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Preview topics

Last modified: 05 August 2024

Use the Writerside Preview tool window to preview the topic you are working on exactly the way it will be published.

Writerside Preview

By default, the preview shows the topic that is currently open in the editor, syncs the position in the preview to the position where in the editor, and instantly updates when you make changes to the content. If you are editing a topic file not in the current instance, a library file, a tree file, or any other file that cannot be previewed, the Writerside Preview tool window will show the previous topic that it was able to render.

Click Pin the Preview to pin the current topic in the preview. In this pinned mode, you can edit other topic files without the preview switching from the pinned topic. You can click the name of the pinned topic in the Writerside Preview tool window toolbar to open it in the editor.

Click Find in Preview to search for words in the previewed topic. This can be useful when you include some content in a topic and need to make sure that it is in the output.

To open the current topic and preview the whole help in your web browser, click Open in Browser Open in Browser.