Coding Assistance in C++

Last modified: 08 November 2024

Most of JetBrains Rider's coding assistance features are also supported in C++. You can find the detailed information on these features in the corresponding topics of the Coding assistance section.

In this topic, you can find some examples of using coding assistance features in C++.

By default, code inspection, quick-fixes, and context actions are available in all solution files. If necessary, you can enable these features in external files referenced from the solution with the Enable inspections, quick-fixes, and context actions in files external to the solution checkbox on the Languages & Frameworks | C++ | Inspections page of JetBrains Rider settings .

When you use a custom compiler toolchain, it сan be useful to provide additional compilation properties for better coding assistance. To specify the compilation properties, select your project in Solution Explorer and go to the ReSharper section in Properties. You can specify additional include directories, add preprocessor definitions, and set the language standard:

ReSharper C++: additional project properties

The settings will be saved in a .vcxproj.DotSettings file next to the project file. Note that these additional properties do not affect compilation.