'compare()' method can be used to compare numbers

Last modified: 03 December 2024

Reports expressions that can be replaced by a call to the Integer.compare() method or a similar method from the Long, Short, Byte, Double or Float classes, instead of more verbose or less efficient constructs.

If x and y are boxed integers, then x.compareTo(y) is suggested, if they are primitives Integer.compare(x, y) is suggested.


After the quick-fix is applied:

Note that Double.compare and Float.compare slightly change the code semantics. In particular, they make -0.0 and 0.0 distinguishable (Double.compare(-0.0, 0.0) yields -1). Also, they consistently process NaN value. In most of the cases, this semantics change actually improves the code. Use the checkbox to disable this inspection for floating point numbers if semantics change is unacceptable in your case.

New in 2017.2