Can use bounded wildcard

Last modified: 03 December 2024

Reports generic method parameters that can make use of bounded wildcards.


should be replaced with:

This method signature is more flexible because it accepts more types: not only Consumer<Number>, but also Consumer<Object>.

Likewise, type parameters in covariant position:

should be replaced with:

To quote Joshua Bloch in Effective Java third Edition:

Use the inspection options to toggle the reporting for:

  • invariant classes. An example of an invariant class is java.util.List<T> because it both accepts values (via the List.add(T) method) and produces values (via the T List.get() method).

    On the other hand, contravariant classes only receive values, for example, java.util.function.Consumer<T> with the only method accept(T). Similarly, covariant classes only produce values, for example, java.util.function.Supplier<T> with the only method T get().

    People often use bounded wildcards in covariant/contravariant classes but avoid wildcards in invariant classes, for example, void process(List<? extends T> l). Disable this option to ignore such invariant classes and leave them rigidly typed, for example, .

          process(List<T> l)
  • private methods, which can be considered as not a part of the public API

  • instance methods