IDE Services 2024.3 Help

User import and synchronization

If you use Okta or Microsoft Entra ID as an authentication and identity provider in your organization, you can configure import of users and group synchronization with IDE Services. This feature allows you to keep IDE Services in line with the identity provider, ensuring that employees have the appropriate access based on their position in the organizational structure.

Configure import of users and groups from Okta

As a prerequisite, make sure that you have Okta configured as an OAuth 2.0 provider for your server.

Copy group identifiers

  1. Open the Okta Admin Console in your browser and log in using your Okta account.

  2. From the main menu, select Directory | Groups. There, you can create new groups or view the details of existing ones.

  3. Copy and save identifiers of the groups you want to import. For this purpose, click the name of a specific group and find its identifier in the URL. For example, in this URL, the group ID is 00g5j4jojlGZMzfhM697.

Generate an API token

  1. In the Okta Admin Console, go to Security | API and navigate to the Tokens tab.

  2. Click Create token.

  3. In the dialog that opens, provide a token name and click Create token.

    Copy and save the generated value.

Update your server configuration file

  1. Add the following configuration to your server configuration file:

    tbe: users: import: enabled: true provider: 'okta' activate-provisioned-users: true url: '' token: 'SSWS <APItoken_value>' schedule: '0 */10 * * * *' mapping: groups: - '<groupID1>' - '<groupID2>' admin-groups: ['<groupID1>']
    ides: config: configCustomization: { tbe: users: import: enabled: true provider: 'okta' activate-provisioned-users: true url: '' token: 'SSWS <APItoken_value>' schedule: '0 */10 * * * *' mapping: groups: - '<groupID1>' - '<groupID2>' admin-groups: ['<groupID1>'] }

    For more details, refer to User import.

  2. Start your IDE Services Server.

Configure import of users and groups from Microsoft Entra ID

As a prerequisite, make sure that you have Microsoft Entra ID configured as an OAuth2 provider for your server.

Configure API permissions

  1. Open the Microsoft Entra admin center in your browser and log in using your account.

  2. Go to Identity | Applications | App registrations and open the IDE Services application overview.

  3. From the menu on the left, select API permissions.

  4. Click Add a permission. Then select Microsoft Graph | Application permissions.

  5. Find and add the following application permissions: Group.Read.All, GroupMember.Read.All, User.Read.All.

Copy group identifiers

  1. In the Microsoft Entra admin center, navigate to Identity | Groups | All groups. There, you can create new groups or view the details of existing ones.

  2. Copy and save identifiers of the groups you want to import. For this purpose, click the group name to view its details and copy the value of the Object ID

Update your server configuration file

  1. Add the following configuration to your server configuration file:

    tbe: users: import: enabled:true provider: 'entra' url: '' login-max-delay: 2s schedule: '0 */15 * * * *' mapping: groups: - '<object_id_of_group1>' - '<object_id_of_group2>' admin-groups: ['<object_id_of_group1>']
    ides: config: configCustomization: { tbe: users: import: enabled: true provider: 'entra' url: '' login-max-delay: 2s schedule: '0 */15 * * * *' mapping: groups: - '<object_id_of_group1>' - '<object_id_of_group2>' admin-groups: ['<object_id_of_group1>']

    For more details, refer to User import.

  2. Start your IDE Services Server.

Synchronize user and group details

IDE Services periodically checks and synchronizes user and group details with the identity provider. The synchronization schedule depends on the value of the tbe.users.import.schedule property set in your server configuration file.

In case you need to synchronize the information faster, you can initiate the process manually:

  1. In the IDE Services Web UI, navigate to the Users page.

  2. In the top right corner of the screen, click Synchronize users.

    User synchronization
Last modified: 15 July 2024