loaded in IntelliJ IDEA 10.5\+. Due to coverage data format changes older versions of IntelliJ IDEA won't be able to load coverage from the server.

IntelliJ IDEA 8 is not supported
Plugin for IntelliJ IDEA no longer supports IntelliJ IDEA 8.

Unsupported MySQL versions
Due to bugs in MySQL 5.1.x TeamCity no longer supports MySQL versions in range 5.1 \- 5.1.48. TeamCity won't start with appropriate message if unsupported MySQL version is detected. Please upgrade your MySQL server to version 5.1.49 or later.

Finish build properties are displayed
Finished builds now display all their properties used in the build on "Parameters" tab. This can potentially expose names and values of parameters from other builds (those that the given build uses as artifact or snapshot dependency). Please make sure this is acceptable in your environment. You can also manage users who see the tab with "View build runtime parameters and data" permissions which is assigned "Project Developers" role by default.

PowerShell runner is bundled
If you installed PowerShell plugin manually, please remove it form .BuildServer/plugins as a fresh version is now bundled with TeamCity.

Changed settings location

  • XML test reporting settings are moved from runner settings into a dedicated build feature.

  • "Last finished build" artifact dependency on a build which has snapshot dependency is automatically converted into dedicated "Build from the same chain" source build setting.

Responsibility is renamed to Investigation
A responsibility assigned for a failing build configuration or a test is now called investigation. This is just a terminology change to make the action more neutral.
If you have any email processing rules for TeamCity investigation assignment activity, please check is they need updating to use new text patterns.

REST API Changes
Several objects got additional attributes and sub\-elements (e.g. "startDate" in reference to a build, "personal" in a change). Please check that your parsing code still works.

Cleaning Non\-default Checkout Directories
In previous releases, if you have specified build checkout directory explicitly using absolute path, TeamCity would not clean the content of the directory to free space on the disk.
This is no longer the case.
So if you have absolute path specified for the checkout directory and you need the directory to be present on agent for other build or for the machine environment, please set property to "never" and re\-run the build. Please take into account that using custom checkout directory is not recommended.

If you are using one of properties and it is set to "never" to prevent the checkout directory from automatic deletion, the directory might be deleted once after TeamCity upgrade. Running the build in the build configuration once after the upgrade (and within 8 days from the previous build) will ensure that the directory preserves the "protected" behavior and will not be automatically removed by TeamCity.

Free disk space
This release exposes Free disk space feature in UI that was earlier only available via setting build configuration properties.
While the old properties still work and take precedence, it is highly recommended to remove them and specify the value via "Disk Space" build feature instead. Future TeamCity versions might stop to consider the properties specified manually.

Command line runner
@echo off which turns off command\-echoing is added to scripts provided by "Custom script" runner parameter. To enable command\-echoing add @echo on to the script.

Windows Tray Notifier
You will need to upgrade windows tray notifier by uninstalling it and installing it again. Unfortunately, auto\-upgrade will not work due to issues in old version of Windows Tray Notifier.

Maven runner

  • In earlier TeamCity versions Maven was executed by invoking the 'mvn' shell script. You could specify some parameters in MAVEN_OPTS and some in UI. Maven build runner created its own MAVEN_OPT by concatenating these two (%MAVEN\_OPTS%\+jvmArgs). In this case, if some parameter was specified twice \- in MAVEN_OPTS and in UI, only the one specified in MAVEN_OPTS was effective. Starting with TeamCity 6.5 Maven runner forms direct java command. While this approach solves many different problems, it also means that MAVEN_OPTS isn't effective anymore and all JVM command line parameters should be specified in build runner settings instead of MAVEN_OPTS.

  • Those who had to manually setup surefire XML reporting for Maven release builds in TeamCity 6.0.x because otherwise tests weren't reported, now can forget about that. Since TeamCity 6.5 surefire tests run by release:prepare or release:perform goals are automatically detected. So don't forget to switch surefire XML reporting off in the build configuration settings to avoid double\-reporting!

Email sending settings
Please check email sending settings are working correctly after upgrade (via Test connection on Administration > Server Configuration > EMail Notifier). If no authentication is needed, make sure login and password fields are blank. Non\-blank fields may cause email sending errors if SMTP server is not expecting authentication requests.

