Extract Interface Dialog
Refactor | Extract Interface
For more information about using Extract Interface, refer to the extract interface section.
Item | Description |
Interface Name | In this field, specify the name of the interface to be created. By default, PhpStorm suggests the name of the current class from which the interface will be extracted. Update the name otherwise PhpStorm will report an error and the refactoring will no start. |
Replace class reference with interface where possible |
Namespace | In this drop-dow list, specify the namespace the new interface will belong to. By default, the namespace of the source class in selected. |
Target destination directory | Specify the folder to store the dedicated file created for the new interface. By default, the field is read-only and shows the folder that corresponds to the namespace to which the interface will belong according to the PSR0 standard. To have the class with the interface stored in another folder, click F2 and specify the folder of your choice. |
Members to form interface | This table shows all the methods detected in the current class. To have a method moved to the interface specified in the Move Member To Class, select the checkbox next to the method. |
PhpDoc | In this area, specify how you want PhpDoc comments treated. The available options are:
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