Writerside Help


This is the second EAP release of Writerside. Based on IntelliJ platform 2023.2.

Notable new features

API documentation improvements

Added support for:

  • Markdown in endpoint descriptions.

    Markdown descriptions for objects and responses are not supported yet. See WRS-3507.

  • References to responses and parameters.

  • Multiple <sample> elements for requests as tabs.

  • Ranges of response codes using wildcards, for example: 5XX.

  • Array examples in request parameters.

Parameters with defined object types now properly render the type along with the name of the parameter.

Markdown import improvements

  • The first added topic is now automatically set as the home page.

  • All files in the directory are now selected for import by default.

Other fixes and improvements

  • Search results are now redirected properly.

  • Markdown files outside the help module are no longer suggested in completion for links.

  • Non-latin characters are now supported in topic file names, link anchors, and search.

  • The build log now correctly shows all problems and a summary at the end.

  • Built-in topic templates no longer have broken syntax.

  • No more exceptions on recursive includes.

  • Favicon customization works correctly now.

  • You can now reference elements in target topics without the anchor attribute.

    Instead of <a href="some.topic" anchor="some-id"/>, you can do <a href="some.topic#some-id"/>.

  • Links to external URLs also properly resolve anchors now: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JSON#Syntax

  • Many other fixes and improvements related to usability and performance.

Last modified: 16 July 2024