
fun dependencies(init: Dependencies.() -> Unit)

Configures dependencies

Example. Snapshot dependency with disabled reuse of existing builds

Snapshot dependencies form a build chain.

dependencies {
  snapshot(AnotherBuild) {
    reuseBuilds = ReuseBuilds.NO

Example. Artifact dependency on artifacts of some pinned build

See also artifact dependency

dependencies {
  artifacts(AnotherBuild) {
    buildRule = lastPinned()
    // this rule will find all the jar files in the build artifacts root directory
    // and place them under the "library" folder on the agent
    artifactRules = "*.jar => libraries"
    // this will ensure that "libraries" folder is cleaned up before the .jar files are placed there
    cleanDestination = true

Example. Artifact dependency on a build outside of Kotlin DSL project

dependencies {
  artifacts(AbsoluteId("Another_Project_Library")) {
    buildRule = lastSuccessful()
    artifactRules = "*.jar => libraries"
    cleanDestination = true

In this example "Another_Project_Library" is an id of a build configuration which is not defined in the Kotlin DSL project, but exists somewhere else in the TeamCity projects hierarchy.



function to initialize dependencies