XML Report Processing
Tests from Ant JUnit XML reports can be reported twice (see TW-19058), as we no longer automatically ignore TESTS\-xxx.xml report.
To work around this, avoid using *.xml mask and specify more concrete rules like TEST\-*.xml or alike that will not match report with name starting with "TESTS\-"

Open API Changes
Several return types have changes in TeamCity open API, so plugins might need recompilation against new TeamCity version to continue working.
Also, some API was deprecated and will be discontinued in later releases. It is recommended to update plugins not to use deprecated API.
See also Open API Changes

Changes from 6.0.2 to 6.0.3

No potential breaking changes.

Changes from 6.0.1 to 6.0.2

Maven and XML Test Reporting Load CPU on Agent
If you use Maven or XML test reporter and your build is CPU\-intensive, you might find important the known issue. Patch is available, fixed in the following updates.

Changes from 6.0 to 6.0.1

No potential breaking changes.

Changes from 5.1.x to 6.0

Visual Studio Add\-in and Perforce
There is critical bug in TeamCity 6.0 VS Add\-in when Perforce is enabled. This can cause Visual Studio hangs and crashes. The fixed add\-in version is available. (related issue). The issue is fixed in TeamCity 6.0.1.

TFS checkout on agent
TFS checkout on agent might refuse to work with errors. Patch is available, see the comment. Related issue. The issue is fixed in TeamCity 6.0.1.

Error Changing Priority class
You may encounter a browser error while changing priority number of a priority class. A patch is available in a related issue. The issue is fixed in TeamCity 6.0.1.

IntelliJ IDEA Compatibility
IntelliJ IDEA 6 and 7 are no longer supported in TeamCity plugin for IntelliJ IDEA.

Also, if you plan to upgrade to IntelliJ IDEA X (or other JetBrains IDE) please review this known issue.

Build Failure Notifications
TeamCity 6.0 differentiates between build failure occurred while running a build script and one occurred while preparing for the build. The errors occurring in the latter case are called "failed to start" errors and are hidden by default from web UI (see "Show canceled and failed to start builds" option on Build Configuration page).

Since TeamCity 6.0, there is a separate notification rule "The build fails to start" which applies for "failed to start" builds. All the rest build failure notifications relate to build script\-related failures.

Please note that on upgrade, all users who had "The build fails" notification on, will automatically get "The build fails to start" option to preserve old behavior.

Properties Changes property should no longer be used in non\-runner settings. For backward compatibility, the property is supported in non\-runner settings and is resolved to the working directory of the first defined build step.

Swabra and Build Queue Priorities Plugins are Bundled
If you have installed the plugins previously, please remove them (typically form .BuildServer/plugins) before starting upgraded TeamCity version.

Maven runner
Java older than 1.5 is no longer supported by the agent part of Maven runner. Please make sure you specify 1.6\+ JVM in Maven runner settings or ensure JAVA_HOME points to such JVM.

NUnit and MSTest Tests
If you had NUnit or MSTest tests configured in TeamCity UI (sln and MSBuild runners), the settings are extracted form the runners and converted to a new runner of corresponding type.

Please note that implementation of tests launching has changed and this affected relative paths usage: in TeamCity 6.0 the working directory and all the UI\-specified wildcards are resolved based on the build's checkout directory, while they used to be based on the directory containing .sln file. Simple settings are converted on TeamCity upgrade, but you might need to verify the runners contain appropriate settings.

"%\" Escaping in the Build Configuration Properties

Now, two percentage signs (%%\) in values defined in Build Configuration settings are treated as escape for a single percentage sign. Your existing settings are converted on upgrade to preserve functioning like in previous versions. However, you might need to review the settings for unexpected "%\" sign\-related issues.

.Net Framework Properties are Reported as Configuration Parameters

In previous TeamCity versions, installed .Net Frameworks, Visual Studios and Mono were reported as System Properties of the build agents.
This made the properties available in the build script.In order to reduce number of TeamCity\-specific properties pushed into the build scripts, the values are now reported via Configuration Parameters (that is, without "system." prefix) and are not available in the build script by default. They still be used in the Build Configuration settings via %\-references by their previous names, just without "system." prefix.

Ipr runner is deprecated in favor of IntelliJ IDEA Project runner
Runner for IntelliJ IDEA projects was completely rewritten. It is not named "IntelliJ IDEA Project" runner. Previously available Ipr runner is also preserved but is marked as deprecated and will be removed in one of the further major releases of TeamCity. It is highly recommended to migrate your existing build configurations to the new runner.
Please note that the new runner uses different approach to run tests: you need to have a shared Run Configuration created in IntelliJ IDEA and reference it in the runner settings.

