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Live templates

Last modified: 12 October 2023

Imagine you are typing the same content again and again, it can be a specific markup element with a specific structure or attributes, or a repeating fragment, like an admonition block, for example, a warning.

Live templates can help you here. These are customizable fragments allowing you to type a few letters followed by a configurable expansion key (by default, it is Tab) and insert a frequently used fragment into your document or surround the text in the editor with some construct.

In this tutorial, you will create and reuse the live template while working on a document.

Writerside already has a bunch of built-in live templates for frequently used markup fragments, like tabs, tables, lists, procedures, and more. They work in both Markdown and semantic topics.

To check them and customize them for your cases, go to Settings/Preferences | Editor | Live Templates | Writerside.