Get all agent pools.
Endpoint |
Produces |
Parameters |
Response |
Create a new agent pool.
Delete the agent pool matching the locator.
Endpoint |
Parameters |
Get the agent pool matching the locator.
Endpoint |
Produces |
Parameters |
Response |
Get the agent of the matching agent pool.
Endpoint |
Produces |
Parameters |
Response |
Assign the agent to the matching agent pool.
Endpoint |
Consumes |
Produces |
Parameters |
Response |
Unassign all projects from the matching agent pool.
Endpoint |
Parameters |
Get all projects of the matching agent pool.
Endpoint |
Produces |
Parameters |
Response |
Assign the project to the matching agent pool.
Endpoint |
Consumes |
Produces |
Parameters |
Response |
Update projects of the matching agent pool.
Endpoint |
Consumes |
Produces |
Parameters |
Response |
Unassign the project from the matching agent pool.
Endpoint |
Parameters |
Get a field of the matching agent pool.
Endpoint |
Produces |
Parameters |
Response |
Update a field of the matching agent pool.
Endpoint |
Consumes |
Produces |
Parameters |
Response |
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