Clean-up for Inspection and Duplicates data
Starting from 6.0 Inspection and Duplicates reports for the builds are cleaned when build is cleaned from history, not when build's artifacts are cleaned as it used to be.

Inspection and Duplicates runners require Java 1.6
"Inspections" and "Duplicates (Java)" runners now require Java JDK 1.6. Please ensure Java 1.6 is installed on relevant agents and check it is specified in the "JDK home path" setting of the runners.

XML Report Validation
If you had invalid settings of "XML Report Processing" section of the build runners, you might find the Build Configurations reporting "Report paths must be specified" messages upon upgrade. In this case, please go to the runner settings and correct the configuration. (related issue)

Open API Changes
See Open API Changes Several jars in devPackage were reordered, some moved under runtime subdirectory. Please update your plugin projects to accommodate for these changes.

REST API Changes
Several objects got additional attributes and sub\-elements. Please check that your parsing code still works.

Perforce Clean Checkout
All builds using Perforce checkout will do a clean checkout after server upgrade. Please note that this can impose a high load on the server in the first hours after upgrade and server can be unresponsive while many builds are in "transferring sources" stage.

Changes from 5.1.2 to 5.1.3

Path to executable in Command line runner
The bug was fully fixed. The behavior is the same as in pre\-5.1 builds.

Changes from 5.1.1 to 5.1.2

Jabber notification sending errors are displayed in web UI for administrators again (these messages were disabled in 5.1.1). If you do not use Jabber notifications, please pause the Jabber notifier on the Jabber settings server settings page.

Changes from 5.1 to 5.1.1

Path to executable in Command line runner
The bug was partly fixed. The behavior is the same as in pre\-5.1 builds except for the case when you have the working directory specified and have the script in both checkout and working directory. The script from the working directory is used.

Path to script file in Solution runner and MSBuild runner
The bug was fixed. The behavior is the same as in pre\-5.1 builds.

Changes from 5.0.3 to 5.1

Notification templates change
Since 5.1, TeamCity uses new template engine (Freemarker) to generate notification messages. New default templates are supplied and customizations to the templates made prior to upgrading are no longer effective.

If you customized notification templates prior to this upgrade, please review the new notification templates and make changes to them if necessary. Old notification templates are copied into <TeamCity Data Directory>/config/_trash/_notifications directory. Hope, you will enjoy the new templates and new extended customization capabilities.

External database drivers location
JDBC drivers can now be placed into <TeamCity Data Directory>/lib/jdbc directory instead of WEB-INF/lib. It is recommended to use the new location. See details at Setting up an External Database.

PostgresSQL jdbc driver is no more bundled with TeamCity installation package, you will need to install it yourself upon upgrade.

Database connection properties
Database connection properties template files have changed their names and are placed into database.<database-type>.properties.dist files under <TeamCity Data Directory>/config directory. They follow .dist files convention.

It is recommended to review your file by comparing it with the new template file for your database and remove any options that you did not customize specifically.

Default memory options change
We changed the default memory option for PermGen memory space and if you had -Xmx JVM option changed to about 1.3G and are running on 32-bit JVM, the server may fail to start with a message like: "Error occurred during initialization of VM Could not reserve enough space for object heap Could not create the Java virtual machine".

On this occasion, please consider either:

Vault Plugin is bundled
In this version we bundled SourceGear Vault VCS plugin (with experimental status). Please make sure to uninstall the plugin from .BuildServer/plugins (just delete the plugin's ZIP) if you installed it previously.

Path to executable in Command line runner A bug was introduced that requires changing the path to executable if working directory is specified in the runner.The bug is partly fixed in 5.1.1 and fully fixed in 5.1.3.

Path to script file in Solution runner and MSBuild runner
A bug was introduced that requires changing the path to script if working directory is specified in the runner. The bug is fixed in 5.1.1.

Open API Changes
See Open API Changes

Changes from 5.0.2 to 5.0.3

No potential breaking changes.

Changes from 5.0.1 to 5.0.2

External change viewers
The relativePath variable is now replaced with relative path of a file without checkout rules. The previous value can be accessed via relativeAgentPath. More information at TW-10801.

