Inspectopedia Help


Color component is out of range  

Reports RGB color components that are out of the valid range.

Event handler method signature problems  

Reports event handler issues, including incompatible argument types, ambiguous event handler methods, and incorrect return types.

JavaFX redundant property values  

Reports properties in .fxml files (both attributes and tags) that have the default values and therefore are redundant.

JavaFX unused imports  

Reports unused imports in .fxml files.

The value from properties file is incompatible with the attribute type  

Reports attribute values defined in a .properties file that do not match the type of the attribute.

Unnecessary default tag  

Reports redundant tags in .fxml files.

Unresolved fx:id attribute reference  

Reports unresolved fx:id references.

Unresolved style class reference  

Reports unresolved CSS style classes.

Last modified: 18 June 2024