Get all deployment dashboards.
Endpoint |
Produces |
Parameters |
Response |
Create a new deployment dashboard.
Endpoint |
Consumes |
Produces |
Parameters |
Response |
Delete the deployment dashboard matching the locator.
Endpoint |
Parameters |
Get the deployment dashboard matching the locator.
Endpoint |
Produces |
Parameters |
Response |
Get deployment instances for a given deployment dashboard.
Endpoint |
Produces |
Parameters |
Response |
Create a new deployment instance.
Endpoint |
Consumes |
Produces |
Parameters |
Response |
Delete the deployment instance matching the locator.
Endpoint |
Parameters |
Get the deployment instance matching the locator.
Endpoint |
Produces |
Parameters |
Response |
Report a new deployment for instance.
Endpoint |
Consumes |
Produces |
Parameters |
Response |
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