Changes from 5.0 to 5.0.1

No potential breaking changes.

Changes from 4.5.6 to 5.0

Pre\-5.0 Enterprise Server Licenses and Agent Licenses need upgrade
With the version 5.0, we announce changes to the upgrade policy: Upgrade to 5.0 is not free. Every license (server and agent) bought since 5.0 will work with any TeamCity version released within one year since the license purchase. Please review the detailed information at Licensing and Upgrade section of the official site.

Bundled plugins
If you used standalone plugins that are now bundled in 5.0, do not forget to remove the plugins from the .BuildServer/plugins directory.The newly bundled plugins are:

  • Mercurial

  • Git (JetBrains)

  • REST API (was provided with YouTrack previously)

Other plugins
If you use any plugins that are not bundled with TeamCity, please make sure you are using the latest version and it is compatible with the 5.0 release. e.g. You will need the latest version of Groovy plug and other properties\-providing extensions.Pre\-5.0 notifier plugins may lack support for per\-test and assignment responsibility notifications.

Obsolete Properties
The system property "build.number.format" and environment variable "BUILD_NUMBER_FORMAT" are removed. If you need to use build number format in your build (let us know why), you can define build number format as %system.<property name>% and define <property name> system property in the build configuration (it will be passed to the build then).

Oracle database
If you use TeamCity with Oracle database, you should add an addition privilege to the TeamCity Oracle user. In order to do it, log in to Oracle as user SYS and perform

grant execute on dbms_lock to <TeamCity_User>;

PostgreSQL database
TeamCity 5.0 supports PostrgeSQL version 8.3\+.
So if the version of your PostgreSQL server is less than 8.3 then it needs to be upgraded.

Open API Changes See Open API Changes

Changes from 4.5.2 to 4.5.6

No potential breaking changes.

Changes from 4.5.1 to 4.5.2

Here is a critical issue with Rake runner in 4.5.2 release. Please see TW-8485 for details and a fixing patch.

Changes from 4.5.0 to 4.5.1

No potential breaking changes.

Changes from 4.0.2 to 4.5

Default User Roles
The roles assigned as default for new users will be moved to "All Users" groups and will be effectively granted to all users already registered in TeamCity.

Running builds during server restart
Please ensure there are no running builds during server upgrade.If there are builds that run during server restart and these builds have test, the builds will be canceled and re\-added to build queue (TW-7476).

LDAP settings rename
If you had LDAP integration configured, several settings will be automatically converted on first start of the new server. The renamed settings are:

  • formatDN — is renamed to teamcity.auth.formatDN

  • loginFilter — is renamed to teamcity.auth.loginFilter

Changes from 4.0.1 to 4.0.2

Increased first clean-up time
The first server clean-up after the update can take significantly more time. Further clean-ups should return to usual times. During this first clean-up the data associated with deleted build configuration is cleaned. It was not cleaned earlier because of a bug in TeamCity versions 4.0 and 4.0.1.

Changes from 4.0 to 4.0.1

"importData" service message arguments id argument renamed to type and file to path. This change is backward\-compatible. See Using Service Messages section for examples of new syntax.

Changes from 3.1.2 to 4.0

Initial startup time
On the very first start of the new version of TeamCity, the database structure will be upgraded. This process can increase the time of the server startup. The first startup can take up to 20 minutes more than regular one. This time depends on the size of your builds history, average number of tests in a build and the server hardware.

Users re\-login will be forced after upgrade
Upon upgrade, all users will be automatically logged off and will need to re\-login in their browsers to TeamCity web UI. After the first login since upgrade, Remember me functionality will work as usual.

Previous IntelliJ IDEA versions support
IntelliJ IDEA plugin in this release is no longer compatible with IntelliJ IDEA 6.x versions. Supported IDEA versions are 7.0.3 and 8.0.

Using VCS revisions in the build
build.vcs.number.N system properties are replaced with build.vcs.number.<escaped VCS root name> properties (or just build.vcs.number if there is only one root). If you used the properties in the build script you should update the usages manually or switch compatibility mode on. References to the properties in the build configuration settings are updated automatically. Corresponding environment variable has been affected too. Read more.

Test suite
Due to the fact that TeamCity started to handle tests suites, the tests with suite name defined will be treated as new tests (thus, test history can start from scratch for these tests.)

