IDE Services 2024.3 Help


You can track the statistics of enabled IDE Services products using the Dashboard page in the Web UI.

the IDE Services Dashboard

The dashboard contains widgets with the following information:

  • Toolbox App: allows you to download the latest build of the Toolbox App and provides a link to join your organization.

  • Licenses: displays the total number of licenses purchased in your organization, your current plan, licenses in use, active license users, and denied requests for the last 24 hours.

    Using the widget, you can navigate to the Licenses page and learn more about your current plan.

    The Licenses page
  • Popular profiles: displays links to the most popular profiles along with the number of their users.

    Additionally, the widget displays the number of users that have no profiles assigned. You can click the N users without any assigned profiles caption to see the list of these users.

    Users with no assigned profiles

    From this page, you can assign profiles, add new users or manage the existing ones.

  • Code With Me Sessions: displays a diagram and number of successful and failed Code With Me sessions for the last two weeks.

    Clicking the widget header opens the log of Code With Me sessions. From there, you can learn more about the session events, including error details for failed sessions.

    The Code With Me Sessions page
  • Logged-in Users for This Month: displays the daily number of unique active users that joined your organization and logged in to IDE Services.

  • IDE Provisioner: displays the consumption details of IDE Provisioner in your organization. You can check the current number of IDE Provisioner users, the maximum number of users for today or for a particular period.

    By default, the widget shows the statistics for the past 4 weeks. You can select another period using the dropdown.

    The IDE Provisioner widget
  • AI Enterprise: displays the consumption details of AI Enterprise in your organization. You can check the current number of AI Enterprise users, the maximum number of users for today or for a particular period.

  • Code With Me: displays the consumption details of Code With Me Enterprise in your organization. You can check the maximum number of concurrent sessions for today or for a particular period.

Last modified: 15 July 2024