Represents a comment that is added to an issue.
Extends BaseComment.
Name | Type | Description |
attachments | Set.<IssueAttachment> | Read-only. The set of attachments that are attached to the comment. Available since 2018.1.40030 |
author | User | Read-only. The user who created the comment. |
becomesRemoved | Boolean | Read-only. When `true`, the entity is removed in the current transaction. Otherwise, `false`. This property can become `true` only in on-change rules when the rule is triggered on the removal of an issue or an article. In the rule code, the `runOn` rule property must contain the `removal` parameter set to `true`. Available since 2017.4.37915
created | Number | Read-only. Time the comment was created. |
deleted | Boolean | Read-only. `true` in case the comment is displayed as removed. Available since 2020.6.4500 |
isNew | Boolean | Read-only. When `true`, the entity is created in the current transaction. Otherwise, `false`. Available since 2018.2.42351 |
isPinned | Boolean | When `true`, the comment is pinned in the issue. Otherwise, `false`. Available since 2024.1 |
issue | Issue | Read-only. The issue the comment belongs to. |
permittedGroup | UserGroup | A group who's members are allowed to access the comment. |
permittedGroups | Set.<UserGroup> | Groups whose members are allowed to access the comment. |
permittedUsers | Set.<User> | Users who are allowed to access the comment. |
text | String | The text of the comment. |
updated | Number | Read-only. Time the comment was last updated. |
updatedBy | User | Read-only. The user who last updated the comment. |
url | String | Read-only. The absolute URL (permalink) that points to the comment.
static action(ruleProperties, ruleProperties.title, ruleProperties.userInput, ruleProperties.userInput.type, ruleProperties.userInput.description, ruleProperties.guard, ruleProperties.action, ruleProperties.requirements)
Creates a declaration of a rule that a user can apply to an issue comment using a menu option. The object that is returned by this method is normally exported to the `rule` property, otherwise it is not treated as a rule.
Name | Type | Description |
ruleProperties | Object | A JSON object that defines the properties for the rule. |
ruleProperties.title | string | The human-readable name of the rule. Displayed in the administrative UI in YouTrack. |
ruleProperties.userInput | Object | An object that defines the properties for information that will be requested from the user who triggers the action rule. |
ruleProperties.userInput.type | string, Object | The data type for the value that is requested from the user. The following types are supported: * entities.Field.dateTimeType * entities.Field.dateType * entities.Field.integerType * entities.Field.floatType * entities.Field.periodType * entities.Field.stringType * entities.Build * entities.EnumField * entities.Issue * entities.IssueTag * entities.OwnedField * entities.Project * entities.ProjectVersion * entities.UserGroup * entities.User |
ruleProperties.userInput.description | string | The label for the control that is used to collect additional information from the user. |
ruleProperties.guard | IssueComment~guardFunction | A function that is invoked to determine whether the action is applicable to an issue comment. |
ruleProperties.action | IssueComment~actionFunction | The function that is invoked when a user triggers this action. |
ruleProperties.requirements | Requirements | The set of entities that must be present for the script to work as expected. |
Return Value
Type | Description |
Object | The object representation of the rule. |
var entities = require('@jetbrains/youtrack-scripting-api/entities');
exports.rule = entities.IssueComment.action({
title: 'Log comment text if comment has attachments',
guard: function(ctx) {
return !ctx.issueComment.attachments.isEmpty();
action: function(ctx) {
static findByExtensionProperties(extensionPropertiesQuery)
Searches IssueComment by the extension properties query.
Available since 2024.3.43260
Name | Type | Description |
extensionPropertiesQuery | Object | The extension properties query. |
Return Value
Type | Description |
Set.<IssueComment> | The set of IssueComment entities found by the extension properties query. |
property1: "value1",
property2: "value2"
addAttachment(content, name, charset, mimeType)
Attaches a file to the issue comment. Makes `issue.attachments.isChanged` return `true` for the current transaction.
Available since 2020.6.3400
Name | Type | Description |
content | InputStream, String, JsonForIssueCommentAddAttachment | The content of the file in binary or base64 form. Alternatively, pass a JSON specified by JsonForIssueCommentAddAttachment |
name | String | The name of the file. |
charset | String | The charset of the file. Only applicable to text files. |
mimeType | String | The MIME type of the file. |
Return Value
Type | Description |
IssueAttachment | The attachment that is added to the issue comment. |
becomes(fieldName, expected)
Checks whether a field is set to an expected value in the current transaction.
Name | Type | Description |
fieldName | string | The name of the field to check. |
expected | string | The expected value. |
Return Value
Type | Description |
boolean | If the field is set to the expected value, returns `true`. |
canBeReadBy(fieldName, user)
Checks whether a user has permission to read the field.
Name | Type | Description |
fieldName | string | The name of the field. |
user | User | The user for whom the permission to read the field is checked. |
Return Value
Type | Description |
boolean | If the user can read the field, returns `true`. |
canBeWrittenBy(fieldName, user)
Checks whether a user has permission to update the field.
Name | Type | Description |
fieldName | string | The name of the field. |
user | User | The user for whom the permission to update the field is checked. |
Return Value
Type | Description |
boolean | If the user can update the field, returns `true`. |
Logically deletes the comment. This means that the comment is marked as deleted, but remains in the database. Users with sufficient permissions can restore the comment or delete the comment permanently from the user interface. The option to delete comments permanently has not been implemented in this API.
Available since 2018.1.38923
is(fieldName, expected)
Checks whether a field is equal to an expected value.
Available since 2019.2.55603
Name | Type | Description |
fieldName | string | The name of the field to check. |
expected | string | The expected value. |
Return Value
Type | Description |
boolean | If the field is equal to the expected value, returns `true`. |
Checks whether the value of a field is changed in the current transaction.
Name | Type | Description |
fieldName | string | The name of the field to check. |
Return Value
Type | Description |
boolean | If the value of the field is changed in the current transaction, returns `true`. |
Checks whether the specified user has access to view the comment.
Available since 2021.1.2300
Name | Type | Description |
user | User | The user to check. |
Return Value
Type | Description |
Boolean | When 'true', the specified user has access to view the comment. Otherwise, 'false'. |
Returns the previous value of a single-value field before an update was applied. If the field is not changed in the transaction, returns null.
Name | Type | Description |
fieldName | string | The name of the field. |
Return Value
Type | Description |
Object | If the field is changed in the current transaction, the previous value of the field. Otherwise, null. |
required(fieldName, message)
Asserts that a value is set for a field. If a value for the required field is not set, the specified message is displayed in the user interface.
Name | Type | Description |
fieldName | string | The name of the field to check. |
message | string | The message that is displayed to the user that describes the field requirement. |
was(fieldName, expected)
Checks whether a field was equal to an expected value prior to the current transaction.
Available since 2019.2.55603
Name | Type | Description |
fieldName | string | The name of the field to check. |
expected | string | The expected value. |
Return Value
Type | Description |
boolean | If the field was equal to the expected value, returns `true`. |