Artifact dependency pattern
Artifact dependencies patterns now support Ant-like wildcards.
If you relied on "" pattern to match directory names, please adjust your pattern to use "/" instead of single "*".
If you relied on the "" pattern to download only the files without extension, please update your pattern to use "." for that.

Downloading of artifacts with help of Ivy
If you downloaded artifacts from the build scripts (like Ant build.xml) with help of Ivy tasks you should modify your ivyconf.xml file and remove all statuses from there except "integration". You can take the ivyconf.xml file from the following page as reference:

Browser caches (IE)
To force Internet Explorer to use updated icons (i.e. for the Run button) you may need to force page reload (Ctrl\+Shift\+R) or delete "Temporary Internet Files".

Changes from 3.1.1 to 3.1.2

No potential breaking changes.

Changes from 3.1 to 3.1.1

No potential breaking changes.

Changes from 3.0.1 to 3.1

Guest User and Agent Details

Starting from version 3.1, the Guest user does not have access to the agent details page. This has been done to reduce exposing potentially sensitive information regarding the agents' environment. In the Enterprise Edition, the Guest user's roles can be edited at the Users and Groups page to provide the needed level of permission.

StarTeam Support

Working Folders in Use

Since version 3.1 when checking out files from a StarTeam repository TeamCity builds directory structure on the base of the working folder names, not just folder names as it was in earlier versions. So if you are satisfied with the way TeamCity worked with StarTeam folders in version 3.0, ensure the working folders' names are equal to the corresponding folder names (which is so by default).

Also note that although StarTeam allows using absolute paths as working folders, TeamCity supports relative paths only and doesn't detect absolute paths' presence. So be careful and review your configuration.

StarTeam URL Parser Fixed

In version 3.0 a user must have followed a wrong URL scheme. It was like starteam://server:49201/project/view/rootFolder/subfolder/... and didn't work when user tried to refer a non\-default view. In version 3.1 the native StarTeam URL parser is utilized. This means you now don't have to specify the root folder in the URL, and the previous example should look like starteam://server:49201/project/view/subfolder/...

Changes from 3.0 to 3.0.1

Linux Agent Upgrade

  • Due to an issue with Agent upgrade under Linux, Agent auxiliary Launcher processes may have been left running after agent upgrades. Versions 3.0.1 and up fix the issue. To get rid of the stale running processes, after automatic agent upgrade, please stop the agent (via kill command) and kill any running java jetbrains.buildServer.agent.Launcher processes and start the agent again.

Changes from 2.x to 3.0

Incompatible changes

Please note that TeamCity 3.0 introduces several changes incompatible with TeamCity 2.x:

  • build.working.dir system property is renamed to If you use the property in you build scripts, please update the scripts.

  • runAll.bat script now accepts a required parameter: start to start server and agent, stop to stop server and agent.

  • Under Windows, agent.bat script now accepts a required parameter: start to start agent, stop to stop agent. Note that in this case agent will be stopped only after it becomes idle (no builds are run). To force immediate agent stopping, use agent.bat stop force command that is available under both Windows and Linux ( stop force). Under Linux you can also use stop kill command to stop agents not responding to stop force.

Build working directory

Since TeamCity 3.0 introduces ability to configure VCS roots on per\-Build Configuration basis, rather then per\-Project, the default directory in which build configuration sources are checked out on agent now has generated name. If you need to know the directory used by a build configuration, you can refer to <agent home>/work/ file which lists build configurations with the directory used by them. See also Build Checkout Directory

User Roles when upgrading from TeamCity 1.x/2.x/3.x Professional to 3.x Enterprise

When upgrading from TeamCity 1.x/2.x/3.x Professional to 3.x Enterprise for the first time TeamCity's accounts will be assigned the following roles by default:

  • Administrators become System Administrators

  • Users become Project Developers for all of the projects

  • The Guest account is able to view all of the projects

  • Default user roles are set to Project Developer for all of the projects

Changes from 1.x to 2.0

Database Settings Move
Move your database settings from the <TeamCity installation folder>/ROOT/WEB-INF/buildServerSpring.xml file to the file located in the TeamCity configuration Data Directory (<TeamCity Data Directory>/config).

.NET inspection and duplicates inherited


Error collecting changes for VCS repository ... Failed to collect TFS changes - From version x is greater then current version y

The bug with temp tool folders introduced in the previous version has been fixed.

Last modified: 30 September 2024