YouTrack Server

Issue Link Types

Last modified: 11 February 2025

In YouTrack, you can link issues to show the relationship between them. When you add a link from one issue to another, links are added to both issues.

The information on this page describes how to create, update, and delete issue link types in your YouTrack installation. To learn how to add links between issues, see Link Issues.

Issue link types have a property that determines their direction. The direction determines how issues relate to one another. Issue link types can have one of the following link directions:

YouTrack provides the following default issue link types:

As an administrator, you can add other issue link types to YouTrack with different names. The behavior of these links is determined by their direction. All link types that use the same direction setting behave similarly. You can view the list of link types that are available in YouTrack on the Administration > Link Types.

Issue link types

When you add a link type, you specify the link names and determine whether the link is directed or not.

For directed links, you specify two names:

  • An inward name for the source issue. When you add a link to an issue, the link in the source issue is assigned the inward name. For example, when a source issue depends on a target issue.

  • An outward name for the target issue. When you add a link to an issue, the link in the target issue is assigned the outward name. For example, when a target issue is required for the source issue.

To create links between issues, users need to have the Link Issues permission on a per-project basis. If users report problems linking issues, ensure that these permissions are configured correctly.