Datalore 2024.5 Help

Manage users

As an administrator, you can use the Admin panel to manage users.

User types and roles


Users are the basic type. They can fully use Datalore functionality. There are four user roles:

  • VIEWER: Viewers are a special type of users who can only view notebooks and reports shared with them by other Datalore users. Viewers cannot create their own notebooks or publish reports.

  • REGULAR: regular user. Can create notebooks, workspaces and reports.

  • ADMIN: admin user with access to the Admin panel.

  • SUPER_ADMIN: admin user who can also change other users' roles via the Admin panel. The first registered user registered with Datalore is automatically assigned with SUPER_ADMIN role.


Plans are used to limit resources that are available for users. You set up plans in Datalore config files Docker/Helm) and then assign them to users from the Admin panel.

Default personal plan

A default personal plan is assigned to all users according to your Datalore configuration and marked as default when viewing the users. It can later be changed for a non-default personal plan or group plan assigned from the Admin panel by a SUPER-ADMIN.

Non-default personal plan

A non-default personal plan is assigned to an individual user from Datalore's UI (Admin panel | Manage users. When assigned, it takes priority over any group plans that are already or will be associated with this user, until a different personal plan is assigned.

Group plans

Group plans are assigned by SUPER_ADMINS to all members when creating or editing a group from Datalore's UI Admin panel | Groups. This makes sense when the members of a group do not have personal plans assigned to them individually and you want to select one plan that will work for all of them. When a user is a member of several groups, the plan that is listed the last in the plan configuration has priority over the other group plans associated with this user. However, assigning a personal plan to a member of a group overrides any current or future group plan assignments for this user. Managing group plans is described in Manage user groups.


Access the Manage users tab

  • Click the avatar in the upper right corner of the screen and select Admin panel.

    Opening Admin panel

    This action opens the Manage users tab of the Admin panel.

Manage users tab

View or search the user list

  1. To find specific users by their IDs or emails or filter the list, use the respective input fields and click the Search button.

  2. To open the full user list, click the View all users button.

    User list

Create a user

  1. Go to the Manage users tab of the Admin panel.

  2. Click the New user button at the top of the tab. This opens the New user dialog.

  3. Provide the new user's full name, email, and password in the respective fields.

  4. To assign a role other than the default REGULAR, expand the User role list to select a role.

  5. (Optional) To disable onboarding tips for the new user, select the Skip onboarding checkbox.

  6. Click the Create user button to finish the procedure.

Creating a user with VIEWER role

Create a viewer (for installation with Hub)

  1. Create Datalore Viewer role in Hub:

    1. Go to Roles | New role.

    2. Specify the name (arbitrary value) and click Create. In this instruction, it is assumed that you use the Datalore Viewer name. You will refer to this role when granting it to a user.

    3. In Settings, specify the key (datalore-viewer).

  2. Grant the Datalore Viewer role to a user:

    1. On the Users page, select the user.

    2. Switch to the Roles tab and click the Grant role button.

    3. In the Grant role dialog, enter Datalore Viewer in the Role field.

    4. Set Scope to Global unless otherwise is configured.

    5. Click the Grant button to close the dialog and conclude the step.

Change user's plan

As a SUPER_ADMIN user, you can manage plans for other users, including assigning a personal plan instead of the default one.

  1. Open the Manage users tab and find the user as described in the procedure above.

  2. Navigate to this particular user's record in the search results or on the full user list, click the user's current plan. This will open the list of available plans.

  3. Select the required plan from the list.

Assigning plans to a user

The selected plan is assigned to the user and will override any group plans associated with them.

View user profiles

  1. Click a user in the search results or on the full user list. This will open a detail view for the selected user (user profile).

    User detail view
  2. You can view the following:

    • General tab: user type, user role, and other basic information

    • Resources tab: user's plan, license, and machine and storage usage information

    • Computations tab: user's currently running machines

    • Workspaces tab: user's Home and own workspaces

  3. To verify the user's email, click Verify email. Optionally, you can resend the verification email.

Change user's role

  1. Find the user and open their detail view.

  2. On the General tab, expand the role list.

  3. Select a diffenet role from the expanded list.

Changing role

Manage user's computations

  1. Find the user and open their detail view.

  2. Switch to the Computations tab.

  3. Sort the list of computations by clicking the respective column header.

  4. To stop a computation, click the Stop button for the respective machine in the list.

  5. To copy the notebook identifier of a specific computation, click the copy icon in the Notebook column for the respective computation.

Stopping a computation

Manage user's workspaces

  1. Find the user and open their detail view.

  2. Switch to the Workspaces tab to view the user's workspaces.

  3. To navigate to one of the user's workspaces, click the respective list item under User workspaces. You will access the workspace from a new browser tab. As an admin, you can manage the workspace with edit rights.

  4. To create a workspace that will be the user's own, do the following:

    1. Expand the Actions menu and select Create workspace for user.

      Manage workspaces
    2. In the New workspace dialog, provide a title for the new workspace and click Create workspace.

Ban a user

Banning users forbids them from any action in Datalore until unbanning, but their accounts stay in the system.

  1. Find the user and open their detail view.

  2. Expand the Actions menu and select Ban user.

  3. In the Ban user confirmation dialog, specify a reason for the action (optional) and click OK.

  4. To unban the user, expand the Actions menu and select Unban user.

Delete a user

This action permanently deletes all data associated with this specific user, including all notebooks and their published versions. Deleted data cannot be recovered.

  1. Find the user and open their detail view.

  2. Expand the Actions menu and select Delete user.

    Actions menu in user detail view
  3. Click OK in the Delete user confirmation dialog.

Disable user registration

As an administrator, you can set up whether users can register themselves or not.

  1. Click the Disable registrations button at the top of the Manage users tab to ban users from registering themselves.

  2. To re-enable user registrations, click Enable registrations.

Last modified: 18 August 2024