YouTrack Server

What's New 

We deliver updates and improvements to YouTrack on a continuous basis. Here's an overview of changes that are available in YouTrack 2018.2.

New Features 




Per-user Password Change Requests

A new action on the user profile lets an administrator request that users change the password for their Hub accounts. Use this feature to keep your installation secure when you believe that a user account may have been compromised.


Redesigned Issue Creation Page

Redesigned Single Issue View

The experimental views for new and single issues are now available by default.
  • If you upgrade an older installation to the current version, users still have the option to switch back to the old views. This option will be retired in an upcoming release.

  • For new installations, the old views are no longer available.

This documentation has been revised to describe the features that are supported in the redesign.


Open Ranges in Search Queries

You can now substitute a value that determines the upper or lower bound in a range search with a wildcard character. This means that you can specify one of the values in the range and find all issues with higher or lower values.


Embedded Video

We've extended our Markdown syntax to let you embed attached video files into issues. The video player is shown inline with the surrounding text and lets you play the video in the embedded player.


Separate Notifications for Time Tracking Events

We split notification events for spent time into its own category. This lets you disable notifications for time tracking events without unsubscribing from notifications for other important changes.


New Projects Page

We’ve fully redesigned the Projects page to give you a more convenient way to view the projects that you’re interested in. Mark projects as favorites and jump straight to the project settings.


Built-in TLS Support

Hub installation packages now provide out-of-the-box support for secure connections over TLS. Upload your server certificate during installation or upgrade and encrypt data in transit without setting up a reverse proxy.


YouTrack Docker Image

The Docker image that was previously published on an experimental basis is now available for use in a production environment. Pull the image from the repository and run it as a new installation or migrate your current YouTrack service to run in a Docker container.


SAML Authentication

This authentication module lets you configure YouTrack as a SAML service provider. This lets users log in to YouTrack with credentials from a third-party SAML identity provider.


Throttling by Login

The IP-based throttling feature has been replaced with the option to apply rate limits to failed login attempts per login. When used together with a reCAPTCHA challenge, this feature protects your installation from brute-force attacks without blocking users who have simply forgotten their passwords.


Personal Data Management

We’ve added new options that help you comply with requests from users who want to access or erase their personal data. For more information, see Download User Data and Anonymize User Data.


Updates and Enhancements 




Updated Permission Scheme

We've made minor adjustments that reduce the total number of permissions that restrict access to operations in the Hub service. New permissions allow restricted access to user accounts and projects.


Dark Theme for Agile Boards

We've added a dark theme for agile boards that’s available for all card size presentations, not just TV. Switch it on anytime the brightness of the default presentation makes you squint or just leave it on all day.


Private Fields per Project

The option to make a custom field public or private is now available at the project level. This lets you hide fields that store sensitive data and restrict update access on a per-project basis.


Flat List View for Backlog Issues

A new option in the backlog for an agile board lets you switch between a tree view and a flat list of issues. When you view the backlog as a flat list, you can prioritize issues from different levels in the hierarchical list.


Explicit Sorting for Cards on Agile Boards

When you enter a sort order in the query settings or filter for an agile board, the cards are sorted by the specified attribute automatically.


Value-based and Start Date Constraints for Gantt Charts

New options for Gantt Chart reports let you add two new constraints that are based on the values in custom fields. This lets you apply constraints based on the number of assignees in your project and a field that stores a start date.


New Sort Options for Sets of Values in Custom Fields

For most custom field types, you now have the option to sort values by secondary properties. In addition to sorting values automatically by name, you can sort builds by version or assemble date and versions by version or release date.


Attaching Files to Comments

Instead of attaching all files to an issue, you can attach files directly to comments. This feature helps teams that work with documents or design prototypes locate the latest versions faster.


"Looks like" Search

We have extended the search query language to include a search term that returns issues that are similar to a specified issue. This lets you find similar issues in the search overlay in the redesigned view for single issues.


Option to Mute Update Notifications for On-schedule Rules in Workflows

A new parameter for on-schedule rules lets you update issues in the background on a set schedule without sending notifications for issue updates.


New Search Keywords for Released and Archived Versions

When you search for issues by fix version or affected version, you can now use keywords that return versions that are released or archived.


Workflow-free Option to Require Input for Custom Fields

You can now configure custom fields to require a selection without using an empty value or writing a workflow.


Groups and Teams

New views on the Groups page show you a list of project teams and a mixed mode that shows both groups and teams. We also added an action on this page that lets you merge a group into a team. Use this operation to eliminate group assignments that duplicate permissions that are granted to a project team.


Cloning Roles

Create a role that is similar but not identical to an existing role with just a few clicks. Use this action to create a new role with a set of permissions that is identical to an existing role, then add or remove permissions as desired.


Common Settings for Auth Modules

All authentication-related settings have moved from the Global Settings page to a new Common Settings page for all authentication modules. This page also contains configuration options for the new login-based throttling feature and the input fields for connecting to Google reCAPTCHA.

The page also includes new settings that let you configure the Session Timeout and Read Me Duration that are applied to all logins.


Custom Login Message

Whether you use the User Agreement feature to track the acceptance of an information notice or not, you now have the ability to add a custom message to your login page. Use this feature to provide links to legal documents that describe how you manage personal data that is stored in YouTrack.


Attribute Configuration for SAML Service Providers

When using YouTrack as a SAML identity provider, you now have the option to specify the names of the attributes for user login, full name, and email address that are passed to the SAML service provider.


Discontinued Features 




Throttling by IP Address

The option to apply rate limits to failed authentication requests based on IP address has been removed from the Hub auth module. In the 2018.2 release, this feature is replaced with the option to apply rate limits per login across all authentication modules. For more information, see Throttling by Login Settings.

Removed in 2018.2

Last modified: 7 March 2019